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How to make compresses for cough children

A cough brings the child great discomfort, for the treatment the doctors recommended to apply special compresses for cough children. This should be taken very seriously, because if the disease is treated incorrectly or not treated, can become much worse.

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Types of cough in children

Choose and assign methods for the treatment of cough is obliged only to your baby's doctor. He examines it fully and will be able to determine which is better to choose compress.

Cough can be divided into:

  • sharp;
  • prolonged;
  • chronic.

When you cough in the acute period should not be used compresses. It is better to use them during recovery.

When and how should be applied in the treatment of compresses

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There are several types of packs, they are medicinal, warming, hot and cold. But they are able to overcome cough only when used together with drugs that the physician prescribes.

There are so many different baby wraps. The main thing to apply, not to harm. First you need to find ingredients, given as the child coughs.

In the early stages of the disease is best in the treatment to use honey with Apple cider vinegar. But if you started to develop bronchitis, the child will help honey or vodka compress.

If the cough the process takes quite a long time, can gain the wrap with oil. Before you apply cloth components need to warm up, then wrap the baby in. Before you apply the compress to the chest, you need to coat with vegetable oil. After that, all of its contents should be put on the cloth of a gauze fabric and attach to the back and chest. Then wrap it all with foil, keeping the free zone in the region of the heart. The trunk need to roll up a warm scarf or blanket.

Compress do at night, remove them in the morning. But even if the compresses with honey, oil or vinegar, leave for half an hour, they will still be quite effective. Upon completion of this manipulation of the poultice should be removed, wipe the skin, smear it with a nourishing cream and wrap the baby and protect him from drafts. After that, it is not advisable to go for a walk.

What are packs for kids cough

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There are a lot of different packs from children's cough, such as cold, hot, vodka, water, oil and dry. Compresses to warm can be used only by appointment and permission of the doctor. They help to improve the flow of blood,anesthetize, reduce inflammation. The most effective are compresses oil, potato and cheese. The compresses with oils use of essential oils. Most efficient to do them before you go to bed. Compresses with the oil eases breathing, and can stop coughing. Compresses with curd is also able to stabilize the temperature process.

It's okay if compress to leave on all night. If the child takes medication, it is best to make a compress with the use of potatoes. Potatoes must be boiled in their skins, stretch it, wrap in gauze, the rest do as usual when applying the compress. It is forbidden to put the compresses to children under years, skin damage or wounds on the skin of children. If the cough the process has been delayed, breast, and back child support can be wiped with pig fat. Then the child wrapped in cloth and warm film, in the morning you need to remove. Potato poultice you can make in another way. Boil unpeeled potatoes and to stretch it and add one tbsp. a spoonful of alcohol with vegetable oil and turpentine. All this should be well mixed, to sculpt two cakes, wrap in a napkin from gauze and put to the back and breast, in the region of the heart can not be put. This compress can be left not more than a couple of hours, then wipe the baby, change him, not letting him out of the warm room. This procedure should be repeated three or four days in a row no more than once a day.

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The most simple is oil compress. You first need to heat oil in the bath water, blot them a soft towel, wring it out and wrap the baby in, in the region of the heart applied. Upstairs to put the parchment paper and warm scarf, put the baby to bed, having drunk his hot tea with the malinke. In the morning remove the wrap, wipe the child's body, so that it was dry, dressed in warm clothes. There are options on the basis of cheese, which are worse than others can give very good results. Can come different cheese. It is necessary to heat and mix with honey (one hundred grams of cottage cheese one tablespoon). This composition cover towel, under which place the parchment paper, then put another towel and rather warm scarf made of wool. This poultice is desirable to wrap the breast, but to leave a free area around the heart, and on top of all this you need to wrap a warm scarf. Leave it until the next day.

Before you put your baby to sleep, it's best to give him to drink tea with raspberry and diaphoretic herbs. The next morning to clean everything, and child to wash with warm water, grind it up and put on his warm clothes. Still need to look at the color of cottage cheesemass. If it's at all the time, which stayed on the skin does not become yellow, most likely, the child is not ill with pneumonia. But if he had pneumonia, then the curds will be covered with yellow-green spots. When a child is breathing, with a wheezing, you need to apply the compress, which was invented by Avicenna. Stir flour, honey, cold boiled water in the same proportion. The received weight lay out on a towel.

The remaining part of this mass to place on the chest and sides.. the Child put on a towel with flour ground, and then to wrap a wrap with greaseproof paper, still warm towel and handkerchief. This is all very carefully wrap and tie. To put the baby to sleep, before that, to give him tea with diaphoretic herbs. Also cough apply black radish juice as a compress. Take the bandage of gauze and obmokhu in sunflower oil, lightly warmed on a steam bath. This is done to avoid burning. Continue to soak in the juice of radish. If the child has no allergies, you need to take all equally: one tablespoon of liquid honey, a weak alcoholic solution, dry mustard and sunflower oil.

Everything is very thoroughly mixed and to this mixture add the flour, to knead dough. All heat in a water bath and compress.

Compresses from dry cough in children

When a child is sick with a dry cough, to cure it, you need to apply a compress of a special solution. You need to take one tablespoon of sunflower oil, alcohol and honey. All this mixture is heated in a bath. Then you need to wet it a piece of linen cloth, so that it fully covers the neck and the area between the shoulder blades, on top of the cloth should be imposed cotton wool, after her cellophane. To the back of the baby wrap you need to tie a warm scarf. We should not forget that the child should spend with a compress all night, so the knots must be tied small and arrange them on the sides. This means it is impossible to abuse, it is best to apply it in one day.

In the sleeping room, the air must be fresh and cool. Alcohol to prepare the compress, you need to take very careful small amounts to prevent alcohol poisoning. This also applies to vinegar, which is able to reduce the temperature.

Effectively compresses for cough children? There is no single answer. If the child has a cough only starts that compresses – this is exactly what will help him as soon as possible to recover. But all this is very individual: someone compresses can help, and someone to hurt.