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How is the treatment of influenza in children?

Treatment of influenza in children is quite a daunting task. This disease affects people of almost all age categories, but particularly difficult disease in children.

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What is important to know?

Influenza is a disease of viral nature of the epidemic, which falls somewhere at the end of the winter period. The emergence of the influenza virus has a long history, and the disease proved as deadly. Just a few centuries ago, an epidemic of influenza was able to claim millions of human lives.

virus grippaModern medicine has significant differences, and developed drugs that the doctor prescribed after the testing, is able to cure the disease, especially if it is identified at an initial stage. However, despite this, child flu remains one of the most serious diseases, which, though selectively, but continue to die.

The spread of the influenza virus occurs most often during adverse weather conditions, with the appearance of slush and moisture. All children are very sensitive to temperature changes, and in the spring many of them suffer from vitamin deficiency, which manages to affect the immune system. For this reason, according to the statistics, the phenomenon of seasonality observed quite clearly. The direction of the epidemic of influenza infection is usually spread from the East side to the West. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, as well as through household items.

As for the children, the disease is spreading rapidly in places of mass accumulations in community organizations, schools and kindergartens. As the source of infection is as a rule, the patient or infected child. In some cases, the infected person can infect a considerable number of other people, without even having been ill with the flu. Usually this happens when the child developed a strong immunity. Initially, the flu virus enters the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, then multiply, spreading throughout the body.

Signs and symptoms flu

simptomy grippaThe period of the disease includes the following stages:

  • infection;
  • the incubation period;
  • clinical manifestations of the disease;
  • microbial-viral stage;
  • recovery or complications.

At the beginning of the flu virus actively multiplies in the inner part of the cell, gradually, the accumulation of viral mass. Child forthe incubation period does not feel absolutely no change in condition, except slight weakness, sleepiness and fatigue. The child's body mobilize all internal resources to the fight against viral infection.

The period of clinical manifestations is characterized by the release of viruses from proliferating cells. Sneezing sick child are able to release into the atmosphere a considerable number of viruses. General condition of the patient deteriorates significantly, increased lethargy, colost, appears throughout the body aches and the feeling of pain.

Any flu at this stage is almost always accompanied by fever, watery eyes, pain in the nose and throat. During microbial-viral of period depleted the body's defenses, and the main symptoms is cough. But the ending of the disease depends on the severity of influenza and the quality of the treatment that was performed.

Prevention of flu

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Treatment of influenza in children may result in the termination of disease and relief of manifestations at any stage of development. The right approach to the prevention and elimination of disease is possible only in the case when the child has an accurate diagnosis and determine the degree of difficulty of influenza. Assignments also depend on individual characteristics of a child and the condition of his immune system. In medical practice there is such a thing as the epidemic threshold. Only in case of exceeding of this indicator sanitation center has the right to give the order to close schools, kindergartens or nursery under quarantine.

As for diagnosis, it is established on the basis is taken from the cavities of the nose and mouth smears, which must be sent to the sanitary station and checked for the presence of virus. To prevent the development of influenza possible through timely vaccination, which should occur in September or October - just before the epidemic.

Despite the fact that the body in some children, ill with flu, for a certain period is to develop immunity to the disease, next year he will face an entirely new kind of virus. For this reason, to vaccinate against influenza all children. Immunity that is produced from them after vaccination tend to persist in the body for one year, and activating the introduced vaccine occurs 5 months after vaccination. This measure may eliminate the need to treat such a dangerous and nasty disease.

efirnye masla pri grippeInas a preventive method that is well suited to an infant, traditional healers recommend the use of bags, filling them with garlic or onions hanging above the crib. Garlic and onion essential oils destroy bacteria and flu viruses. The room where most of the time a sick child should be regularly ventilated, keeping a certain temperature and humidity.

In the case where it turns out that despite all the measures taken, the baby is still sick with the flu, to treat this disease a must. Note that the disease takes a huge amount of extra energy. Therefore, these children need in bed rest, during sleep and balanced diet. The diet of the patient should attend the required amount of vitamins, minerals, protein compounds, carbohydrates, micro - and macronutrients, dietary fiber and dietary fiber.

Patients children usually dramatically decreased appetite, doctors recommend that you boil lean chicken broth to stimulate food receptors. Treatment for influenza in children should be performed exactly as it is medical advice. These kids first of all need to drink plenty of liquids. This measure helps to prevent the development of toxicity in the body by diluting and removing from it all the harmful substances and toxins. The presence of temperature in influenza indicates the inclusion of the work of protective forces of an organism.

The situation is the following: when the temperature is less than 38,5°C flu viruses have all the conditions for rapid propagation, while exceeding this limit leads to the destruction of their own proteins.


If the child can tolerate temperatures relatively easily, the layout of 38.5°C down is not recommended. Otherwise it is better to be fever. Good aspirin, paracetamol but aspirin is not administered to children under the age of 18, as the drug can affect the liver and brain and even lead to death. Of antiviral drugs in influenza A it is advisable to give children rimantadine. Or “Relenza” - a means of affecting all types of influenza viruses, besides not causing side effects.

Nasal lavage is done in the presence of a runny nose by using saline solutions or decoctions of medicinal herbs such as chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus and peppermint.

Appointments cough medicines it is best to opt for Ambroxol. Antibiotics for the flu are assigned only in cases of accession to the basic disease bacterialinfection, like flu viruses, they even the score will not be affected.

Flu with proper selection of therapy may be relatively rapidly cured. Usually it takes not more than a week.