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How to avoid possible complications from influenza?

Many people today are worried about how to avoid complications after the flu. And interest in this issue unfounded. Probably everyone at least once, but suffered from this viral disease. The infectiousness, the ability to mutate, evolving into new stamps, and the possibility of dangerous complications make influenza a serious problem.

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What are the complications he lose? How to avoid them and is it possible?

What is the flu?

It is well known that the term “influenza” means an acute infectious disease that affects the respiratory tract. Its source is the flu virus. It is characterized by the fact that a certain interval is spreading like an epidemic, and in some cases even as a pandemic. Interestingly, today, scientists have discovered more than 2,000 stamps of this virus.

rasprostranenie grippaGathered on the who statistics, influenza for one seasonal epidemic in the world die from 250 to 500 thousand people. This figure was even close to a million. At greatest risk are people over 65.

It should be noted that to call any acute respiratory disease of viral nature of flu is a common mistake. After all, today there are many other diseases belonging to this group and not the flu.

Course and complication

All people know the main symptoms of influenza. They are generally quite similar to signs of acute respiratory infections: cough and runny nose, dryness in nose and mouth or, on the contrary, the appearance of mucus and accumulation of mucus in the bronchi, high temperature, sometimes pain and sore throat. Adds a feeling of chills alternating with fever, aching joints and weakness.

The flu can take many forms, flow (light and heavy) with different severity of symptoms, degree of lesion, toxicity, etc.

The most dangerous is a severe form of influenza, as it leads to a number of serious complications that are dangerous to human life.

simptomy grippaNote that the standard course of disease, absence of concomitant illness, and compliance with bed rest and proper therapy, the flu lasts 3 to 5 days. But often more severe form of influenza can last for several weeks. From getting the virus in the body before the first symptoms (incubation period) is from 3 hours to 2 days.

With the complications the situation is somewhat different. The reason the number of reasons. The first of them is our negligence. We used to equate this disease to the ordinary colds or flu. To carry the disease on their feet, walking to work or to school, the usualbusiness.

As you know, first and foremost, the virus infects the cells of the ciliated epithelium, which is located in the upper respiratory tract, in other words, in the bronchi, trachea and nose.

Making changes in the genetic code of these cells, the virus forces them to produce copies of themselves, eats at their expense and subsequently destroys them released during the production of toxins. He does not stop, then it enters the bloodstream, and starts there its destructive effects on the body.

All this causes a corresponding reaction of the body, we perceive as typical flu-like symptoms. In severe forms of the flu virus sometimes gets into a number of internal organs such as the heart, lungs, brain, etc. His stay there and cause complications. Thus, the most frequent and dangerous complications of this disease are:

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  1. Pneumonia, or, as it is called, inflammation of the lungs.
  2. Sinusitis, bronchitis, otitis media, meningitis, etc. These diseases are dangerous themselves, plus they give even more dangerous complications. By sinusitis may develop inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, and meningitis results in some cases to inflammation of the meninges, etc.
  3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, ranging from pericarditis or myocarditis, and ending with heart failure.
  4. Leads to exacerbation of chronic diseases, e.g., asthma, chronic bronchitis, metabolism disorders, kidney diseases, etc.

However, he is able to suppress the immune system of the body, which leads to risk of development of other independent diseases.

How to cure a disease?

Of course, any of us, the question arises: how to prevent complications after the flu? Than it most effectively treated? The most important factors that enable you to avoid complications in the future, are the correct treatment and prevention of disease.

Influenza vaccination is often an effective way of protecting from diseases and possible complications.

polza postelnogo rezhima pri grippeLarge number of dies of this disease leads to the fact that the vaccine is not always effective against a specific new or rare stamp.

The treatment of a disease will be effective and easy only in the case when the patient will follow a few important rules. The flu in any case cannot be transferred on his feet. Bed rest is a prerequisite for a speedy recovery. Violation of this rule just becomes one of the main reasons for the developmentcomplications.

Reception many popular drugs do not give full deliverance from the disease, but only partially weaken or eliminate its symptoms. All the forces of the body aimed at combating disease and people overload and weaken.

It is important that the patient was in a well-ventilated area. But it is unacceptable that there was overcooling the air.

The second important rule concerns the struggle with the temperature. To bring down the increased temperature in this disease is impossible. Fever is a method of controlling trapped in the body by virus and inflammation caused by it. To bring down the temperature only if it starts to get close to 39° C.

To ease the disease be sure to drink plenty of fluids and eat foods rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C. it is Recommended to limit the intake of salty, fried and fatty foods.

remantadin pri lechenii grippaIn addition, the flu should be mandatory to consult a doctor. Because only he can accurately diagnose, to conduct a survey and to prescribe effective therapy.

The doctor may prescribe quite a wide range of products in different dosages and combinations, depending on the nature of the disease and the individual patient. Among the frequently used drugs, called amantadine and askorutin, interferon, rimantadine, and expectorant and antihistamine.

If breathing is difficult in the nostrils buried naphazoline or ephedrine. Note that antibiotics are used only in chronic infection or pronounced immune deficiency and in cases where fever persists for more than 5 days, to be followed by intoxication.

As can be understood from the foregoing, the rules are pretty simple. Only need to adhere to the regime and to be treated, following the advice of a doctor. And then the flu during the week will be eliminated, leaving behind only unpleasant memories and the weakening of the whole body, which soon will disappear, too.

But, if you do not follow these requirements, the flu can be tightened by going to a severe form, and may lead to complications. Treat them much heavier and they can in particular cases lead to death.

Remember: if you still self-medicating, and the disease was delayed, began to develop severe symptoms, a fever for a long time is at around 40° C, you should immediately call an ambulance.