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What could be the flu complications

Beginning after influenza complications are much heavier than the disease. Worn infection body is no longer able to cope with the second wave surging of bacteria. And so it is often complications from the flu becomes chronic disease.

problema oslozhneniya posle grippa na ushi

What factors can contribute to the development of the disease

So, the defeat exposed:

  • upper respiratory tract - otitis media, sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • lungs - pneumonia, bronchitis;
  • nervous system - neuralgia, neuritis, meningitis;
  • cardiovascular system - myocardial infarction, myocarditis, and congestive heart failure;
  • kidney and urinary tract - cystitis, pyelonephritis;
  • chronic diseases - exacerbation of diabetes, metabolic disorders, rheumatism, bronchial asthma;
  • brain - meningitis, arachnoiditis, stroke;
  • muscles - myositis.

Ear, throat, nose is a target for disease

profilaktika grippaThe disease severely suppresses the immune system, and bacteria with a weak protective forces of the body begin to multiply at a heightened pace. In such conditions manifested acute painful events in the hearing. For example, developing or increasing the otitis. Man begins to complain of ear pain, headache in this area, it can be observed in the neck and jaw. Sometimes there may be discharge from the ear and the formation of cerumen. You should immediately consult an otolaryngologist. Not allowed to self-medicate as it can lead to deafness, then a doctor would no longer be needed.

Often leads to a failure to comply with the treatment plan and doctor's recommendations. In many cases, the disease is transferred to the legs, not enforced bed rest. Is self-medication instead of going to the experts. The patient begins to feel an improvement from taking strong drugs on the second day, but that does not mean the victory over the virus. Need to be treated at least 7, better 10 days. If this period is not sustained, begins General malaise, weakness, a cough and headache is a complication of the flu begin their attack.

The most common complication

Most common postgrippoznyh pneumonia (pneumonia). It is very easy to determine. After primary treatment, a period of relief, then there are such symptoms:
konsultaciya vracha

  • a sudden rise in temperature to 390C;
  • chills;
  • pain in the chest;
  • coughing;
  • skin rash;
  • sputum or expectoration of blood.

Need to see a doctor to go necessarily. Success depends on early initiationtreatment. It is often performed in a hospital. A lot of sick elderly people and children. This inflammation is not transmitted from person to person. It is caused by the activity of pneumococci. If they goes untreated influenza are embedded in lung tissue. The nature of the flow pneumonia is:

  • sharp;
  • chronic.

Complications in the kidneys

Affects the flu and kidney with the urinary tract. And in some cases complications are asymptomatic, and detect abnormalities only in the urine. Doctors - nephrologists suggest to try to pass a urine test 10 days after any cold or flu. This will help to identify problems at an early stage. Complications may manifest itself by lower back pain, fever, decrease in urine output. Likely to develop pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, acute renal failure, cystitis.

obilnoe pite dlya profilaktiki oslozhneniya posle grippaIn the 20th century, influenza pneumonia was often fatal. With the advent of antibiotics, the situation has improved. These drugs are to successfully fight bacterial inflammations in the lungs. Dangerous but the appearance of pneumonia viral nature, the antibiotics are not taken for the patient, this condition can become critical. The group of complications include sinusitis. It is chronic and acute.

Just acute phase can develop after influenza. You should not attach value to some painful manifestations, not to associate them with the effects of the flu. For example, in this complication toothache, headache often radiates to the root of the nose, may be accompanied by bloating and increase when sneezing or coughing. It is not necessary to prevent transition of diseases into a chronic form, it is very difficult to cure.

If acute pneumonia lasts from several days to months and ends in recovery, with chronic it's much worse. She will torture the body, to wear down the immune system and back. That's why you have to go through a complete course of treatment of this disease, and then to strengthen the protective systems of the body. Otherwise, do not break the cycle of diseases. After having pneumonia in the chronic form, the body is constantly in a stage of the disease, albeit with muted symptoms. It is not surprising that such a person has the flu is literally "to cling". Has been prepared for this all conditions.

