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Than like the flu and SARS and how they differ

With the onset of autumn along with the cold weather and rains come the flu and SARS. Traditionally, the peak of cases occurs in the winter, and a large part of our country for 5 weeks covered by this viral infection. According to statistics, among all infectious diseases, flu and colds are the most common and make up 95% of all infections. Diseases such a dangerous development of complications. Influenza is divided into several types: A, b and C. View “And” severity is medium and heavy. He is equally exposed people and animals. “In” often ill children. “” Still not well understood. Symptoms do not occur or are insignificant. The flu virus is able to mutate, and doctors have to find new ways of dealing with it. That is why vaccinations should be done annually.

nasmork i oznob pri grippe

Signs of flu

This disease has a number of characteristic features:

  1. Temperature rises to 39°C and above, which lasts for 5 days.
  2. Chills.
  3. Malaise and weakness.
  4. Sometimes nausea and vomiting.
  5. Muscle pain and cramps.
  6. Respiratory failure, usually in the direction of increased frequency.
  7. Hallucinations and delusions.

snizhenie immuniteta pri grippeThese symptoms appear within 24-48 hours and indicate an intoxication of the organism. Any person with the flu just call the time when the disease manifested. In addition to signs of intoxication, influenza and common cold manifested a common characteristic signs:

  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • watery eyes.

The main route of transmission - airborne. During the sneeze or cough the virus particles are scattered together with phlegm 2-3 meters. This is enough to infect the person next to you. The peak of the disease accounts for 3-5 day from the beginning. The patient recovers within 8-10 days if no complications arise. After the disease the risk of catching any other lasts for 3 weeks. Often people confuse flu with SARS and ARI.

Forms of development of the disease

The manifestation of disease symptoms is affected by many factors. For example, the level of immunity, General health, presence of harmful habits. These factors determine one of the following three forms of the disease:

  1. A mild form. The temperature stays normal or rises slightly. Symptoms of intoxication are absent or weakly manifested.
  2. Moderate. The temperature rises to 39.5°C, and there are standard symptoms of flu: pain in muscles and joints, cough, chest pain, rhinitis, drying of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, impairedbreathing.
  3. A severe form. The temperature rises to 40.5°C. the patient appear seizures, nosebleeds, hallucinations and vomiting. The fever lasts from 2 to 4 days, and the disease is 10 days. After recovery, the weakness persists for another 3 weeks.

What are ARI and ARI

temperatura pri orviA fairly high incidence is observed not only influenza, but also ARI and ARI.

ARD - acute respiratory disease - unites ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection), colds and exacerbation of chronic infections of the nasopharynx. This is a General term for several diseases. SARS cause, many agents, including 5 300 viruses and their subtypes. Because the path of infection by airborne droplets, the incidence is very high.

Acute viral respiratory infection has its symptoms and signs is different from the flu:

  1. The disease begins gradually. First comes the runny nose, fatigue, weakness and drowsiness. Symptoms develop within the first 2 days.
  2. The body temperature rises to 38°C and above passes in 2-3 days.
  3. No symptoms of intoxication, typical of the flu. The virus affects the eyes, causing conjunctivitis, lacrimation.
  4. Observed nasal congestion, swelling of the mucosa of the nasopharynx, sometimes there is sneezing and a bad cold.
  5. The throat and tonsils redden and become loose. There is a dryness, pain and sore throat, changed voice.
  6. Cough. It can be dry or with phlegm, different in intensity.
  7. Often, enlarged lymph nodes, mucous membranes, white coating.
  8. Disease acute viral infection lasts about 2 weeks. After treatment the patient no weakness and headaches.

How to carry out treatment for cold

paracetamol pri lechenii orviIt should be aimed at elimination of the virus and the symptoms of the disease. In addition, you need to follow some rules of life. You should be on bed rest for 5 days. Needed rest and a long sleep. During the illness the person is sweating heavily, and to avoid dehydration you need to drink plenty of liquids. The amount of fluid should be no less than 2 liters per day. It is better to drink beverages with a high content of vitamin C. This fruit drinks, tea with lemon, rose hips extract. Combined with sweating, drinking plenty of fluids will help eliminate toxins, which are formed by the vital activity of viruses. In addition to these rules, you need to conduct timely and thorough treatment, which is as follows:

  1. The use of anti-inflammatory drugs (paracetamol). They reducetemperature and reduce headache. It should be remembered that lowering the temperature by such means is necessary only if it is above 38°C.
  2. Getting rid of cold. Nose drops have the ability to narrow the blood vessels and thereby reduce swelling and eliminate congestion. But you cannot use these drops for a long period of time because may develop rhinitis. There is a thickening of the mucous membrane, which causes a dependence on such drugs.
  3. Treatment of sore throat. Rinse infusions of herbs and ready-made solutions to significantly relieve pain, reduce inflammation and have anti-inflammatory action.
  4. Cough medicine. Their goal is to liquefy the phlegm so it is easier to come out.

Many with this disease are beginning to be treated with antibiotics. This can not be done in any case. Antibiotics are powerless against viruses, and their inappropriate use is addictive, and at the right time, the antibiotic simply will not have action.

Complications of influenza and its prevention

If this disease is not time to carry out the treatment, the negative consequences will be various complications of the disease. Distinguish between viral and bacterial complications.

razvitie pnevmonii The virus can develop into diseases such as:

  1. Pneumonia, which is rare, but is quite a serious illness. The virus spreads from the upper respiratory tract to the bronchi and into the lungs. The disease progresses, there comes a strong intoxication, manifested by shortness of breath, and in some cases respiratory failure.
  2. Infectious-toxic shock. Disrupted the heart and its system.
  3. Bacterial pneumonia. Symptoms - cough and expectoration greenish color. Treated with antibiotics.

Bacterial complications are expressed in the following diseases:

  1. Otitis and sinusitis. Inflamed sinuses and ears. These complications are considered the most common.
  2. Glomerulonephritis. The renal tubule becomes inflamed and renal function is reduced.
  3. Meningitis and encephalitis, that is inflammation of the lining or tissue of the brain.
  4. Septic conditions. They are accompanied by the ingress and growth of bacteria in the blood. This is a very serious complication, which often ends in death of the patient.

To reduce the incidence of influenza and ARI, you need to avoid getting virus on the mucous nose, mouth and eyes. It is necessary to reduce or eliminate contact with the sick person. An important role is played by the level of immunity. Good nutrition is the main rule for a strong immune system. The menu should be balanced and contain the necessary amount of nutrients. You should avoid consumption of harmful products andpay attention to natural simple foods. Vegetables, dairy products, cereals rich in essential elements that contribute to the strengthening of the body. In autumn you can also take complex vitamins. Exercise will mobilize forces of the body, accelerate the metabolism and strengthen the overall health of the person. Bad habits greatly increase the risk of disease, as when Smoking a light nicotine.

Annual vaccination and prevention will help to significantly reduce the risk of Contracting the disease.

Vaccine update each year in connection with changes in the flu virus, so the vaccine should be an annual event.