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Treatment and prevention of bronchitis with asthmatic component

Bronchitis with asthmatic component requires symptomatic treatment, using the methods of traditional and folk medicine. Very often on the background influenza or SARS develops an inflammatory disease of the bronchi is bronchitis, which can occur in acute or chronic form. Chronic bronchitis with asthmatic component is a dangerous disease. Especially often it is diagnosed in childhood. Chronic bronchitis is a form of remission and exacerbation. To cause exacerbation can hypothermia, increased physical activity, virus infection. A very common cause of bronchitis is an allergic reaction.

problema bronhita s astmaticheskim komponentom

The danger of this disease is that often it is asymptomatic, the patient has no high temperature and signs of intoxication. A sign that should alert is persistent cough which is worse at night. Very often there is shortness of breath, accompanied by whistling on the exhale, shortness of breath.

Forms of bronchitis with asthmatic component

The manifestation of the disease depends largely on the reasons that caused it:

  1. It could be an allergic reaction, in this case, we can conclude about the form of atopic.
  2. If the causes are viruses and allergies, then consider the infectious form of asthmatic bronchitis.
  3. There is another form – histopathology. Impaired patency of the bronchi, spasm develops and the swelling of mucosal tissue. Sometimes on this background in the bronchi begins to form pus.
  4. Bronchitis often leads to serious complications in the cardiovascular system.

Methods of diagnosis of this disease

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To identify asthmatic bronchitis, need to be examined by a specialist. If the disease is allergic in nature, it evolves as a system allergosis. In this case, therapy will be appointed by the allergist.

One of the symptoms of asthmatic bronchitis is an increase in the size of the chest. Thus breathing becomes hard and accompanied by whistling and moist rales.

Very often, after x-rays revealed emphysema, a characteristic feature is the sparse pulmonary drawing. When conducting a General analysis of blood observed increased number of histamine, eosinophils, immunoglobulin.

One of the methods of diagnosis of asthmatic bronchitis is the study of bacterial seeding. This allows to determine the presence of infections, sensitivity to certainthe types of antibiotics. In addition, the investigation of the flushing water.

How to treat asthmatic bronchitis

Treatment of asthmatic bronchitis need to start as early as possible. Its danger is that it very quickly can go into asthma. The main treatment bronchitis – symptomatic. As a rule, the preparations which facilitate the expectoration of sputum. If the disease is severe, then given oral antibiotics. A very helpful physical therapy in the form of diathermy, therapeutic exercises and massage.

ingalyacii pri astmaticheskom bronhite

Patients of asthmatic bronchitis recommended treatment in a sanitarium.

Effective use of folk therapy. In particular, the use of decoctions and inhalations.

It is useful to take decoctions of anise, fennel, thyme, licorice, mother and stepmother, marjoram. Very useful to drink juice.

Traditional expectorant, considered the juice of black radish, onion and sugar, in the absence of allergic reactions to bee products it is best to add in honey.

How to deal with asthmatic bronchitis

As a rule, asthmatic bronchitis has a direct relationship with allergies. Therefore, taking antihistamines is required. These include tavegil, suprastin, diazolin and several others. To the inflammatory drugs include bronchodilators, spasmolytics, vitamins, mucolytics. The patient must be in possession of a special inhaler, such as Berotec, salbutamol.

The person who is suffering from asthmatic bronchitis have to change your way of life. Of great importance is the prevention of seizures that may be life-threatening.

Should regularly undergo medical check-up, this will help to keep the disease under control.

Do not forget about that asthmatic bronchitis is allergic in nature, so you should eliminate the factors that can provoke an allergic reaction:

  1. It is important to maintain cleanliness in the room. Pet dander, mold, cockroach droppings are potent allergens.
  2. Often an Allergy attack can cause and the pollen of flowering plants.
  3. Do not take medications that can provoke an Allergy attack.
  4. Need to be careful when working with chemical allergens.
  5. It is essential to get rid of bad habits, especially Smoking. Tobacco smoke is an allergen.

It is very important to monitor the status of your health. As a rule, the beginning of the attack is accompanied by swelling of tissues of the nose, the patient has sneezing. The cough is paroxysmal in character, the skinbecome pale, cold sweat appears. Frequent urination occurs, you receive an attack of itching.

It is very important to control an attack of itching in the beginning, it uses the inhaler prednisolone. It has anti-inflammatory effect. Usually, it allows you to quickly stop the attack. In the event that the urge to cope fails, then you should immediately call an ambulance.

Very often the treatment asthmatic bronchitis occurs long and hard. If not go to the end of the therapy, the attacks will be repeated. Gradually, the bronchitis will pass in asthma. To avoid this, you should follow a diet prescribed by a doctor to have the drugs that allow time to stop attacks