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Viral diseases: the flu is different from SARS?

Many people do not know how influenza differs from SARS. These diseases arise as a result of viruses, people often get infected in the cold season. The people of SARS and influenza often referred to as "cold", which is not quite correct. Unlike the common cold, SARS, acute respiratory infections and influenza have more severe symptoms, these diseases inherent to long duration. In some cases, they cause relatively mild illness, others lead to severe clinical symptoms, entailing complications. It is crucial to determine SARS and influenza - diseases that have a viral nature, in this regard, they have many similar characteristics.

problema grippa

Characteristics of flu and colds

Among the features of the flu, you should identify that the disease has more severe symptoms (unlike a cold) and can lead to unpleasant complications. The disease often leads to the appearance of parainfluenza and adenovirus infection. It is important to know what the differences between these diseases.

The latter is characterized by smooth flow, characterized by relatively cold light, tolerable symptoms.

vysokaya temperatura pri grippeAfter this disease the man quickly gets to his feet, and never remembers him. To recover from influenza, it is necessary to wait some time. In some cases, the person experiences the symptoms even a month after the appearance of the disease. For full recovery, the body requires much more time. People who recover from flu can suffer from such a disorder as asthenic syndrome, which is characterized by differences in blood pressure: while in this state, the patient has a healthy appetite, and he quickly appears weak.

Sometimes it's hard to understand what he has: the flu or a cold. Under these two concepts people understand the illness, caused by viral infection, although the common cold can happen as a result of hypothermia. Colds and flu often develop on the background of weakening the properties of immunity, they often occur as a result of hypothermia. If a person has strong immunity, the flu will occur without complications and in a moderate form. If the protective properties of the organism developed was not fully, there is a possibility of heavy transfer and the development of complications on the background of this disease.

Parainfluenza, SARS differences

konsultaciya vrachaIf a person is sick with the flu, he expressed symptoms of intoxication. Very often people are worried headache and pain in the muscles, there is nausea, vomiting, chills,weakness. Worth noting: the temperature is different, some patients it is kept in the range of 37°C, others rises to 40°C. At cold temperatures may not be is one of the main distinguishing features. The flu patient may be in a feverish state, which lasts 2-5 days. High fever poorly tolerated in children and the elderly. The disease manifests itself in the following way: the patient feels tickle in the throat, there is a dry cough, sometimes there is pain in the chest, runny nose accompanied by a slimy substance. One of the most unpleasant complications is inflammation of the lungs or cardio-pulmonary insufficiency.

Parainfluenza has similar symptoms: the body is experiencing intoxication, is an increase in temperature, there is a runny nose. In this disease the body temperature does not rise above the level of 38°C, kept it for two days. The patient has a dry cough, you may be hoarseness, in some cases, it disappears altogether. During this disease there is a strong rhinitis, and it appears with the onset of the disease. A few days after the onset of disease occurs adenoviral conjunctivitis that may become purulent. The most dangerous complication is pneumonia.

How to distinguish flu from a cold? The difference is that the flu starts suddenly: a person feels bad due to the rise of temperature. Symptoms of SARS appear more slowly and gradually, the disease progresses over two days. The flu temperature is difficult to decrease and is kept around 39°C, with SARS it does not rise above the level of 38°C. At the latter disease is a breakdown, however, is not so pronounced; there is General weakness, depression, but sore muscles do not exist. If a person is sick with the flu, symptoms are expressed very clearly: there chills and a strong separation of sweat.

The flu may not have nasal congestion, this symptom may occur if the person has sinusitis, sinusitis or any other chronic nasal disease. Some people can be cold, but after two days it passes. Sneezing and viral conjunctivitis may also be present. SARS severe cold, which can lead to tearing, there is an intense sneeze. When infected by SARS often happens cough, sore throat, the patient may be red. The flu the throat is also red, swelling may appear, in some cases, the disease leads to bronchitis.

The flu causes cough and chest pain (at first the cough is dry, then becomes wet). The severity of SARS, influenza and the common cold depends on the protective properties of the immune system, and they each body is different. To quicklyto recover and avoid serious complications that can give a viral disease, you need to follow certain rules. Sick of SARS and influenza are urged to stay in bed. If the temperature is around 38°C, to bring down her should not be: the body needs to fight infection.

Treatment and prevention of diseases

With SARS and influenza need to remove the symptoms of intoxication, it is recommended to drink more warm boiled water or tea with raspberries. With the help of hot drink from the body to withdraw all the accumulated toxins. For colds, flu and colds, you can drink herbal teas, infusions of rose hips, it is desirable that they were not too intense. The flu just as with tonsils, it is recommended to gargling, you can use the special medicinal agents. For treatment of influenza can be applied inhalation, they will be useful and will help prevent complications in the lower respiratory tract. In order to strengthen protective forces of an organism, it is recommended to eat raspberry jam, black currant, also useful would be the lemon and cranberries.

If correct drug therapy, the body temperature is not reduced, it is necessary to call the doctor. High temperatures can arise because of secondary bacterial infection. Complications of influenza and can be inflammation of the lungs, sore throat, sinusitis. To be fit, healthy and not prone to various diseases need to comply with the prevention of influenza, SARS and colds. The first step is to wash hands thoroughly with soap under warm running water.

To reduce the risk of infection to a minimum, it is recommended to be vaccinated against seasonal influenza. Disease activity generally increases from December to March, vaccination in this case is recommended in November. If you have the flu, acute respiratory viral infections, whether colds, be sure to consult your doctor. He will prescribe you antiviral drugs that can be used for treatment and prevention.