As the nervous system suffers

Especially dangerous is the defeat of the nervous system in influenza.

nekotorye vozmozhnye oslozhneniya posle grippaIt can be expressed in the formneuralgia, radiculitis, polyneuritis. But the hardest thing is when arachnoiditis or meningitis. Disease begins about day 7, when the fever for the flu subsides, a sense of recovery. Sometimes there is a flashing "flies" before the eyes, nausea, dizziness, remains a weakness, drowsiness. Thought it might be the consequences of intoxication after the flu, but it is arachnoiditis. It is a violation of the circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid, what starts the inflammation of the arachnoid of the brain. If not detected in a timely manner and not to take emergency measures, it is possible purulent infection (sepsis).

A very serious disease meningitis. The weakening of the flu makes it even more difficult. The beginning is characterized by a sudden headache, when the temperature has decreased (5-7 day course of influenza). Then begins vomiting, not associated with food intake, photophobia. Headaches are tolerated poorly, as they have tearing, bursting character. Treatment in a hospital necessarily, because the possible consequences are unpredictable. Effect on the nervous system may occur in neuritis of the facial nerve. Meet the oculomotor or neuralgia of the intercostal nerves. In severe cases, possible acute psychosis.

Consequences for the cardiovascular system

Toxic damage to the heart muscle is accompanied by a rhythm disturbance (arrhythmia, tachycardia), or neuroses of the heart (increase in pulse, uncertain tingling in this area). Cardiovascular diseases are the most common pathology of our time, so the additional load on the heart and blood vessels from the flu is very serious. During an outbreak of the virus increases mortality among patients with hypertension and coronary artery disease, especially among elderly population. Diseases such as myocarditis (inflammation of heart muscle) or pericarditis (inflammation of pericardium) can begin and the young people who had not complained of heart.

Where thin, there and tear

Flu-like toxin affects the nervous system, it affects the condition of all internal organs. For example, when complications on the gastrointestinal tract can worsen peptic ulcer disease. The flu often starts exacerbation of chronic diseases. During epidemics the number of heart attacks and strokes. Suffer complications patients with diabetes mellitus and bronchial asthma.

For severe course of influenza with high temperature can show signs of encephalopathy. This is a complex mental and neurological disorders, which is manifested by hallucinations and seizures. At this time there is a loss of brain and spinal cord, and this isvery serious complications of flu.

What is dangerous myositis and what is it? This disease is accompanied by pain in the muscles of the arms and legs, whole body. Unpleasant phenomenon is aggravated by any movements in the muscles begin to appear dense knots. Soft tissue can pripuhnut and swell, the temperature rises. Often increased sensitivity of the skin, which creates constant discomfort.

How to avoid complications

In order to avoid complications, you must:

  1. Prescribed treatment is to carry. Each drug acts at a certain concentration, so throw a supplementation is impossible, even if you feel better.
  2. Drink plenty of liquids. You can drink vitamin drinks, juices, fruit drinks. The liquid helps to dissolve and excrete waste products of viruses, thereby purifying the body.
  3. Proper nutrition, as support for the immune system. Need: fiber (cereal), vitamins (fruits, vegetables), support of intestinal microflora (dairy products). You should limit the intake of fatty, fried, salty foods.
  4. Mandatory strict compliance with bed rest. This means that it is necessary to limit not only the movement, but watching TV, playing on the computer. All this irritates the nervous system has already been exhausted by the virus.
  5. During all days of the disease must be controlled, that is, to measure and record temperature, pressure, and pulse.
  6. Every 30 minutes, gargle with a solution furatsilina or soda.
  7. 10-12 days after the onset of the disease to take the urine and blood tests to trace latent forms of complications.
  8. An EKG, to see how the disease affects the heart.

Almost everyone knows how dangerous the flu. Its complications are varied and affect all systems of the body. That is why it is important to realize the danger of the consequences of viral infection. Can be deliberately and patiently go through all the stages of treatment, to take measures to prevent the development of complications.