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How you can distinguish allergic rhinitis from cold?

With such a phenomenon as the common cold, regularly faced by almost every person. But how to distinguish allergic rhinitis from cold? Not an easy task. Basically, as you know, often rhinitis occurs as a symptom of colds or flu. There is another cause of this state: it is an Allergy. Unfortunately, inadequate quality of food, drinking water, air pollution leads to various allergic reactions in people of different ages.

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Before treating any disease you must find out the reason for its occurrence, and after that appointed the necessary medicines and treatments to alleviate the condition and to cure the disease. Since rhinitis is often not an independent disease, but a sign of another, then before you buy at the pharmacy drugs that will help to get rid of unpleasant condition, is to figure out why. If you try to heal allergic rhinitis remedies designed to treat colds, it is possible to aggravate the condition.

Colds runny nose: causes and treatments

allergiya - prichina nasmorkaSuch a common symptom of SARS, like a runny nose, can greatly complicate a man's life. Nasal congestion deprives of the sense of smell, breath normally obtained only by mouth. Liquid discharge from the nose forced to always keep on hand the handkerchief so as not to embarrass during coughing. With abundant secretions from the nose must be constantly vysmarkivatsya that it is not always easy to do (especially at work). And earn all the "charm" is quite easy. It's enough just several favorable factors:

  1. A weakened immune system. To catch a cold in this state is not difficult.
  2. SuperCool. If you got caught in the rain, wet feet or not the weather got dressed, then, once home, should take all necessary measures to avoid the consequences.
  3. Had contact with the sick. After contact with a carrier of colds it is necessary to carefully wash your hands, wash your nose (if possible), take immune protection drugs.

If, nevertheless, a cold could not be avoided, then it is very important to start the treatment of cold, in order to facilitate its flow. There are several stages of catarrhal rhinitis:
shema rinita

  1. Sneezing, dryness or itching in the nose are the first symptoms of a cold. If you start treatment at this point, you can count on a speedy recovery.
  2. Stuffy nose, liquid discharge is activephase of runny nose. It requires effective treatment as the popular and medical drugs.
  3. The recovery stage occurs approximately five days if rhinitis is related to SARS, or influenza disease. In this period of congestion passes, the amount of liquid discharge is reduced.

For the treatment of catarrhal rhinitis can use as folk remedies, and medical.

Folk remedies for the treatment of rhinitis

Nasal lavage is a highly effective method for the treatment of rhinitis. For this procedure, use saline solution. Salt (preferably sea) is dissolved in warm water. The resulting tool is injected in the nose with a syringe or draw fluid nose. After that you need to blow your nose.

Garlic or onion inhalation can help to avoid complications of the common cold, if they to do at the very beginning of the disease. For this you need onion or chop the garlic and place in a container with a lid so the smell was concentrated. Then hold the capacity to nose and take a few deep breaths. The procedure is repeated several times a day. During inhalation of garlic fumes may cause discomfort (burning) in the nasopharynx is normal.

polza chesnoka pri riniteAs for drugs, among those funds that often buy for the treatment of catarrhal rhinitis, are several of the most popular:

  1. Naphazoline. Alleviates the symptoms of the disease for 4-6 hours.
  2. Galazolin. The validity period can reach 8 hours.
  3. Nazivin. This medication is able to relieve nasal congestion for 12 hours.

The main condition for using these drugs: strictly follow the instructions. Prolonged use can damage the microflora of the nasal mucosa.

The signs of allergic rhinitis and its treatment

Allergy is becoming increasingly prevalent among adults and children.

One of its symptoms is difficulty breathing due to nasal congestion, sneezing, phlegm. When you have a cold runny nose is observed in the analogical condition.

polza luka pri riniteFatigue, headaches, red eyes, itchy skin, no smell - these are the main signs of allergic reactions in the body. If in addition to the runny nose you have several of the above symptoms, you must consult a doctor to identify the pathogen and to obtain the necessary assistance.

The cause of allergies can be:

  • pollen;
  • house dust and dustticks;
  • food;
  • medications;
  • mold.

To identify the allergen by using special analyses that need to be done. After all, to get rid of the problem, it is important to know the cause. So do not expect to cure allergic rhinitis with drugs that are used to treat colds. They may temporarily relieve symptoms, but will not help to cope with rhinitis caused by allergies.

Treatment of such passes in three stages:

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  1. After identifying the allergen, you must try to avoid contact with him. For example, if you are allergic to any foods, you must eliminate them from your diet. In reaction to house dust need to get rid of possible dust collectors (carpets, soft toys), to make regular wet cleaning of the premises.
  2. Relieve the symptoms of a cold will help drop the nose.
  3. Reception antihistamines (Allergy) preparations will help speed up the healing process. To choose the right specialist. But their appointment should take into account the number of side effects (e.g., lowering of attention) that may affect your health.

A comprehensive approach to Allergy treatment will help to get rid of comorbidities (rhinitis).

As for the main differences between allergic rhinitis from cold, there's several of them:

  1. The reason of occurrence.
  2. In allergic rhinitis runny nose reminiscent of the "water".
  3. For treatment of rhinitis caused by an allergen, it is necessary comprehensive treatment.

Self-treatment of rhinitis can be used only if you are sure that it is caused by a cold. In the case when it is an accompanying disease (flu or allergies), you must consult a doctor to avoid possible complications.