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As parents to protect your child from the flu?

Many parents, winter is associated not only with Christmas, but with such a dangerous disease, like the flu. How to protect your child from the flu? This question becomes important for every family. If the temperature of the outside air drops below 20° C, in the families, especially with small children, frantically begin to look for ways to protect them from flu and its consequences.

gripp u detej

The flu virus is dangerous and very insidious disease, which has not spared even the youngest children. Especially dangerous its consequences.

The danger of the flu

Influenza is an acute viral disease that affects children of different age groups, accompanied by General intoxication, catarrhal symptoms such as rhinitis, runny nose and a bad cough. The flu is especially dangerous for infants. Annually medical statistics about how many children die from this terrible disease.

virus grippaThe causative agent of this disease is influenza virus, which is transmitted by airborne droplets when coughing, sneezing and even talking and shaking hands. The first symptoms start very quickly and intensively. The incubation period is lasts from 2 to 6 days. How is difficult is the flu depends on many factors: age, immune status, General state of health.

The greatest danger of the flu is fraught with the defeat of the cardiovascular system, his respiratory organs, and Central nervous system. Attacking the body, he abruptly and greatly reduces its protective properties, thus causing a number of dangerous and intractable complications for the baby. A greater likelihood them to can children with chronic illnesses. Especially dangerous is the virus for the newborn baby and its nursing mother.

Flu symptoms

Symptoms of the influenza virus in infants and older children are different. The main symptoms are high body temperature, General malaise, pain in joints and muscles, headache, violent coughing, runny nose, dryness of the mucosa of the nasopharynx. Sometimes children have diarrhea and vomiting, bleeding from the nose.

For infants, is characterized by such symptoms as:

bespokojnyj son - simptom grippa

  • poor appetite;
  • the change in frequency of stool (it happens more often or less often);
  • whiny and irritable condition;
  • the change of odor of skin and hair;
  • restless sleep;
  • wheezing;
  • the inhibition of the development.

The danger of this disease in infants is much higher, due to the fact that the baby can notclearly describe your condition, to say what and where he hurts. Moms can be guided only by the diagnosis, which conducts children's doctor. He appoints the examination and several blood and urine tests, able to determine that it's the flu, not SARS or ARI.

To protect your child from the flu at the first signs of flu: high temperature, weakness and severe coughing - treatment should be started immediately, but only after examination and appointment to his doctor. The flu refers to a disease which can be treated independently. Self-medication can lead to severe consequences.

The causes of the disease

grudnoe vskarmlivanie - estestvennaya zashita detskogo organizma ot grippaThe most dangerous flu for a newborn baby in the first four months of life. Children who are breastfed can stop the disease in its first stages independently, thanks to the antibodies present in breast milk. The immunity of babies who are bottle-fed are much weaker. Every year the flu virus mutates, it passes with more serious complications, so for the first months of life a baby should reduce contact with others to a minimum, especially in winter.

Most often, with a cold conditions your child has to face the parents of children during the first three years of life. The reason can serve as climatic conditions, dampness, contact with sick children and many other factors. If the child attends a children's institution, the incidence in this case occurs more often in children who are at home.

Blame not only the fact that some unscrupulous parents bring their kids with signs of a cold. Good conditions for the emergence of influenza in child care centers are inadequate ventilation in the winter, the dryness of the room from the Central heating, which makes it possible to breed disease-causing microorganisms. A big misconception, especially among young mothers, is the notion that the flu can begin as drafts and cold feet.

The treatment of patients with influenza

Often young mothers begin the fight against the disease, beating fever without thinking about the fact that this is a manifestation of the protective properties of an organism of the child. At temperatures up to 38° C is not recommended to give children medication. It is much better to water them with warm decoction of herbs or dried fruit. This is one of the most effective ways of removing harmful toxins from the body at the first sign of illness.

title="increasing the drinking regime in influenza" alt="Increase drinking regime in influenza">eventually every mother begins to understand how to protect your baby from the flu at first, this dangerous disease.

There are some rules which adhere to the parents for the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease:

  1. Often ventilate the room in which it is kid, wet cleaning with a disinfectant solution (soda or non-chlorine).
  2. To bring the temperature down is only necessary if you mark more than 38° C and the first signs of febrile convulsions.
  3. To increase the duration of sleep of the baby.
  4. Limit contact with others.
  5. Translating the child on a special diet.
  6. Give plenty of fluids.
  7. Regularly clean the intestines of the baby, especially with constipation.
  8. Conduct breathing exercises and water procedures.
  9. Massaging the feet, hands, back, temperature up to 38,5° C.
  10. To give cough and cold, alternating every two hours.
  11. Translate on strict bed rest.

If the child has a temperature up to 40° C, you need to call a doctor, but before his arrival to ensure your child drink plenty of liquids. We must not forget that at very high temperatures prohibited any heat treatments, receive solid food. If the child is hot, it can wear easily if cold - warmer. In any case, it needs to be under a blanket in a room with fresh air.

zharoponizhaushie sredstva pri grippe u detejIf severe enough the symptoms of influenza children is credited with inhalations, compresses and wraps, the use of antipyretics for children according to age of the baby, the introduction of vitamins, raising immunity.

Because the flu has a negative impact on the breathing passages, frequent airing and damp cleaning will help to strengthen the immunity of the child, to protect his nose and throat from malicious virus bacteria. When caring for the baby parents should be sure to wear a gauze bandage, and since the virus is transmitted through dirty hands, to observe good personal hygiene and wash your hands often. A balanced diet together with activities to strengthen the immunity and proper treatments will help to quickly overcome the disease.

Prevention of flu

To the baby's health had to be protected from already appeared diseases, parents should think about how to prevent its occurrence. The most effective way is the preventive measures.

Nose, mouth and hands are the principal locations for breeding infections, so washing your hands often, wash with cold water will help harden and protectchild.

During acute influenza virus will help oxolinic ointment, which is for prevention before going out lubricate the nasal mucosa. Sufficient sleep duration (≥10 hours) and the consumption of large amounts of vitamins will help to strengthen the child's body. Summer is the best time for zakalivanie, and the sun, air and water constant friends of the child.

If we correctly protect your child from negative external factors, are the right way of life, carry out preventive measures, you can safely rely, that the flu is nothing to worry about him.