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How to use oats for cough: recipes

Oats cough prescription on the basis of which there is not one widely practiced. Traditional medicine is widely used oat preparations, not only cough, but also as a diuretic, diaphoretic and antipyretic.

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The composition and properties of oats

This plant, depending on the disease, can be used raw or cooked. It is also effective when applied topically in the form of warm compresses, applied to those areas of the body where there is inflammation and even open wounds.

Medicinal properties of this cereal due to the following composition:

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  • a large amount of protein;
  • vitamins a, E, PP, group b, which strengthens the body and especially the nervous system;
  • starch (it oats about 60%), which helps control blood sugar levels;
  • amino acids involved in the structure and repair of tissues in the body;
  • cellulose, which is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis, as it lowers cholesterol;
  • minerals such as magnesium, manganese, potassium, iron, aluminum, boron, vanadium, iodine, selenium, phosphorus, strontium, titanium, which are extremely important for metabolic processes in the body.

Thus, the oats, being a valuable food product, can be used as a folk remedy for many diseases.

The use of oats in folk medicine

nastoj ovsa dlya poloskaniya gorlaTraditionally, in folk medicine used loops for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with the violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach and intestines. Such grains include oats, barley and rice.

The most popular shielding means is oats. For these purposes, can be used as the raw grain oats and oat flour.

Due to its composition, grain oats help the intestines to digest fats and carbohydrates. However, this does not lead to weight gain. On the contrary, oatmeal has always been considered a dietary product, which was used as in the fasting diets, and to raise forces in humans after a serious illness.

Treatment oats bronchitis is based on the same mitigating and restorative properties of grain that are so valued in the treatment of the digestive system.

Treatment of oats for bronchitis

Oats with milk is considered a good tool to be used in the treatment of cough and colds, including such heavy as pneumonia, bronchitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis. This tool can be used inthe treatment of both adults and children.

After a few techniques, the patient begins to feel relief, the cough becomes less hoarse, its intensity weakens, the breathing returns to normal, the rales disappear.

In the preparation of the drink oat based milk is often used, and other auxiliary products such as honey, raisins, pepper, lemon, raspberry.

Recipes oat potions cough

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  1. Milk with raw oats in a thermos. Need to get 0.5 kg of oats and thoroughly wash it. A pint of milk to boil and pour into a thermos, there is need to fill the oats. The tool needs to brew for at least 5 hours. Before each use, the infusion is filtered and cast 100 ml. Is the number of infusions consumed in small portions throughout the day.
  2. Oat milk in a water bath. A half-liter jar need to be filled with oats. This is a standard bushel for oats, milk such a yardstick is a two-liter Bank. In these proportions of the mixed ingredients placed in a water bath and heat not less than three hours. Ready medicinal drink should strain and drink half a Cup every 3 hours. Make the broth should on an empty stomach, not earlier than two to three hours after a meal.
  3. Oatmeal with milk. The main principle of therapy cereal is to milk it more. To cook is not so much oatmeal, how many boiled milk on the oats. When it is ready, you need to drain the broth into a Cup and add a half Cup of Linden honey. Drink this syrup you need to five times a day for 10-15 minutes before eating a tablespoon.
  4. Oats with milk baked in the oven. Two liters of milk does a pound of oats. All this is placed in a cast-iron bowl (available in enamel, but cast iron is better). The dishes were placed in a Russian stove or in a heated oven and kept there, without lowering the temperature, for two to three hours. In the process of heat treatment the excess liquid needs to evaporate, a mixture of the extract, the consistency which should not be too liquid, but excessive thick to prevent too. After two hours the oven off without removing the contents. After cooling, strain the broth, removing grain oats. Keep the medication in a cool place in a sealed container. Before use it is necessary to slightly heat up. To make this drink, you need one glass in the form of heat at night. To improve the taste and medicinal properties in oatmeal infusion, you can add honey, raspberries, currants, strawberries and other berry that provides the body with vitamin C.
  5. The infusion of oat straw. This tool is used not only cough, but also from the heat. Takenstraw of oats (40 g), pour boiling water (1 liter) and infused for two hours. The decoction is filtered and drunk three times a day for 100 grams.
  6. Oats with raisins. To do this, take two tablespoons oats and raisins and add 1.5 liters of cold boiled water. The mixture should be put in the oven where it needs to languish on low heat until until half the liquid from the container to evaporate. Thereafter, the mixture needs to cool and drain. In the broth add a tablespoon of honey and mixed. To take a decoction need several times a day a tablespoon with a coughing fit.

polza ovsa pri angineA decoction of oats, regardless of the method of its preparation, can be used in the treatment of angina, tonsillitis, and even sinusitis. The sore throat should be rinsed with warm broth as often as possible. Enveloping effect allows you to relieve irritation, swelling and hoarseness. Sinusitis can be treated with compresses of hot oats, which is superimposed on the maxillary sinus.

Oats can be prepared with water and this does not detract from its medicinal properties. However, the combination of a decoction of oats, milk and, if necessary, honey sinhroniziruete the actions of all of the ingredients and allows you to enhance the therapeutic effect, aimed at combating dry hacking cough.

Analogue oats can be considered barley. They are not simply interchangeable, but are quite compatible. Broths and porridges of these two cereals have a good therapeutic effect. Recipe remedies from barley does not differ from that for oats.

When preparing the decoctions of barley and oats can be hot stage of cooking to use for inhalation. The steam from the broth has the same properties as the broth. However, in this case care should be taken. You cannot apply hot treatments at high temperature, attack of asthma especially when asthma status. Stimulating expectoration may increase suffocation.

Oat milk and oat water can and should be combined with herbal infusions to help get rid of inflammation, soften the cough and bring the sputum. The best known remedy is licorice root. It has a sweet taste and can be used separately from the oat decoction together with them. Especially good to combine licorice with oats in the treatment of bronchitis and other respiratory diseases in children.

Special flavor will give osanobu milk add thyme and mint. Peppermint has expectorant properties, but it is a good antispasmodic that will reduce the likelihood of spastic choking and to ease the headache, is characteristic of all colds.

It should be mentioned thatfor treating colds you can't use cereal. They, like unprocessed grains, have shielding effect and contain a number of minerals characteristic of the source product. However, deep processing, making grain cereals, eliminates many medicinal properties of this cereal. So cereal useful as food, but useless as a medicine.