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Badger fat: take cough

Badger fat cough is used for a long time. And, despite the huge diversity of modern medicine, used this tool today.

problema kashlya

The properties of badger fat

In ancient times disease was treated with various natural products of plant and animal origin. Many recipes of traditional medicine are relevant to this day because of the valuable properties of the products is proved not only in practice, but also scientifically. To combat coughs and colds often took badger fat. This tool was considered the most effective.

Badger fat has a yellow or white color and an unpleasant specific odor. Has a low melting point. Therefore at room temperature it rapidly becomes plastic and begins to flow.

primenenie barsuchego zhira pri kashle i orviThe excellent therapeutic effect of badger fat on the human body due to its special ability to accumulate biologically active substances in itself. Due to this, the use of the product contributes to the saturation of the organism with necessary microelements, vitamins and organic acids. The greatest amount of nutrients contained in animal fat, produced at the end of autumn. It was during this period badger is preparing for hibernation, so accumulate the maximum amount of useful vitamins and minerals.

Badger fat has a number of advantages:

  • improves blood circulation;
  • normalizes the work of gastrointestinal tract;
  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • improves the absorption of protein;
  • boosts the immune system.

You can use the product as an ointment. In this case, the fat is processed wounds and pustular rash. After treatment all lesions heal in no time.

The treatment of cough

The fat badger cough treated for all diseases.

It may be influenza, SARS, bronchitis, etc. In some cases there was a positive effect of ingestion tuberculosis.

Dry cough mix milk with fat badger. Milk can be replaced with broth hips with honey. This composition reduces inflammation in the lungs and respiratory tract, enhance immunity, removes weakness and fatigue. When using such mixtures, it is worth remembering that the basis of badger fat must be mixed in a ratio of 3:1, respectively.

dobavlenie barsuchego zhira v moloko pri suhom kashleA remedy must be used twice a day half an hour beforeBreakfast and just before bedtime. Adults should take one tablespoon, children (under 10 years) - one teaspoon means one at a time.

Take badger fat have on an empty stomach, preferably half an hour before meals. Such treatment will allow to achieve the most effective results. Treatment is recommended at least two weeks.

During particularly difficult illnesses badger fat can be taken together with other medicinal drugs. In the treatment of bronchitis the course must last for a month and a half.

Badger fat is different unpleasant taste, so children are very difficult to make him eat this nasty medicine. To avoid this, there is a special recipe of delicious drugs. 8 tea spoons of fat badger melted on a steam bath, after which it is added 100 g dark chocolate 6 tea spoons of cocoa, 80 g of butter. The result is a homogeneous sweet paste. Such composition can give no more than 3 times a day.

To improve the efficiency of badger fat can be used not only internally, but also externally. In this case, the product is used as an ointment. The fat is rubbed into the chest and back in the lung area. However, in the initial stages need to be cautious, because grinding can cause an increase in temperature.

Indications and contraindications

konsultaciya vrachaBadger fat when you cough, you can eat not all. The product is contraindicated in case of:

  • hypersensitivity to the product;
  • in diseases of the liver;
  • in diseases of the pancreas;
  • in diseases of the biliary tract and gall bladder.

It is not recommended to use the product children under 6 years (only as a rubbing ointments). In all other cases the use of remedies has no limitations.

In the process of treatment badger fat may experience side effects such as nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, allergic rash, itching.

In the treatment of cough and other respiratory diseases is first necessary to consult a doctor. In any case be self-medicate, as this may threaten further complications.

And another very important is to buy really quality product. To buy badger fat should be reliable and checked the points, or buy it at the drugstore. In such institutions it is sold in capsules or in liquid form in vials.