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Milk, butter and honey from the annoying cough

To the old folk traditions include the use of products such as milk, butter and honey for the cough. All of it is used for making cures. As we know, the cough is a protective response of the body.

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It protects the respiratory system and lungs from infection, contamination and mechanical damages. And his presence, turning into a more serious form for colds, evidence of active inflammatory process of the upper respiratory tract, and signals the need for treatment and withdrawal symptoms.

Useful properties of milk in combination with honey

Goat's and cow's milk has long been used by people as a valuable, nutritious and healthy product. It includes a variety of components that not only nourish, but also strengthen the body.

In diseases of a catarrhal nature, and the cough it is noticed that milk helps with the healing process and softens the tissue in the throat, relieving irritation symptoms.

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As for the honey, it is famous for its unique healing properties for quite some time. It contains a huge number of vitamins and minerals, fructose, glucose and water. In the case when honey is natural and high quality, it gradually kristallizuetsya. Artificial honey has no such features and just becomes slightly harder during storage. Feature of honey is that it is used as medicines for the treatment of many diseases, mostly catarrhal nature, as it is able to exert pronounced effective antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and strengthening effect on the body. Very good at helping med with a strong cough, especially in combination with milk.

If the symptoms arose in influenza, acute respiratory infections, sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, hypothermia or ordinary cold, then warm milk with honey for cough in this case is one of the most effective means of treatment in an integrated approach. The combination of these components is the real stimulator of the release of mucus, the medicine improves the immunity and gives strength to the body, helping it to fight the disease.

In addition, the combination of milk with honey is a good preventive measure of a General nature. During pregnancy, a condition of the lack of female allergic reactions to these products, the tool has no analogues and is an indispensable source of useful components and vitamins.

Properties of honey and its value in the treatment ofcough

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Honey enhances the secretory function of the salivary glands and the mucus, thereby mitigating the irritation in the throat. When using this product greatly increases the number of substances that can suppress the cough center. A variety of medicines based on bee honey is designed for all age categories, however, in order to prevent the development of allergies children recommended to reduce the dose in half.

If you treat almost any colds with a cough at a very early stage of development, except, of course, serious pathologies, such as pneumonia, pulmonary edema and so on, there is a possibility to get rid of it without resorting to drug therapy. However, when the missed the incubation period of development, some folk remedies can not do. Although their usage contributes to and accelerates the healing process.

Such diseases as bronchitis, always accompanied by cough. One of the therapeutic agents used in folk medicine, is milk combined with oil.

The remedy is prepared from 50 g of butter per Cup of milk. Taking medicine before going to sleep. The milk and butter help to reduce itching and tickling in the throat and reduce inflammation.

A few recipes from folk medicine

At the present stage, there are a number of tested recipes of medicines made at home with the purpose of getting rid of cough and common cold symptoms. Methods of alternative medicine in any case should not be underestimated, after all, the origins of modern science began with them. Many recipes include the preparation of medicines from natural, active and useful components, if you are not able to cure the disease completely, then give the whole process a significant impact. Here are some of them:

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  1. In an enamel saucepan of small size filled with hot milk rate of 300 ml per serving. Then there is added a little baking soda and a piece of butter or cocoa butter. The second component is a good remedy against cough itself.
  2. You can use milk with soda cough without any additional components. This is a long-proven method. Its effect is to soften the throat and removal of the inflammatory process. Soda in itself can be used as a means for rinsing, diluted with warm water at the rate of one teaspoon of powder in a standard glass of water. Therefore, milksoda cough is also an effective option in the treatment.
  3. A cocktail of warm whole milk with the dissolved honey. Preparing is quite simple. In a glass of milk mixed with a tablespoon of natural mountain honey until dissolved. Drink drink during the day, and at night to cook an extra portion and eat completely just before going to sleep. This simple remedy will relieve the cough and discomfort will give the opportunity to sleep and rest.
  4. Prescription medical cocktail, similar to the previous except adding to the beaker a small piece of butter. Its application softens the throat is slightly more efficient. To get a tangible result, to use a drink, preferably several times a day, sharing one portion into two parts. Before bedtime you can drink a whole glass.
  5. Cough medicine with black radish. In equal amounts mix ingredients: honey, milk, and juice medicinal radish. Make the tool is required seven times in a day for one tablespoon.
  6. The recipe of a medicine against dry cough. Prepared from milk, raw onions and garlic. In a saucepan filled with a pint of milk and boiled. Cut onion, garlic, all added to the milk. The mixture is boiled until until the garlic become really soft. The bulb will fit large and medium size, garlic is enough half of the head. Then to the mixture are placed three tablespoons of honey, which dissolves completely. Here it is possible to add a concentrated decoction of mint. Take a tablespoon for each hour.
  7. Milk with honey and butter for pneumonia. It is necessary to mix 100 grams of lard, 50 grams butter, 50 grams of honey, 50 grams of fresh aloe juice. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Medication to use need, with a glass of warm milk with melted honey per 1 Cup of milk 2 tablespoons of honey. The reception of this tool helps to strengthen the body, throw heat, to treat the inflammatory process.

Additional points

With a strong cough will help the following means. In a liter of milk boil a Cup of oats until until the grains begin to swell. The broth is cooled and filtered, preserving all useful components.

Warm, viscous concoction, you need to add a teaspoon of butter and two tablespoons of honey. The drug is taken throughout the day as a tonic after suffering pneumonia.

Products such as butter, milk, honey, onion, garlic and baking soda, very long been used in folk medicine to alleviate severe coughing and sore throat during colds.