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What points need to massage with a cold

Sleight of hand and no fraud

The essence of acupressure is that it can be used to produce an impact on the points, which are biologically active and are on the human body. By massaging and pressing on the desired areas of the skin on the face can be cured by delivering the anxiety of the illness and improve the General condition of the human body. Don't confuse acupressure with the impact on the acupuncture points, because it's a little different. Acupuncture is performed with a pressure at the required places on the body using needles that are a bit risky, and therefore this procedure is not recommended at home by himself without supervision of a specialist. And the work with biologically active points is absolutely safe and requires no further medical analysis or some other technique.

It should be noted that massage is necessary point when cold is possible as a separate procedure or in combination with medication. However, you should know that even in normal drops for the nose, there is a huge amount of side effects, such as high cost, possibility of allergic reaction and the appearance of dependence, and also the fact that they can not always be at hand at the right time.

vysokaya temperatura - protivopokazanie dlya vypolneniya tochechnogo massazha

In addition to the downsides of medical treatment should know the advantages of acupressure. First, this procedure takes very little time, about ten to fifteen minutes. Second, if the right to hold her, she will help to get rid of a cold and not remove it on time, like drops.

Spot treatment brought the desired result, except for the right of its carrying out it is necessary to keep some rules:

  • to carry out the procedure, you only need warm hands;
  • press your finger to the desired point is soft and easy, but in any case not rough and hard;
  • acupressure cannot be conducted if the patient's temperature is above 37.5 degrees;
  • to ensure that the procedure is done correctly, you can check if there is a sense of mild pain with pressure to the desired point (should occur);
  • all elements massage (circular motion in a clockwise direction, the process pressure) should be carried out continuously.

To produce the desired result of the targeted procedures should be performed two to three times a week after showing symptoms of a cold.

It is very important to finish the procedure. After it is recommended to drink some warm liquid: water, tea or anybroth.

Especially the massage

tochki massazha na lice

Before beginning the procedure it is necessary to examine the points that need to be massaged. There are several massage points for a runny nose: profound nose, a symmetric space under the nostrils, which are located at the junction of the nose and upper lip, the upper point of the nose, the area between the eyebrows and on the temples.

The stages of acupressure:

  • to start massage to symmetrically located points that are in the holes of the nose wings. The procedure should be carried out one to one and a half minutes;
  • you should then start to massage points on the face, which are arranged symmetrically under the nostrils, on the sticking point of the nose and upper lip;
  • next you need to slowly move at the upper point of the nose and to continue the necessary movement;
  • in the end for getting rid of pain and heaviness in the head, which is also a symptom of colds, you need to continue the massage on the point between the eyebrows, and then on the dots located on the temples.

The result of acupressure is usually very effective and of high quality. This procedure is not only accompanied by the strengthening of the muscles of the nasopharynx and stimulate blood circulation, but also the weakening and in the best case and full recovery from a night of snoring and the occurrence of tonic action on the endocrine system.

The method of tapping

There is another method of holding acupressure, a method called tapping. The only difference between the conventional acupressure, and massage with tapping that in the first case it is necessary to massage points on the body or the face, and in the second it is necessary to tap.

For the procedure, you should bend your thumbs and to knock with the bones on the sides of the nose and the bridge of the nose. The effect should be immediate: to breathe.

Before starting the massage need to take a comfortable position, then start tapping. Each of them must last for thirty seconds, first on one side of the nose, then another and so on, three taps on each side. Then you need to repeat these taps at thirty seconds each, but now they have to be short. The latest series of taps should be identical to the first three taps on each side of the nose, with a duration of thirty seconds. Only in recent times they should be faster and be conducted simultaneously on both sides of the nose. Finally, you must implement a few tapping motions on the bridge of the nose. To carry out this procedure two or three times a day, carefully observing the site of the necessary points of the massage when cold.

This easy and practical method is veryeffective. Moreover, it is also economical. This procedure can be performed at home itself, without purchasing various medical equipment without recourse to a medical specialist and not using medicaments such as, for example, nasal drops, which are usually temporarily eliminate the common cold and can not only help to cure him, but also damage the function of the nasal mucous membranes. But still, you should remember that if the runny nose has passed into inflammation or some other serious disease, one massage, especially at home, will not help. In this case, you need to consult a physician.