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Herbal tea for cough

Everyone in his life faced with a cough, which can seriously complicate the breathing process. Tea cough is a very effective way to eliminate such diseases.

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Types of cough

Cough prevents a person to live a natural lifestyle, as it not only complicates the mouth, but irritate with the bronchi. Its origin may be due to a number of factors, among which are the following:

  • the common cold;
  • viral disease;
  • allergic reaction;
  • air pollution.

In addition, the development of this disease can be affected by Smoking, pollution or seasonal climatic changes. In these cases, you can drink tea for cough. It is important to understand what types of coughing there are. These include wet, dry, paroxysmal, periodic, and continuous cough. Such information will help to prepare a drink.

vidy kashlyaModern medicine has a large number of different drugs and physiotherapy, which help to cope with the disease. But if not properly applied, the recovery will not occur. So, not to be mistaken with the selection of medicinal products, treatment should begin with the use of herbal beverages, infusions, and teas.

Among folk remedies there are a large number of recipes from which to prepare the medicinal solution, helping to speed up the expectoration (sputum), remove the sore and relieve pain.

The use of medicinal herbs

If the patient is diagnosed with tracheitis or bronchitis, then he will experience a dry cough, accompanied by seizures. In this case it is necessary to drink large amount of fluid that helps to liquefy phlegm. As a result, the discharge would be substantially easier, that will not allow the disease to hit and damage lung tissue.

otvar na travah ot kashlyaIn this case, good help tea from cough, which is brewed on the basis of chamomile, thyme, mother and stepmother, marjoram or psyllium. Such herbs can be brewed together and separately. In addition, you can add it to black and green tea. This will give the drink the flavor and make it not only useful but also delicious.

The proportion of herbs should be selected individually, based on the advice of the attending physician, diagnosis and the degree of manifestation of the disease. If the drink is to add the licorice root, it will have expectorant properties and will envelopthe mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. Eucalyptus reduces inflammation and accelerates the healing process. Violet petals not only help in the treatment of cough, but also allow to get rid of a cold.

Plantain leaves brewed in boiling water and soaked for 24 hours, quite effectively allow you to liquefy mucus and facilitate its excretion from the respiratory tract.

Sage, in addition to its expectorant action, prevents the spread of bacteria because it has antibacterial properties.

In the case when there is no possibility to collect such herbs, you can buy them at the pharmacy. They can be sold in special bags, allowing you to easily brew them together with welding. Such metered-dose sachets can be added to beverages to children. Herbal tinctures may be in the form of extracts and syrups, making it easy to add them to any drink.

Preparation of medicinal teas

Effectively and quickly get rid of the symptoms of cough can be prepared in a tea with caraway seeds. In addition to the high medicinal properties, a decoction has good taste and rich aroma. For its preparation should be cumin seeds mixed with tea leaves in the ratio 1:2 respectively. Then this composition must be placed in a pot of water and boil it. After the water has cooled, you can consume the drink. This method of welding enables you to save the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals.

Besides the fact that cumin seeds allow to cure cough, they also give us strength and energy charge. This feature is due to the fact that cumin is rich in essential oils, which have beneficial effects not only on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and the gastrointestinal tract.

Ginger also has great medicinal properties. The use of ginger root allows you to use the tea to treat coughs, thyroid gland, improving the function of blood circulation in the brain and vascular system. In addition, ginger tea has a nice warming effect, which allows to remove toxins from the body and stimulates the immune system. This property is particularly useful for the prevention of various viral diseases and flu.

For the preparation of tea broth should take 2 pods of cardamom, clove seeds and ginger root, which should be smeared with small chips. This composition should be mixed with leaves of normal green tea. This mass should pour 2 cups of boiling water and steep for 10-15 minutes.

Once the broth configure themselves, it should be filtered. This can be done using a conventional gauze of the fabric. The filtered water is drained into the pan and continue to heat on low heat for 20 to 30 minutes. To improve the aroma andthe flavor of the drink, you can add freshly squeezed lemon juice, orange or grapefruit.

There are plenty of recipes for teas cough. The most important thing when cooking is to correctly pick up the necessary ingredients and not to violate the technology of brewing, because it will preserve in their structure the greatest number of nutrients and antioxidants.