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What to do if there is chest pain with bronchitis?

Chest pain bronchitis - this is a very serious symptom that the patient faces serious consequences. Treatment of diseases with the emergence of chest pain must be monitored by a physician, who will prescribe the necessary effective means. But it is worth remembering that inappropriate or untimely session diagnosis and treatment of possible serious heart complications.

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The symptoms of bronchitis

After long-term chronic diseases (SARS, influenza, etc.) in the respiratory tract can occur secondary to inflammation of the bronchial tubes that leads to difficulty breathing, blockage of bronchi with mucus and therefore coughing. This is bronchitis. The cause of bronchitis is often not only viral infection, but the pathogenic bacteria. Dust or certain poisons in the body (this includes Smoking) triggers the development of the disease. Very rarely, to the occurrence of bronchitis can cause a fungal infection.

suhoj kashel - simptom bronhitaThe first and most obvious symptom of bronchitis is cough. Often in the early stages of the disease there is a dry cough. After some time to replace him may come a wet cough, difference of which is the discharge of mucus (sputum), which prevents the passage of air in the bronchi.

There is pain in the chest. When the disease lasts long enough, the added symptoms of chills and a little less - the increase in body temperature. If the cough is very intense, may cause constant headaches.

It is important to remember that in rare cases development of bronchitis may not be chronic cough. However, other symptoms will be felt.

How to distinguish bronchitis from pneumonia

Bronchitis and pneumonia - it is very similar in its manifestation of the disease, so it is quite easy to make a mistake with the diagnosis external symptoms. Still, there are several significant differences:

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  1. Viral infection (influenza, SARS, varicella) rarely causes pneumonia. This can only happen in the case of extremely weakened immune system.
  2. Differences in the General condition of the patient. If the cause of the disease - pneumonia, has been in a state of intoxication. But bronchitis in the first days there is a dry cough and a feeling of lack of air.
  3. Place of chest pain indicates the nature of the disease. If persistent pain occurs around the breastbone, it is bronchitis. If you feel pain in one(damaged) side of the chest, it's pneumonia.

Despite all these signs, the most reliable way to get rid of doubt, of course, is radiography. So it is possible to accurately determine the diagnosis and to choose optimal treatment.

What is the difference between acute and chronic bronchitis

It would seem that the terms are similar, but each of them defines different stages of the disease.

Acute bronchitis lasts about 10 days. During this time you may experience, again, wet and dry cough, chills and fever up to 39 degrees. Fatigue, headaches, and insomnia is a common symptoms manifested in a patient with acute bronchitis.

obrashenie k vrachuIf treatment does not help and you do not suffer from chronic bronchitis, it is necessary to conduct additional screening to determine the cause for such a prolonged illness.

Chronic bronchitis is the most frequent chronic non-specific lung disease.

It lasts in an acute form for about three months a year and can last for several years.

The causes of this stage of the disease can often be Smoking, the constant ingress of dust and other abiotic substances in the body, prolonged exposure to dry, cold air.

Why do I get chest pain

As previously noted, the primary source of bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchi. However, by themselves, hurt the bronchi can't. Chest pain is a result of the reaction of receptors in the respiratory tract for a permanent reduction (cough) or any other stimuli.

Sources of chest pain are diverse. It is not only the retrosternal area. Lesions pain can appear in the sides or the back.

The cause of the pain can be not only bronchitis!

You can never tell whether the chest pain a symptom of bronchitis. A similar symptom can be a sign of other diseases, sometimes more or less serious:

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  1. Pleurisy. There is a sharp pain in the chest area. Pace not only with intense cough, but when you laugh or sigh.
  2. Tracheitis. Alternative disease when inflamed tracheal sheath. In most cases, pain is felt in the left part of the chest.
  3. Inflammation of the lungs. Severe respiratory disease requiring prolonged medical treatment.
  4. TB. A very severe disease, requiring intensive treatment.

Sometimes the causes of pain can also be heart disease (myocardial infarction, angina), chest injuries and spine injuries, anatomically locatedunder the right breast (liver, gall bladder, part of intestines and diaphragm). To this list we can add acute leukemia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, osteochondrosis, hernia.

Treatment chest pain

Important! Any disease involving pain in the chest and back, must be monitored by a physician, because such diseases are many and they can be of different severity.

It all depends on the current stage of the disease. Conventional means are any medications of expectorant type. If the source of the occurrence of the disease was a virus, used anti-infective drugs. Similarly, use of oral antibiotics against pathogens of bacterial nature.

In the process of treatment of the disease can be carried out special easy exercises, accelerating airway clearance of mucus. There are a few useful General recommendations:

  • compliance with bed rest;
  • in emergency cases the use of antipyretics;
  • abundant fluid intake.

These three simple rules as much as possible will bring you to recovery along with medication.

Doctors recommend sessions of inhalations and take vitamins as food, and in the form of special funds. Has not been canceled mustard plasters, compresses, banks that will help you on the road to recovery. However, we must remember that these home remedies are ineffective against the disease in the later stages of development.

If you have chest pain on a background of allergies, it is strongly recommended to minimize contact with the allergen.

On easy or medium stage bronchitis sometimes you can use traditional ways to eliminate chest pain.

Of course, traditional medicine is synonymous with herbal infusions. Bronchitis and some other respiratory diseases prepare a decoction of Linden flower, elderberry, leaves sage, leaves and raspberries. Each of these components take in equal amounts. 2 tablespoons of the mixture to be mixed with boiling water and leave for an hour. Definitely need to take this decoction before bedtime to get the maximum effect;

To brew tea. To prepare the drink we suggest to use the stalk of the cherry. If you drink this tea throughout the day, chest pain and General condition markedly improved.

And of course, it is very important to focus on the increase of General body resistance to diseases. Good immunity - a guaranteed ticket to a healthy life. So you need to remember about a balanced diet, again because of the vitamins and bed rest.