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What antibiotics for colds and flu can be taken – the names and composition of

Consider antibiotics for colds and flu, the names and actions of some of them will be described below. Before to buy something from the medication, you should consult with your doctor. The considered diseases were caused by viral infections.

izobilie antibiotikov v aptekah

Medical indications

The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • high body temperature (above 38° C);
  • irritation of the mucous;
  • sore throat;
  • dry cough;
  • aching;
  • pain;
  • burning and dryness of eyes.

In most cases the body is able to resist cold. Antibiotics can be used in severe disease. Proper and timely treatment helps to eliminate the above symptoms for 7 days.

Therapy and the stage of the disease is determined by the doctor. With the use of antibacterial therapy should follow the recommendations of your doctor. You cannot self-medicate, because different types of antibiotics counteract with the relevant strains of microorganisms.

In the treatment of nasal inflammation taking medications containing penicillin (Amoxilav", "Augumentin", "Amoxicillin"). When inflammation of the bronchi and lungs cephalosporins are used ("Cefuroxime", "Suprax"). Antibiotics from the flu and colds are different in composition and pharmacological action. You should know the purpose of each drug.

The main classification

ampicillin iz penicillinovogo ryadaBelow are given types and names of antibiotics for colds and flu. They are divided into the following groups:

  1. Penicillin range ("Ampicillin", "Epicillin", "Amoxicillin") is used to treat infectious respiratory diseases, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy. The advantage of this group is its low toxicity. Adverse reactions include Allergy and dysbiosis. Consider the drugs affect the cell membrane of bacteria, destroying them. Penicillins are used intramuscularly, since the active substance is destroyed under the influence of gastric juice.
  2. Cephalosporins broad-spectrum ("Cephalexin", "Cefazolin", "Cefotaxime", "Ceftriaxone"). Drugs in this group cause allergies, exerting a negative impact on the kidneys. They are administered intramuscularly. "Cephalexin", you can buy over the counter in the form of syrup.
  3. Macrolides (Erythromycin," "Azithromycin", "Vilprafen"). This group affects the ability of the bacteria to multiply. Antibiotics used for treating inflammation of ears, throat. Macrolides can destroy microbes that get inside human cells. Datadrugs effective in the treatment of atypical pneumonia.
  4. Fluoroquinolones (Levaquin, Cipro, "Norfloxacin") effectively fight infectious diseases of the respiratory system, otitis, cystitis. Penetrating the microbe cell, they destroy its genetic structure.
  5. Tetracycline group used for bronchitis, sore throat, pneumonia. With their prolonged use or overdose may experience side effects such as anemia, anorexia, oral thrush.

Rules of reception of medicines

iskluchenie molochnyh produktov pri prieme antibiotikovUsing antibiotics for a flu and ORVI it is necessary to consult a doctor. The patient then underwent a full examination. It is not possible to take several different antibiotics or antipyretic antibiotic.

From the diet of the patient is advised to exclude milk and dairy products. Otherwise, reduced activity of the substance. The course of treatment averages 5-7 days.

In severe disease must be treated in hospital under the supervision of doctors.

If therapy is conducted at home, then before applying medication it is necessary to study the manual. In consultation with the doctor, the patient should report current chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract. If the patient's condition has not changed for 3 days, then the antibiotic is replaced with another counterpart.

To treat influenza and colds in children under 3 years and pregnant women should, after consultation with the doctor. The reason is that some antibiotics can adversely affect fetal development. Effective treatment with the least harm to the expectant mother and baby can only assign a doctor. Tetracyclines are strictly contraindicated for children, pregnant and nursing women. They affect the formation of teeth and skeleton, contributing to the development of allergies in children.

At stage 1, the flow of colds antibiotics are not accepted as they are designed to treat bacterial, not viral infection. At the first sign of a cold it is necessary to isolate the patient (or he can wear a gauze bandage) from the rest of the family. It is necessary to provide ventilation and plenty of fluids. It can be administered antiviral, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, topical antiseptic, antipyretic, mucolytic drugs.

Features receiving cephalosporins

cefotaksim iz linejki cefalosporinovFlu prescribed "Amoxicillin", "Amoxiclav", "Ofloxacin","Ceftriaxone". Recent drug belongs to the cephalosporin antibiotics. It comes in powder form for intravenous and intramuscular injection, exerting a direct effect on bacteria, destroying their shell. The solution is well absorbed into the blood, easily penetrating into the respiratory tract, skin and soft tissue.

"Ceftriaxone" refers to broad-spectrum antibiotics. Among other indications of respiratory disease, pneumonia, lung abscess. Contraindication is intolerance to the components, as well as intolerance to other antibiotics of this group.

Be wary designate children, especially infants. You need to carefully monitor patients with chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, and gall bladder. Liver diseases is necessary to monitor the percentage of drug in the blood plasma.

The dosage is selected individually, taking into account characteristics of each patient individually. Antibiotics are effective against bacterial infections, in complicated cases of colds. These drugs are advised to take only under the supervision of specialist and strict to his purpose.