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What if after flu is cough?

The flu is a very insidious disease. If the flu is a cough, it could be a signal of serious complications. Of course, most often, this symptom indicates a natural weakening of the body illness and gradually goes away. However, to eliminate the risk of dangerous consequences you need to consult a doctor and conduct surveys. Cough is a universal reflex of the body, which can be a method of self-cleaning of the respiratory tract, but it could be a serious warning.

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The problem

Influenza is an acute inflammatory process of infectious nature, occurring in the upper respiratory tract. In the process of development of disease the active destruction and delamination exposed the epithelium of the trachea and bronchi, edema and signs of exudative inflammation. One of the characteristic signs is a haemorrhagic tracheobronchitis.

vidy kashlyaIn the implementation of disease treatment fails to eliminate pathogenic influenza virus and eliminate the main symptoms is the development of inflammatory reaction, increased temperature, significantly reduce the overall toxicity of the body, swelling and spasms. However, for complete recovery of damaged tissues need time. Residual effects in the form of cough is common after the elimination of the main symptoms of influenza or SARS. The cough may be dry (reflex stimulation) or with phlegm. In the latter case, ongoing airway clearance of accumulated exudate. Such manifestations can be considered normal if the duration of the order of 8-14 days in the absence of other painful symptoms. To increase the intensity and duration of coughing may trigger factors: Smoking, alcohol, smoky or polluted atmosphere, cold, dry air.

Complications of influenza

If the cough after the flu passes more than two weeks or if you experience other alarming symptoms, it is possible to suspect the presence of complications of the disease. Some of the most common complications of influenza include bacterial rhinitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, and pulmonary pathology - pneumonia, empyema, respiratory distress syndrome.

vozmozhnye oslozhneniya grippaMost often flu-like complication for upper and middle respiratory tract and is manifested in such diseases as bronchitis, laryngitis and laryngotracheitis. Laryngitis is characterized by a barking type of cough dry in nature and are accompanied by osiplosti in his voice. Bronchitis causes bouts of severecough, after which there pain and a feeling of tightness in the upper part of the chest.

Complications often occur in people in childhood and old age, and in the presence of various chronic diseases. If, after the adoption of the measures, the cough still remains, it is necessary to consult a therapist. It is important to conduct x-rays to detect pneumonia. Pneumonia is a common effect of influenza and its detection at an early stage is an important factor in effective treatment.

Cough after flu

Cough symptoms after flu with phlegm can be considered productive, contributing to good cleanse the bronchial channels. However, some usefulness of this phenomenon can be locked only when the following conditions are met:
erespal dlya lecheniya ostatochnogo kashlya

  • the secreted mucus is transparent and has a normal consistency;
  • the cough occurs only with increase in breathing or physical exertion (running, frequent and deep breathing cycles, etc.);
  • a short clearing not happen more often 4-5 times a day and carry a significant relief of breathing, the main thing - the total duration of such cases should not exceed 2-3 weeks.

If the wet cough occurs over a long period, it is necessary to conduct surveys at the doctor. Disturbing (and even dangerous) signs should be the appearance in the sputum purulent (yellow-green) component or foamy. Particularly dangerous, any patches, in the presence of blood. Frothy or blood components may indicate complications in the cardiovascular system, pulmonary pathology, and even in incipient pulmonary tuberculosis.

Secondary infection

Another important cause of cough after flu secondary infection. Flu or SARS significantly undermine the human immune system, weaken his body. In such circumstances it becomes vulnerable to new pathogenic agents. Increases the risk of a new respiratory disease, pharyngitis, whooping cough, measles, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and other infections. Sensing the fertile ground, aktiviziruyutsya Mycoplasma, chlamydia, fungal micro-organisms causing atypical pneumonia and bronchitis.

Diagnostic pathology

Prolonged manifestation of cough or the appearance of alarming symptoms, you must consult your doctor, which based on the results of the survey and laboratory studies will establish the nature of protracted diseases. Primary diagnosis the results of blood and urine. High informative ability, have biochemical research methodsbronchial phlegm. It is important to accurately determine the presence and type of pathogen in infectious character cough syndrome. The condition of the mucous membrane of the bronchi and trachea is determined by bronchoscopy. To do further diagnosis ultrasound methods allow. Pulmonary complications are identified when conducting fluoroscopy or radiography.

The treatment of the disease

If the diagnosis result is complication, the treatment is specific and depends on type of identified pathology. The treatment regimen established by the physician taking into account the stage and severity of the disease.

In the case when significant side revealed no abnormalities and cough after an influenza caused by the residual process, measures should be taken to aid the body in the fight against these phenomena.

sohranenie nog v teple pri lechenii ostatochnogo kashlyaTreatment is preventive and restorative in nature and aimed to strengthen immunity, restore damaged tissues, removal of exudate, easing cough syndrome. As treatment procedures are recommended the following measures:

  1. The decrease in the intensity of the cough symptoms provided by drugs, “Bad”, “Pour”. With a strong cough prescribe “Libeksin”, “Bronholitin”.
  2. Thinning and removal of phlegm used mucolytics and expectorants drugs.
  3. Breathing exercises will help to restore the normal functioning of the respiratory muscles. You can perform a simple exercise: from a standing position on a breath dissolve hands in the parties, and on the exhale, grasp them yourself by the shoulders (on the exhalation the breath is delayed by 20-30 seconds). You can do exercise by balloons.
  4. Effective way of treatment is inhalation. It is recommended using extracts of herbs. Widely used such inhalation composition: blend of chamomile and thyme with the addition of baking soda and eucalyptus oil. Effective are inhalations with propolis (25 g per 250 ml of hot water).
  5. Frequent coughing helps abundant drinking regime. In order to increase the immunity it is better to use drinks with a high content of vitamins (for example, a decoction of rose hips). To restore the disturbed water balance it is recommended drinking alkaline mineral waters. National treatment is often built on the use of warm drink - very good for hot milk with figs.
  6. Positively proven a hot compress. Such procedures are carried out with the use of lard, badger fat. Effective remedy is a warming cream based on essentialoils.
  7. Important preventive measures: maintaining feet warm (e.g., wool socks), warm clothes, maintaining the humidity and optimum temperature in the room.

Cough after an illness is residual phenomenon, but he can testify about the dangerous complications. So to joke with him is not recommended, instead we should conduct surveys. Only a doctor can diagnose the nature of the cough and prescribe the necessary treatment.