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Is it possible to go to the bath and bathe in the cold?

Bath is a great place for recreation and health promotion. But is it possible to go to the bath with a cold? It is no secret that the warm steam, essential oils and "massage" birch broom helps to strengthen immunity. And when a person goes to the bath, being sick, he should previously consult with the doctor.

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The positive effect of baths in the cold

For a long time people were treated for ailments such as colds and runny nose, in the Russian baths. It is no secret that the bath has undeniable advantages:

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  • speeds up metabolism;
  • toxins and waste products from the body, which is intensively sweat out;
  • increases blood flow;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves elimination of accumulated nasal mucus;
  • liquefies phlegm in the upper and lower respiratory tract, improving expectoration, if the cold is accompanied by cough;
  • stimulates the production of interferon, a special substance that fights the virus.

Interferon is produced when high body temperatures. That is why when SARS in the body temperature rises. And in the case of sauna, proteins begin to be produced in the body under external high temperatures. That is, in this case the body don't even have to make the extra effort.

In doubles, the person on 20% faster development of cells that block any infection in the blood.

shema rinitaSauna, in addition to treating the common cold, has healing properties for the skin, heart, blood vessels and even internal organs. This is due to the fact that under the influence of high temperature the blood is moving faster, saturating the organs with nutrients, why they are beginning to work more effective.

Sauna promotes enhanced sweating that leads to detoxification and cleansing. Under the action of high temperatures is the breakdown of fats, leading to weight loss. Intense sweating relieves the kidneys.

If a person goes to the bath with the purpose to cure, then you should not take friends and family. With intensive exit of mucus from the nose in a patient there is a high probability to infect other people. In the bath moist air is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria.

When you cannot go to the bath?

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the bath is a panacea. But is it? Is it possible to go to the bath, being sick, and not to harm health? To answer this question: like every drug, the bath also has its contraindications.

The main reason for rejection of a hike to the bath is increased body temperature. Shouldrecall that the normal temperature of 36.6 º C.

Nor should bathe in the first three days of a cold, when the body is at the peak of anti-virus. In this case, intense heating can produce the opposite effect: SARS will either increase, or go into complications on other organs.

vysokaya temperatura - protivopokazanie k baneIn acute rhinitis the hot air can cause swelling of the nasal passages, and bacteria. Acute form of rhinitis is characterized by the presence of mucus is yellow or green. In this rhinitis a trip to the baths is prohibited.

As for children suffering from common cold, they trip to the sauna is prohibited until complete recovery. Children should be very careful approach to this issue. To 3 years children in the bath can not in any case. Children's bodies are very receptive to the emergence and spread of infections. Fever may cause complications in the presence of rhinitis.

Thus, the main contraindications to the hike in the bath:

  1. High temperature.
  2. The initial stage of SARS.
  3. Acute coryza with profuse nasal discharge.
  4. Acute viral infections: herpes labialis, chickenpox.
  5. Severe headache. Under the influence of temperature the already dilated vessels can cause a stroke.
  6. Heart disease.
  7. Other prescriptions of the doctor.

Bath would benefit people recovering from a cold, who have no other chronic diseases.

If the person has recently been ill or are prone to the manifestation of chronic diseases, it is necessary before going into the steam room to consult the doctor. Even with the alleged recovery bath can "awaken" chronic disease.

How to bathe?

golovnaya bol - protivopokazanie k baneSo, if the crisis had passed and the disease is not threatened by its consequences, you can afford such a nice pleasure as a trip to the sauna.

Before beginning treatments bath should be well protopets, and stones to be heated to the required temperature. They splash water to form the hot wet steam.

There are certain rules of procedures in the sauna:

  1. To stay in the steam room should not exceed 15 minutes, taking breaks. The recommended total number of visits to the steam room - 3. Effects on the body starts when the sweat comes out. To enhance this process is very good to walk with a broom on the body. This massage will increase the blood flow and uses all the receptors for a speedy recovery and rejuvenation of the body.
  2. After the sauna it is good to jump in a cool pool. Contrasting treatmentsactivate all systems of the body and give incredible pleasure and emotions.
  3. Avoid hypothermia. After pool it is necessary to RUB the body and then wrapped in a towel. Incorrect implementation of procedures also can trigger unwanted effects.
  4. In the steam room must wear a special felt hat which will protect from overheating and expansion of vessels of the head, and also will keep hair from drying out.
  5. To improve their health after the common cold, treatments should be combined with herbal infusions and teas. Steam room, filled with aromatic essential oils works wonders.

Special essential oils added to the stove-the stove. When you inhale on the mucous membrane of the nose will be healing substances that speed up the recovery.

Herbal infusions from the cold for a sauna

polza myaty pri nasmorkeColds and rhinitis will be much faster if the heat treatments in the bath to combine with taking special herbal tea.

Such infusions can cook yourself or buy in the pharmacy. Mostly for bath inhalations use such herbs as:

  • sage;
  • mint;
  • eucalyptus;
  • thyme;
  • fir;
  • the menthol.

To prepare the healing mixture, 1 l of water add 15-20 drops of oil.

To get rid of a cold you can prepare this infusion:

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  1. Take a teaspoon of dry mustard and pour her a glass of boiled water.
  2. Splash the liquid on the hot stones of the furnace.
  3. Inhale the healing vapor.

You can use ryvita rye or wheat bread, which is put on the hot stones. From this, too, will emanate a pleasant smell.

Infusion of rosemary is also effective in curing rhinitis. To do this, take 100 g chopped dry grass, and add 1 tablespoon of olive or sunflower oil. The mixture should infuse for one month in a dark place, constantly shaking. For a quick preparation medication this mixture is heated in the oven.

You then strain the infusion and dissolve it in 3 liters of water. The prepared liquid is gradually poured on the stones during bathing inhalation.

The same infusion can drip into the nose, 2-3 drops into each nostril.

If a cold accompanied by a cough, that is a great recipe that eliminates ailments of the upper and lower respiratory tract. We are talking about the infusion of elecampane, marshmallow and licorice.

To do this, take a teaspoon of crushed dried roots of each of these herbs and pour the mixture with boiling water. Take water in the amount of 400 ml. Infusion should stand for at least a day. Then it shouldstrain and dilute 2 l of water.

Prepared mixture is poured hot stones. To the therapeutic effect of the herbs was not only outside but inside, it should be taken internally, this medicinal tincture.

Healing teas have an even bigger effect in the bath. To get rid of a cold, you can prepare this decoction:

  1. Take 5 g of dry leaves mother and stepmother, raspberry, meadowsweet, lime blossom.
  2. Dry mixture pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:40. This means that for 1 g of mixture 40 g of water.
  3. The infusion is kept in a dark place for 1 tea.
  4. Herbal tea cool, strain and drink.

Bath - a great tool in the fight against cold and flu. If there are no contraindications and temperature, go in the bath.