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Why headache after flu

Many are wondering - why headache after the flu. It would seem that the disease is cured, but the head is still a bit of a headache. It can be a symptom of serious diseases, so to delay a visit to the doctor does not.

problema grippa

A headache the flu is the body's response to the action of the virus, but after complete cure of any pain should not occur.

Some people try to relieve a headache with analgesics, but sometimes it only helps for a while and then the pain comes back. You should understand that pain medication will not eliminate the cause of the pain, which can be a symptom of a serious illness.

Arachnoiditis may be the reason for headache after flu

Very often a consequence of influenza is arachnoiditis, a disease in which inflammation of soft shell brain or spinal cord. This significantly affects the arachnoid sheath. Is a disease polietiologic. The reasons may be disease include various infections (measles, scarlet fever), including causing the flu.

In this disease, is a complication of the flu, there is a thickening of the arachnoid, in the connective tissue occur adhesions or cysts, filled with clear and cloudy liquid.

konsultaciya vrachaThe symptoms of the disease is, primarily, a headache that most often occurs in the morning. It can increase during exercise, with increased, often there is nausea and vomiting. In some cases, people begin to feel dizzy, weakened memory. Against the background of these processes, patients become irritable, disturbed sleep, there is apathy, there are the basic signs of intoxication - fatigue and weakness, increased sweating. This complication can even cause epileptic seizures.

Treatment of arachnoiditis depends on what kind of infection became a cause of the disease. Therapy includes antibacterial, desensitizing and antihistamines. The treatment of this disease is quite long and complicated. In order not to harm the body, while only appearing pain in the head immediately after suffering flu, you should consult a specialist. With timely treatment prognosis is favorable.

Many believe that a severe headache is the consequence of influenza, but this is absolutely not true. Pain indicate that in the region of the brain, ears or nasal sinuses began the inflammatory process, which needs to be immediately treated. The flu is terrible as an independent disease,it is dangerous for its consequences, which sometimes are dying, adults and children.

What can be complications of influenza

Meningitis is a rather dangerous disease in which inflamed meninges. If the person were not timely vaccinated against meningitis, the appearance of the disease after the flu is 99 %.

Of a progressive disease in humans, a bad headache, stiff neck (tilt the head forward does not work due to the pain), significantly increased body temperature, impaired consciousness, over time, there is photophobia, excessive sensitivity to touch, sounds. The disease progresses very quickly.

rentgen dlya diagnostiki zabolevaniyaIn no case can not carry out self-treatment of this condition since started meningitis, which occurred against the flu, often cause fatal outcomes. If a person went to the hospital with a headache after the flu and he was diagnosed with meningitis, doctors are performing emergency and intensive care.

The first few days the patient is in the intensive care unit, where he conducted antibiotic therapy, antiviral treatment. Only if the person addressed in time, the treatment outcome will be positive. Primary prevention of meningitis after influenza is vaccination. Common cause of meningitis after the flu it's self. Therefore, parents should remember the child does not need to treat, you should always consult a pediatrician to rule out such terrible consequences.

Headache after flu with sinusitis

Sinusitis is the inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. Disease occurs on a background of influenza. If you do not spend a timely treatment, the disease develops into a chronic form.

The main symptoms are headaches and pain in the nose, of the nose, above the eyes, depending on the localization of the inflammatory process. Mostly, the pain occurs in the evening. May increase when bending. In addition to these signs, the person becomes labored breath, he starts talking "the nose". Discharge from sinuses clear or purulent, depending on the stage of the disease and inflammation.

Sinusitis is almost always accompanied by not only a headache but also fever, lack of appetite, fatigue, sleep disturbance. Diagnose disease on the basis of x-ray, ultrasound, computed tomography. The main objective of sinusitis treatment is to reduce pain, remove swelling and to eradicate the infection. For this assigned antibacterial drugs, thisprocedure, vasoconstrictor medications.

In those cases, if the flu headit hurts badly, runny nose and purulent medication gives almost no results, the doctors used a surgical operation. Sinusitis is a complication of the flu, which when not treated can cause meningitis, neuritis and osteomyelitis. Therefore, doctors recommend not to delay treatment.

Possible complications of influenza - otitis

Another disease that causes pain in the head after the influenza is otitis media. And it is quite widespread not only in childhood. Very often the negligent parents themselves treat the flu, so in the future the children are not only headache, there otitis media, can accompany man all his life, but there are such terrible consequences, like heart disease.

In influenza the human immune system greatly weakened, giving good ground for viruses. Therefore, as a consequence of the viral infection settles in the ears. Headache pain triggered by swelling and inflammation. The main symptoms of otitis media is pain in the head, in the jaw area. Not always this form of inflammation accompanied by fever. Therefore, any unusual pain after a flu in the head should be a Wake-up call for humans.

In that case, if the person recently had the flu, but the head after recovery has not ceased to hurt, and this is a sure sign of otitis media, you should:

  • 2 times a day, ear drops, special alcohol drops that are prescribed by a physician;
  • to do warm compresses during the day;
  • monitor the overall condition of the body and periodically visit the doctor.

Self-treatment can lead to spread of infection. In some cases, treatment of otitis media requires that the patient was in the hospital for a stationary position. It is necessary to exclude possible more serious diseases such as meningitis.

If otitis is not treated, it can cause the rupture of the tympanic membrane, exudative otitis media, hearing loss, full deafness.

Infectious diseases, bacterial infections, including the microbes that cause the flu, can cause irreparable damage to the body, but if a person seek timely medical care - unpleasant consequences and complications can be avoided. Remember that headache after the flu should not. This symptom indicates the progress of another disease.