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Onions with sugar for cough: effective recipes

Recipe onion with sugar cough helps in the treatment of many respiratory diseases. With the manifestation of cough had to fight everyone. It is impossible to consider cough as a voluntary disease, it is a defensive reaction of the human body. He is just one of the symptoms.

problema kashlya

How to treat a cough?

Cough accompanied by a variety of colds. This uneasy feeling haunts the patient day and night. It makes it impossible to eat, sleep and speak normally. For treatment used in various pharmaceutical preparations and folk remedies. There are many subtleties in the appointment of drugs in the fight against cough.

luk ot kashlyaSo, in acute respiratory disease need only medicine that stops the cough, the use of antibiotics is not desirable. During a bronchitis with fever and cough should receive antibiotics to eliminate the germs that cause inflammation. But these diseases appoint and protivotankovaya, and antitussive medications.

In modern times, being used in medicine huge selection of cough medicines. There is a large amount of distractions means: foot baths, hot drinks, mustard, ointment. Cough should not be ignored, and treated. All products have considerable amounts of chemical ingredients that affect the loading of other organs.

Medicines have properties which affect the kidneys, liver, stomach. In the treatment of cough in adults and children there are effective folk remedies, they are completely harmless and have no adverse reactions.

How to cure onions?

When the man starts to hurt, doctors recommend as medicine bow.

med ot kashlya It prevents serious complications of the disease, the infection, kills bacteria, stimulates the immune system, increasing the protective barrier of the body.

Method of administration this medicinal product is not only economical, it is suitable for the treatment of children. With the addition of sugar goes a medicine with a more pleasant taste.

Onions are rich in vitamins and minerals. It consists of the entire set of sugars: fructose, sucrose, maltose. It contains sugar and citric acid, iron, calcium, vitamin C and B.

Onion is a powerful antibacterial and anti-catarrhal properties.

Thanks to onion juice accumulated in the respiratory tract sputum liquefies and moves faster.

Some recipes for cough

chesnok ot kashlyaThere are many different recipes for cough with the use of the bow,which can be combined with healthy food:

  1. Onions with sugar cough (the first method). One medium onion will need two tablespoons of sugar. You need to chop the vegetables, add the sugar and leave overnight. This tincture must be taken during the day in small portions.
  2. Onions with sugar for coughs (the second method). For this recipe you will need 0.5 kg of minced onion, 400 grams of sugar and 1 liter of water. All these ingredients mix and cook on a slow fire for three hours. When the broth is ready and has cooled, it should drain, then add two tablespoons of honey. This tool take from one to six tablespoons a day, warming the broth, but only after a meal.
  3. Honey with onions and garlic. Need 5 medium onions, head of garlic, 50 grams honey and 0.5 liters of water. Vegetables should be crushed and put in a pot, then pour water on them. On low heat cook onion with garlic until they are soft. After cooking, add honey. This medicine should be taken every hour. It not only softens the cough, and sore throat.

ingalyacii iz luka ot kashlyaThere are recipes for onion for different types of cough:

  1. A strong cough. 0.5 kg onions finely chop and put in a glass jar, covered with dough. You need to cook in the oven on low heat. When a test appears crust, you should get a jar from the oven and allow to cool. This onion mixture, take a tablespoon up to 6 times a day, after meals.
  2. Wet cough need a couple of medium onions and 0.5 liters of milk. Chopped onion, mix it with milk in a saucepan and bring to boil at low heat. Make decoction should tablespoon 4-6 times a day after meals.
  3. During the dry cough will help onion recipe with sugar (the second method).
  4. In the treatment of children onion syrups and decoctions can be replaced with a compress with the use of the bow. This will require a gauze bag with chopped onion. It is necessary to warm a compress on the warm pair. The temperature of the compress should not be too high. To heat it you need to bow became warm. Not to hurt baby's tender skin, apply on the chest compress through the fabric, you need to roll up the place a warm scarf and leave it for 20 minutes.

Also based on Luke make an ointment. Grate the onion on a grater and mix with animal fat or butter. RUB this mixture into the skin of the neck and thorax, then tie the night a warm scarf.

Do inhalation from a bow. They are excellent help with respiratory diseases and flu. Will need two bulbs. Cut them into several pieces and add a small amountof boiling water, cover the saucepan with a lid and wrap a towel. After 3 hours, add a liter of water and cook until boiling. You can then breathe the steam the onion for 5 minutes.

Children can still do the sweet syrup of burnt sugar. It tastes much nicer than onions, and properties are almost identical. Relies on a hot griddle pour a few tablespoons of sugar, add water into it. You need to stir constantly on the fire sugar. When it become brown, pour it on a greased with sunflower oil a plate.

Traditional methods need to be applied early in the development of the disease. If the cough persists for more than three days, consult your doctor. He finds out the reason for the appearing of the cough and prescribe the right medication.

In diseases of is not zealous in the use of food. The body requires energy to fight the disease, not for digestion. Eliminate in your diet at the time of illness cold food and drinks. Eat more foods that contain vitamins.

If these components are individual intolerance, should abandon such therapies. These recipes are contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, liver. It is impossible to abuse and to exceed the dose folk remedies from the bow. It may appear lethargy and disturbance of the digestive process.