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What antibiotic can you take for bronchitis in children?

Which antibiotic for bronchitis in children it is better to apply? This question excites many parents. Treatment of bronchitis with antibiotics is prescribed by a doctor only when taking into account all circumstances of the disease, clarify its causes.

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Peculiarities of treatment of bronchitis

Bronchitis can be called one of the most commonly diagnosed diseases in children and adults. Symptoms of bronchitis are quite diverse. The main symptoms include profuse mucus yellowish or grayish shades and cough, causing pain in the upper part of the chest.

Before you treat folk remedies, medical drugs or a combination of, the doctor should determine the cause of this disease. You shouldn't rush to antibiotics because they do not claim to be a panacea. In some cases, antibiotics not only will not cure bronchitis, but will significantly slow down the recovery, such as in the treatment of viral bronchitis, when the drug not only kills the virus, but also partially suppresses the work of protective forces of an organism.

For the treatment of bronchitis in children is most often used antibiotics, and all sorts of expectorants, designed to remove excess mucus from the bronchi.

It can be drugs such as Ambroxol, or these natural remedies, the roots of the licorice and marshmallow.

How to treat bronchitis with antibiotics

osmotr u vrachaToday the popular treatment for bronchitis in children are all sorts of inhalation through a special device, and with the use of hot water, essential oil and several towels.

In most cases, antibiotics to treat bronchitis in children is not required, although many modern doctors try to still write one or the other drug in this group "just in case". Misuse of drugs such as antibiotics can not only not help, but harm, especially children, so you should pay great attention to approach the choice of doctor and treatment.

Antibiotics for bronchitis for children in this kind of diseases is prescribed with immune-modulators and antiallergic agents. One of the most safe bacteriostatic vitoantonio is Umckalor. He is appointed, usually at the end of treatment after administration of stronger antibiotics.

This medicine is known to that it has immune stimulating qualities, therefore, even after the child's body successfully overcame the main symptoms of bronchitis isat least 7 days of taking it as a preventive measure.

The antibiotics prescribed in the treatment of such diseases as bronchitis, are divided into 3 groups:
antibiotiki dlya lecheniya bronhita u detej

  1. Aminopenicillin that destroys the walls of bacteria. These include commonly prescribed amoxicillin. Afraid that the antibiotics will begin to destroy cells in the human body, it is not necessary, because its action is aimed solely at walls of bacteria, the structure of which differs significantly from human.
  2. Macrolides causing organisms bacteria violations related to the production of vital proteins. The affected bacteria lose their ability to reproduce. These include roxithromycin and azithromycin. Such children antibiotics are excellent for long-term treatment of protracted bronchitis. The drug is safe and can be administered even to pregnant and lactating women.
  3. Fluoroquinolones are making disruptive changes in the DNA structure of bacteria, why they are dying. Popular levofloxacin and moxifloxacin. These antibiotics show excellent results, but their cost makes them inaccessible to the broad masses of the population. With prolonged use they can cause the development of dysbiosis, because they have a wider range of action than the previous 2 groups.

Folk remedies

In the treatment of bronchitis in children you can use natural antibiotics. Many plants have antibacterial effect.

Great fights bacteria that is widely used in cooking, the plant is the garlic. It kills more than 20 different types of bacteria. Garlic can be an excellent preventative measure.

chesnok dlya lecheniya bronhitaAnother edible antibiotic is the bow. The aroma of a freshly cut onion will help to unblock the Airways and kill many harmful bacteria in the respiratory tract.

Contained in the root of the horseradish lysozyme can destroy walls of harmful bacteria.

Juice black radish with honey is known that the bactericidal activity and supports the body's defenses. It is often used as a cough syrup.

Chamomile is known for its high content of essential oils and nutrients. It reduces inflammation, kills harmful bacteria, stimulates expectoration and excretion of phlegm from the bronchi, soothes and treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Calendula tincture is a good natural antiseptic that is suitable even for Allergy sufferers.

Sage not only kills harmful bacteria but also successfully fights with all sorts ofviruses.

Many years in the treatment of colds is used raspberry. The young shoots of raspberries added to tea, and raspberry jam is a combination of treats and medications. A child with much more enthusiasm and pleasure to drink tea with raspberry, rather than swallow, tasteless pills.

Before heading to the drugstore with a list of the medicines, consult your physician about the possibility of applying a natural antibacterial and antiviral agents. Treatment of bronchitis phytoantibiotic not only useful, but also safe for the child and for the family budget.

After taking a course of prescribed antibiotics is necessary to drink a course of drugs, whose action is directed to the regeneration of the intestinal flora and restore a healthy balance of microorganisms in the internal environment. Antibiotics destroy both harmful and helpful bacteria, so their use can cause such disorders as goiter.