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Why is the flu, a temperature of 37

A temperature of 37 after a flu is a normal reaction to the disease, because the virus is a persistent violation of the temperature regime in the body. Low-grade fever (body temperature of 37-38 degrees), continuing more than two weeks after the flu, can be a sign of complications, as the temperature is above 38, not falling more than six days. In these cases, you need to consult a physician. The specialist will prescribe the necessary General and special analyses, studies of those organs and systems that are normally affected by the flu. Toxins virus usually operate on the cardiovascular, respiratory, Central nervous system, contribute to the development of a secondary bacterial infection.

problema temperatury posle grippa

You should pay attention to symptoms such as shortness of breath (respiratory rate above 24 times per minute), headaches, palpitations, tachycardia, shortness of breath, back pain, impaired urination.

Normal condition after a previous infection is severe weakness and fatigue, sweating, increased drowsiness, reduced appetite.

The duration and severity of the disease depends on many factors:

simptomy grippa

  1. Different strains of flu.
  2. Timely, proper and intensive treatment (do not carry the flu on their feet, early contact).
  3. The General condition of the body.
  4. Advanced age, people in this age carry heavier disease, have more complications. The disease usually develops gradually, the temperature and intoxication is not so pronounced, but commonly affects the cardiovascular and respiratory system.
  5. In childhood the disease is a typical short incubation period (i.e., rapid onset), prolonged fever, marked temperature reaction and strong affection of the upper respiratory tract.
  6. Comorbidities.

The reasons for the lengthy low grade temperature

The duration of the disease averages from five to ten days. The incubation period (from infection to first symptoms) usually lasts 1-2 days. Start sharp, significantly increases temperature up to 38-40 degrees, symptoms of intoxication and lesions of the upper respiratory tract that manifest with dry cough, pain in the chest and nasal congestion.

virus grippaThis is the main difference from ordinary flu colds, which is characterized by runny nose, cough without chest pain. In addition, for the flu characterized by pain in the muscles, severe headache, usually in forehead and eyes, photophobia, andlacrimation.

The toxins of influenza virus act on the thermoregulatory function of the body. It is because of the imbalance of this system after the disease long-term elevated temperature, and there are other symptoms. Low-grade fever after flu remains primereniya 10% of patients. Causes of fever in this infectious disease - exposure to exogenous (external) pyrogenic substances, which are the toxins and waste products of the virus and endogenous (internal) pyrogen free. Endogenous pyrogenic substances produced by body cells in response to infection or other adverse factors.

This mechanism is protective, it is therefore not recommended medication to reduce the temperature to 38 degrees.

Thanks to this protective function:
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  • accelerates the formation of antibodies and interferon;
  • the acceleration of the work of the kidneys;
  • amplification of enzymatic reactions;
  • accelerates the elimination of toxins.

Although, like every rule, there are exceptions. If the person is weak, has concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular or respiratory system, even temperatures up to 38 degrees can be very bad and hard to move these bodies. In this case, drug elimination heat.

This usually used drugs with paracetamol, aspirin or NSAID drugs. As with all drugs there are contraindications and application features. Therefore, appropriate medical therapy, especially in pregnancy, children and the elderly, should choose a specialist.

The first step of disorders of thermoregulation influenza virus is increased heat production by the body, which occurs from the narrowing of peripheral vessels and reduction in sweating. It slows down blood circulation on the skin's surface and strong chills, despite the fact that the temperature inside has increased. The temperature increase stops when the peripheral vessels dilate again. The reduction occurs in the amplification of heat by the body, mainly through sweating.

Methods of recovery from the flu

polza progulok pri vosstanovlenii posle grippaTo the patient it is important to understand that his body is weakened, therefore it is necessary to exclude severe physical or emotional stress. The airing of the room frequent walks in the fresh air contribute to a gradual recovery of strength after sickness.

Light physical activity should start not earlier than several weeks afterdisease. Good simple exercises and fast Hiking. The pool is perfectly strengthens the body, water will help to gain strength and reduce stress. Transferred to the legs the flu increases the duration of illness and the likelihood of its complications. The flu rest and following bed rest will help to recover faster. Do not forget about proper sleep and work.

Especially in the first month after the disease should go to bed early and to observe an 8 hour period of sleep. During influenza, or after diseases accelerates recovery in the inclusion in the diet of foods containing vitamin C. also Important is a full and proper nutrition, drinking large quantities of liquid, for example, stewed black currants and dried fruits, raspberry jam. Proved that chicken broth has little anti-inflammatory action and helps in infectious diseases. You can use natural immune-boosting products - Siberian ginseng, Echinacea, lemongrass. Full restoration of an organism after the transferred flu can take from one month and more, especially in the elderly and children.

The reduced temperature after the flu

In addition to subfebrile rise in temperature during the recovery period there is the option of lowering the temperature to 35 degrees. The reason, as in the first case, is a violation of the thermoregulatory function of the body by the influenza virus. Here can help drugs Siberian ginseng and Echinacea, moderate exercise and walking. While maintaining this state over a few weeks you must see a doctor.

Fever after flu like symptom complications

The preservation temperature of 37-38 degrees is quite a widespread residual effects after disease. Especially in patients with reduced protective functions of the immune system and lack of treatment. But in some cases, when the duration of this period exceeds two weeks, it is a symptom of developing complications.

It is important to listen to your body and not ignore these symptoms. Often the flu complicated by pneumonia. When this occurs, the accession of a bacterial infection. Symptom is a sharp increase in temperature a few days after flu. The period for the improvement of health should be increased shortness of breath, the appearance of wheezing and coughing. Therefore, the persistence of high numbers on the thermometer after a week of flu can talk about the accession of pulmonary complications. Heart muscle - one of the first bodies, marveling at the virus. Manifests the appearance of myocarditis until the development of heart failure. Headaches and photophobia in the background of the prolonged course of the flu and feversymptomatic for viral damage to the nervous system.