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How many time lives the influenza virus indoors?

How long does the flu virus in the room when and where you can get it? This is a very serious issues, especially when we are talking about the effectiveness of preventive measures in constant contact with patients. Every person has numerous daily contacts with carriers of certain viruses and infections. And lack of attention to such matters is understandable, because not everyone is having such contacts is infected. Nevertheless, this need to know everything to preserve their health. After all, the flu is a dangerous virus as it causes a lot of complications at any age.

problema grippa

The flu is a separate and specific type of virus. Perhaps one of the most common among people and among animals. In modern medicine it is known only three types of flu, which are designated A, b and C. They differ in the degree of complexity of the disease and the prevalence. For example, view a is considered more serious, and it affects not only people. This kind is rapidly spreading to cities and countries. While the types b and C are considered less dangerous, they only hurt people.

How many time lives the influenza virus

Before to answer this question, it is important to understand that each virus and infection may exist on different surfaces. For example, in the very air the flu virus lives on average up to 9 hours, and he gets there only airborne. But, in addition, almost every room, usually you can meet a whole variety of everyday items. Thanks to a healthy person quite a few minutes to get influenza through the mucous membranes. This is one of the most common ways of Contracting this disease.

virusy grippa

So, the flu virus, getting droplets on different surfaces, can live:

  • up to 15 hours on the skin;
  • up to 2 weeks in the sputum of the sick person;
  • up to 10 days on glass surfaces;
  • up to 2 days on metal and plastic objects;
  • until 10 products from tissue;
  • up to 12 hours on paper.

In influenza in human patients there is a huge amount of virus. Against the background of General weakness and fever he starts sneezing, coughing. That's what puts other people at risk of getting the flu. When sneezing and coughing into the air will inevitably fall large and small particles of saliva influenza virus. Large particles directly deposited on the surface in the room, spreading up to 3 meters around and being less dangerous. And small, on the contrary, dwell long in the air, dispersed by wind or draught for a few hundred meters.

Why the infection is not susceptible toall

For anybody not a secret that not all people get the flu in constant contact with patients. And here plays a big role in human immunity. As you know, the higher it is, the people hardier. When injected into the body of any virus immediately arises immuniteta reaction. If the immune system is strong, it is likely that this virus is suppressed. If the immune system is weakened, you can easily get sick. Responds to any intrusion into the body the immune system of living beings in nature. Although it is believed that in a situation with viruses and bacteria, a strong immune system to cope, not always.

autoimmunnaya ataka na organizm

This only happens when the amount of influenza virus entering the body, up to a certain quantitative limit. In such situations the immune system cannot suppress the virus, and the human body gets sick. It can also occur with colds, chronic diseases of the nose and throat. Plays a big role in hydration of the mucous membranes. For example, severely dry nasal mucosa can become the breeding ground for viruses. But you can find its advantages: after each disease by itself, the immune system becomes stronger.

Prevention of flu

Prevention of influenza virus is not only needed in direct contact with sick people. Measures to ensure the need to always, especially during periods of cold weather and epidemics. Because the flu virus lives in the premises for quite a long time.

The most important rules is the ventilation, where the sick are, and following the rules of basic hygiene.

Although the premises is necessary to always ventilate, both in winter and summer, even if no one is sick. It is necessary to humidify the mucous membranes of the nose, to watch, to not have them dry crusts.

In the room where the patient of influenza, it is necessary to periodically wet cleaning. This is not to get carried away with disinfectant. They can cause allergies, cause drying of the mucous membranes in the body. The sick person need to care about the surrounding people to take responsibility for their health. When sneezing and coughing to close the nose and mouth using a handkerchief, special packs, masks, or at least to hide behind hands. It is important to understand that the flu, as with other virus diseases, the period of mass spreading of the infection goes then when she feels better, but the sneezing and coughing is still there.