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Recipes for getting rid of cough: milk with figs

If you've tried all the possible ways of treatment of inflammation in the throat, turn to folk medicine and try this recipe for cough as milk with figs. You don't have to put mustard plasters and compresses, make a large number of medications and use ointments. This is an excellent remedy, especially for children.

problema kashlya

Since ancient times, with this prescription treated whooping cough and colds. Decoctions of the fruits were removed inflammatory processes in the larynx and bronchitis, and combining the milk of figs, treating even a prolonged cough.

Vitamin composition of the figs

polza svezhego inzhira pri kashleFigs call a close relative of the indoor ficus. In appearance it resembles a shrub, is quite branchy and very high. On the planet there are more than 400 varieties of figs.

The main wealth of figs lies in the presence of b vitamins: B1, B2 and B6.

Fresh fruit plants, you can find important elements for the human body: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. The figs you can find ascorbic and oxalic acids, fats, and proteins. The proportion of fructose and glucose in fresh fruits reaches 24%, and in dried is increased to 50%. The potassium content of figs is second only to nuts.

Energy value of fresh figs - 49 kcal per 100 g of product, a calorie is dried up to 214 calories for the same volume. It is preferable to use the fruits of dark shades: the content of useful substances in them is much higher than in fruits bright colors.

Benefits of figs

The presence in the figs fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 makes it indispensable in heart failure. Due to the content of essential oils, can enrich the blood with oxygen, the fruits cleanse the blood vessels and prevent blood clots.

A large amount of iron makes the figs are in demand for the treatment of anemia. Women during the menstrual cycle it is advisable to include in your diet during the day 3 of the fruit of the plant. This will allow you to maintain a normal balance of essential minerals in the body.

polza suhogo inzhira pri kashleNeeded by the human body vitamin B6, which produces serotonin and helps to reduce cholesterol levels.

Figs have mild laxative properties.

After a long illness, the intake of figs can help get better, increase mental activity and performance. It is useful in the treatment of anemia, cold and cough. It helps in diseases of the liver and spleen.

For treatment use not only the fruit but also the leaves. From them prepare infusions, whichhelp for cough, dysentery and colitis.

For longer storage of fruits are used, cured and drying. If you are using dried figs it is better to pre-fill the night with water. Thus water, which was infused dried fruit, in no event it is impossible to pour because it is rich in minerals and fructose.

The dried figs has a diaphoretic effect. He fills the body with energy and uplifting. When buying dried fruit in the store should pay attention to the color of the fruit. It needs to be a light yellow color.

For the treatment using figs also use the juice of immature fruit and leaves. On their basis is made the drug puralin used in cosmetics and medicine to treat a variety of fungal diseases. From the pulp of the figs are boiled decoctions, drinks and preserves.

There are many recipes using figs:

raznoobrazie vitaminov v inzhire

  1. Laxatives balls. It is composed of figs and raisins in equal quantities. Enough 100 g. Optionally use the ground ginger and nutmeg in the amount of 1/2 tsp mix All ingredients. From the resulting solution to mold sausage, cut into pieces thick 1 cm and Store in the refrigerator, pre-folded in a container with the lid tightly closed. Take in the amount of 1-3 pieces a day.
  2. The cough syrup. The basis for this recipe are figs and water. The allowable ratio of these products - 8 figs, 250 g of water. Figs, chop, put in a bowl and pour boiling water. The duration of cooking of the syrup is at least 20 minutes. Then removing the cooked figs, increase the required volume of broth to the original size by adding water. Add sugar to taste, not forgetting to stir. Cooking time is related to the time of complete dissolution of sugar. In the finished broth add 1 tsp ground ginger and squeeze the juice of half a lemon. Spread out in a clean, dry glass jars. To take cough syrup during the day in 3-4 des.l. for adults and 1-2 Dec.l. for children.
  3. A decoction of figs. Chop dried fruit, cover in a bowl 2 tablespoons and pour 1 Cup of boiling water. Cooking time is 10 minutes. Let stand ready broth. Cool, pour into a convenient bowl. Store in the refrigerator. Before use to warm. Helps to reduce the temperature in the cold.
  4. Salad of figs. You need to take the following proportions of ingredients: 300 grams of figs, and 150 g of prunes. As additives you can use sugar, orange zest and almonds. Their number is chosen independently according to taste. Will definitely need to buy a milk product. For making disposable prescription just one Cup. Recipecooking: figs and prunes to soak in warm boiled water. Dry and cut into thin strips. The almond peel, chop and add to diced fruit. The resulting mixture is put in a bowl, sprinkle the orange zest and sugar Bay all fermented milk product. The salad is ready to eat. It will quite replace a full Breakfast in the morning. Helps the heart work.

A paste of fresh or dried figs is used to treat burns, the fresh juice of the leaves helps to remove warts.

Fig leaves are used in cosmetics in the production of creams and ointments. Widely used figs in cooking.

Prescription medicines with milk

polza moloka pri kashleFigs with milk for cough is used to treat the respiratory system in both adults and children.

Cook the milk with figs easy. The main thing - to have the desired quality and properties of ingredients. Milk is better to take pasteurized, fat content not less than 3.2%. Of therapeutic effect more visible. Figs for a recipe can be fresh so dried and stored all year round without losing its medicinal properties.

The number of figs for this recipe comes from the calculation 1 medium fruit 1.5 cups milk.

The preparation of the beverage is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The milk is heated to room temperature.
  2. Figs are washed under running water.
  3. Figs added to the milk mixture brought to a boil.
  4. It should boil on a slow fire for half an hour under a lid.
  5. A pot of drink is served warm cloth, allowing the figs to steam and to saturate the milk decoction maximum number of useful properties. The drink is left to cool down.
  6. Ready broth is poured into a glass dish.

The initial volume of milk should decrease by 1/3. The result of cooking is 1 Cup of ready-made cough medicine.

Rules of storage and acceptance of broth

Store the prepared medium should be in a cool dark place in glass container with tightly closed lid. Before taking sure to warm up.

The maximum amount of the prepared drink should not be more than 0.5 L. the Daily rate of admission for an adult is 1 Cup. Of broth cooked enough for 2 days. Is to cook it every day. Due to the large amount of sugar in the figs, the milk thickens with time, and the drink becomes a little stringy.

Children under 7 years are recommended to take half a Cup of the drink.

Warm decoction is taken 1 time or just before bedtime or in 3 divided doses during the day before meals.

Recommendations andcontraindications: take cough figs with milk is even recommended to pregnant women with caution should drink patients with diabetes mellitus and having stomach problems. It is not recommended to take figs after eating - this can cause bloating and flatulence.