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The symptoms of swine flu in children

Every year there is an epidemic of different colds, so it is important to know the symptoms of swine flu in children, to understand what kind of detergent should I use for treatment, to quickly and efficiently eliminate the disease.

problema svinogo grippa u detej

Symptoms of acute swine flu in young children

Symptoms of acute swine flu is much easier to detect in children of more advanced age, as they are much more accurate and easier to transmit all its pain and disorders occurring in the body. In addition, the very small children the symptoms may intermittently come and disappear, which is why the disease is quite difficult to diagnose. If you encounter the very first signs of the child undesirable to go anywhere alone, because you need to constantly monitor its state.

simptomy svinogo grippaThe incubation period of the disease lasts about three days, after which you may experience symptoms such as:

  • pain and aches throughout the body;
  • severe fatigue and some physical fatigue;
  • a very large body temperature;
  • sore throat;
  • pain in the chest area;
  • dry coughing;
  • runny nose.

If you find any signs of the disease the child is required to be isolated from other people and hold a special treatment that can be prescribed only by a doctor. In any case be self-medicate, because it may have a negative impact on health and lead to a worsening of the position.

The main symptoms of the emergence of swine flu

Basically, the symptoms of acute swine flu is almost nothing different from the primary symptoms of ordinary seasonal flu. The first symptoms may occur one day after direct contact with a sick person, who is in the incubation period, the person with the main source of infection. In addition to the main symptoms of swine flu, additionally may be signs of the destruction of the entire gastrointestinal tract, namely such as:

  • severe diarrhea, when a child loses a large amount of fluid;
  • vomiting;
  • General intoxication of the organism.

povyshennaya temperatura u rebenkaAs a rule, acute swine influenza in children further characterized by the presence of complete apathy, passivity, and difficulty breathing. The younger the child, the more difficult the disease. In acute swine flu significantly increases the riskstrong development of pneumonia. If you have any of the symptoms of acute swine flu should immediately consult the doctor who will be able after the diagnosis to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Basically, this virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, that is why a sick child need be isolated from healthy people to avoid transmission of infection. At risk are kids from two to five years, as well as children with severely weakened immune systems suffering from different kinds of chronic diseases.

How there is acute swine flu

Are the main symptoms of acute swine flu in small children that are virtually indistinguishable from the signs of the most common respiratory diseases, as well as exceptional symptoms which can be characteristic only for this type of disease, such as:

  • a bluish tinge of the skin;
  • the absence or delay of normal urination;
  • no tears when crying;
  • long restless sleep;
  • the absence of any reactions or, conversely, excessive stimulation;
  • difficulty or shortness of breathing;
  • rashes on the body of the child.

preparat All of these symptoms require attention and immediate hospitalization of the child for the purpose of conducting the required examination and diagnosis.

In acute swine flu, as well as any sharply emerging viral infections, there are several different stages that succeed one another. Stage of primary infection is characterized by the fact that at this stage absolutely no characteristic signs is not observed, except a significant General deterioration, particularly fatigue, fatigue and sleepiness, which is directly connected with the constant struggle of the organism with the developing virus.

After that comes the period of incubation which lasts from several hours to several days. During this period, the sick child can easily infect others, also, begin to appear the first minor clinical manifestations, particularly pain and aches throughout the body, sneezing, the appearance of rhinitis, a significant increase in temperature.

The latest is the phase height of the disease, which lasts from three to five days. The body at this stage is very much weakened as a result of constant attacks cells of pathogenic viruses. Thus opens a new way for the direct penetration of the dangerous microbes that threaten the development of different kinds of complications, particular the appearance of pneumonia or bronchitis.

The nature of the flow of this complex disease is largely depends on how it is carried out the necessary treatment, and directly from the immune system of the child.

preparat Swine flu is quite different from the most common colds. In the most straightforward classical variant of the ordinary flu in young children has a very acute onset with a sharp rise in temperature to high enough values and some respiratory symptoms. The older children may complain of very severe headache and a feeling of tickling and of pain in the throat. In addition, some children may experience a feeling of nasal congestion and a strong dry cough.

If the child develops enough mild form of the disease, which is somewhat similar to the flu with very high fever and other symptoms, then it must be isolated from the team for several days, not allowed in kindergarten and in school.

When the temperature or the appearance of the first signs of influenza in any child, especially babies under one year, should immediately contact the doctor, because in the case of incorrect and delayed treatment can appear many other related health problems. For example, the child may additionally develop disease of the heart muscle, the lungs, the weakening of the immune system or asthma. Even the lightest of the symptoms, the baby must be examined by a doctor, because in the event of sickness it should be very quick fix.

Only a doctor after a thorough examination will be able to prescribe the right treatment that will help to quickly recover health.

What is the feature of the treatment of acute swine flu

At this time, we all know that a strong acute virus of swine flu are very sensitive to such drugs as relenza and Tamiflu. The last drug can be very effective if it is taken during the first two days after the occurrence of the disease. This drug must be administered to young children according to their age. Basically, this drug is given to kids under the age of five. In addition, it is prescribed to children of any age, in the case when there are many other concomitant diseases or start to develop complications. The dosage of the drug should be determined by the attending physician that it is most effectively and yield maximum result.

Relenza for young children is absolutely not applied. Before taking ait is necessary to consult with your doctor who will select the best remedy.