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Tools with sage cough

Sage cough are advised to take after consulting with your doctor. With the help of medicinal properties of plants the patient feels relief. The reason is that it is composed of. It removes phlegm from the respiratory tract.

problema kashlya

Medical indications

As the plant possesses astringent, antibacterial and antiseptic actions, it is recommended to take in diseases of the lungs. If you are coughing there blood or mucus, you will need a doctor's help.

polza shalfeya pri kashle

Treatment of bronchitis sage provides for rinsing the mouth, inhalation and medication inside. Kids do baths. If necessary the pharmacy can buy pills and cough lozenges, which are based on medicinal herbs. These drugs are recommended to take to eliminate dry cough.

To prepare the following decoction, you will need a spoon plants, and a glass of milk. Means insist on a water bath for 30 min. Then strain and take warm. For the treatment of dry cough in adults and children older than 6 years are prepared sage with milk and honey.

With bronchitis, you can drink the curative syrup from the leaves of the herb (1 tablespoon), milk and water (1 Cup), honey or sugar. Sage, pour boiling water and infuse for 20 minutes, filter. In it add the boiled milk, honey or sugar. Syrup should be taken warm.

For cooking milk broth in another recipe you will need a tablespoon of sage, a glass of milk, butter and honey. The leaves of plants pour milk. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Then cooled and re-boiled. The broth is filtered. Add the butter and insist. It is recommended to take a warm (not above 60°C). If necessary, add honey.

Inhalation and rinsing

polza ingalyacij s shalfeem pri kashleTo resolve sore throat and mild cough, a spoonful of sage, pour boiling water. The drug was infused for 40 min. the Throat is recommended to rinse 3 times per day. For the rapid elimination of symptoms of pneumonia after rinsing the mouth, drink milk.

To perform the inhalation, a solution of 1 Cup water and 2 tablespoons of grass. The procedure is performed over a saucepan with a special inhaler or nebulizer. A Cup of boiling water add 1 teaspoon of the herb. The medicine is brewed for a few minutes and filtered. In tool add 1 spoon of honey and Apple cider vinegar. If necessary, the resulting composition is used for gargling.

For the preparation of a therapeutic composition needtake 1 spoon of sage leaves, plantain, rosemary and honeysuckle flower. The mixture brew 2 cups boiling water. In the treatment composition is added sugar. The drug is taken for gargling. Another recipe for the treatment of cough involves the preparation of composition from 3-4 sage leaves and a Cup of boiling water. Means insist 10 min.

Cooking tea

For sore throat and loss of voice due to the accumulation of phlegm, it is recommended to rinse your mouth and drink the tea.

polza chaya s shalfeem pri kashleThere are several methods of cooking a last resort:

  • 2 tablespoons dry or fresh herbs, pour a glass of boiling water. Tea insist 30 minutes, If necessary, to the strained tool add honey or 1/4 tsp. lemon juice. If tea gargle, eliminates pain and redness;
  • cough, influenza, and bronchitis by yourself, you can prepare a tea from nettle, sage and mint. The composition of the brew for 30 min. this will take 1/2 spoon of leaves of herbs, mint and 1 tablespoon of stinging nettle. Before brewing the fee is necessary to check its quality. It should have a green and fresh look. Collection pour into a bowl. The mixture is stirred. Put the strainer on a mug, spilling into his collection and pour a glass of boiling water. The composition of the brew for 10 minutes;
  • tea will need to take 2 parts stinging nettle and transverse mint, 1 part sage leaves. To 1 Cup of water you will need 2 tablespoons of the mixture. If necessary, the tea is made in a jar. This will require 4 tablespoons of the collection. It is filled with hot water and infused for 30 min.

Doctors recommend drinking tea with honey. If necessary, the composition is administered lemon juice.

Therapeutic agent for children

med dlya prigotovleniya siropa ot kashlyaTo do inhalation to children, you will need to cook up a special brew. This will take a spoonful of sage and eucalyptus. Means pour boiling water and infuse. With the measuring syringe gain of 2 ml. They must be dissolved in 1 ml of sodium chloride. The tool is poured into the nebulizer. Inhalation lasts no more than a 5 min Doctors recommend to spend it before meals 2 times a day.

Cough you can prepare a remedy of sage, calendula, milk and honey. The proceeds taken at night in the form of heat. You should consult with your pediatrician. To quickly soothe the cough and sore throat syrup is used. You will need:

  • 3/4 Cup of honey;
  • 1/4 Cup water;
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • 1 tablespoon of sage leaves.

The ingredients are mixed and heated on low heat.The tool is brought to a boil, removed from heat, covered and infused for 10 min Then filtered and stored in a glass jar.

The choice of medications and contraindications

ledency Sage, honey, chamomile and other herbs included in the composition of different drugs which are used for the treatment of cough:

  • Lollipops "Dr. Theiss";
  • "Neo-Angin".

These drugs can make children. The dosage and course of treatment must appoint a physician. You can't treat a cough with sage women pregnant and lactation. The result of three days of taking these drugs stop production of breast milk. Sage is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance of its components;
  • hypotension;
  • kidney disease;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • Ciscos.

Children and adults are advised to take funds from a healing herb after consultation with the pediatrician.