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The holding of the inhalation cough at home

Cough is often the initial symptom in many diseases. It inhalation cough at home are the most effective local treatment of respiratory diseases. And the sooner you get diagnosed and naznachaetsya proper treatment, the easier and faster the body will cope with the disease. Inhalation, like any medical procedure has its contraindications and characteristics of.

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What are the symptoms?

Types of cough klassificeret on many parameters: the rhythm, the timbre, the nature (wet or dry), time of appearance (morning, evening, night). Given the totality of these features, you can make a correct diagnosis, and it is better to trust a specialist.

Some diseases require immediate treatment to the doctor. One can recognize them in the following anxiety symptoms:

temperatura s kashlem - povod dlya obrasheniya k vrachu

  • persistent cough at body temperature to 37.6° C, which lasts for more than a week;
  • cough accompanied by asthma;
  • clears throat phlegm contains streaks of blood;
  • violation of voice and/or voice changes, cough;
  • cough accompanied by General weakness, loss of weight, chills and profuse sweating at night;
  • cough lasts more than 7 days and increases.

If any of these symptoms are not observed, it is possible to alleviate their condition using the most effective method for diseases of the respiratory tract - inhalation. Inhalation are of two types: natural (e.g., forest, sea) and artificial (with the use of inhaled substances).

Contraindications to inhalation

Though inhalation cough is mild, local treatment of respiratory diseases in home conditions, but this procedure has its contraindications. Inhalation can not be carried out if the patient:

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  • age under 2 years (only in extreme cases and only under the supervision of a physician);
  • pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • severe heart failure;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • high body temperature (above 38° C);
  • nosebleeds;
  • individual intolerance to the components of pulmonary (Allergy).

In all other cases, inhalations, especially when accompanied by medical treatment, several times will improve the health of the patient.

Contemporary fixtures for homeinhalation

Now in any pharmacy you can find special devices for inhalation, each of which has its own characteristics:

nebulajzer dlya ingalyacij

  1. The nebulizer operates on the basis of the mechanism of dispersed atomization of the medicine. There are compressor and ultrasonic nebulisers. Ultrasound more compact, but not suitable for oily solutions.
  2. Inhaler paraplany based on the inhalation of the fumes of medicinal substances.
  3. Inhaler of Macholda intended for inhalation with essential oils and alcohol tinctures.

All these devices have clear instructions for use, which should be read before use. Before the inhalations, it is recommended to consult with your doctor because improper dosage of drugs can lead to disastrous results.

When inhalation is not carried out?

There are cases where cough is a symptom of illness, not related to viral or infectious lesions of the respiratory system. So, a dry cough happens to smokers in the mornings, which is associated with addiction. It is necessary to distinguish allergic cough: it is seasonal, appearing during the action of the allergen and is accompanied by rhinitis, sneezing, watery eyes and sometimes skin rash.

kurenie - prichina kashlyaAllergic cough is observed among people suffering from bronchial asthma. When gastroesophageal reflux dry cough is associated with the ingress of stomach contents into the esophagus. Then you should not cure the cough, but to turn to a gastroenterologist.

But there are cases when the disease of the respiratory system involves only medication. So, purulent specks in sputum if productive cough indicate the development on the background of the disease is a bacterial infection and it is treated only with antibiotics.

Dry and wet cough: what's the difference?

Often when inflammation in any part of the respiratory system the first symptom is a dry cough, which eventually goes in the wet. Wet (productive) cough differs from a dry abundant sputum upon expectoration.

Dry cough with colds suggests that the phlegm accumulated in the respiratory system, too viscous. Because dry, non-productive cough causes pain in the throat, chest, and often hysterical. The main task - translate the form of unproductive cough in a productive, thereby facilitating expectoration and speeding up the recovery of the patient.

otvary trav dlya lecheniya kashlyaBecause dry coughsuggest to use inhalations with expectorant substances. They should not be confused with protivokashlevami drugs, as their effects are diametrically opposed. Antitussives suppress the cough reflex, that in no event it is impossible to do with colds.

Expectorants funds are divided into media sulfhydryl groups (carbocisteine, acetylcysteine) derivatives vasicine (Bromhexine, Ambroxol), and a combination of drugs. Many of these drugs are sold in the form of drops that can be used for inhalation in the home. About the dosage, you should consult with your physician.

Folk remedies for inhalation

Folk remedies for inhalation long been used traditional medicine. If there was no special fixtures, you can use the old method: boil water with herbs in a teapot or small pan, breathe the fumes. To make the procedure more effective, you should cover your head with a blanket or towel, thereby not allowing a couple to disperse throughout the room. Home nebulizers there are a few rules:

  1. It is not necessary to lean over just boiling water. Strong steam can cause burns.
  2. The face should be kept at a distance of 30-40 cm from the broth.
  3. It is necessary to sit in a comfortable position, in the event of dizziness or careless movement not to lose a hot broth.
  4. Inhalation should be carried out not earlier than 2 hours after a meal. After inhalation, it is better not to strain your throat within the hour.
  5. Inhalations should not be more than 2 times a day.

polza efirnyh masel pri kashleDry cough importantly - make it productive, because the need to drink more fluids, and the room to maintain the humidity at a comfortable level. But the most effective dry cough treatment are heat and humidity and steam inhalation. Steam inhalation is different from the heat and humidity that the patient leans over the bowl of broth, which is prepared in the kettle. Then the spout is placed a funnel, through which the patient inhales the steam treatment.

The most effective inhalation in the broth of herbs or essential oils. Expectorant properties have herbs such as sage, eucalyptus, Linden, St. John's wort, calendula, flowers mother and stepmother, nettle. In pharmacies can be purchased as individual types of herbs, so ready to breast fees. Dry cough doctors suggest to use essential oils: they moisturize and relieve irritation in the nasopharynx. Best in the fight against dry cough proven essential oils of fir, tea tree, eucalyptus.

In any case, do not include in inhalers andnebulizers undiluted essential oil: it can be dangerous to health. Usually essential oils for inhalation are added to the calculation of 1-2 drops per 100 ml of water.

In addition to a warm inhalation, or use the cold. To do this, the patient's room place the burner with essential oils or saucer with the crushed garlic and onions (essential oils of these products help with the cough and runny noses).

We must not treat the cough, and the disease, therefore inhalation should not be a principal, and an accompanying method of treatment, which must necessarily be discussed with your doctor.