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What is the difference rhinitis from sinusitis?

Long ago it became known about such diseases as rhinitis, sinusitis, but most people don't know the difference between them, and many don't even know what it is. These are the diseases that are found in almost every inhabitant on the planet, so you need to know what symptoms indicate a particular disease and how to cure it.

problema nasmorka

Basic information about rhinitis

Rhinitis is otherwise called conventional cold. Is an inflammatory process that occurs in the nose in humans. Most often, a runny nose, the patient is one of the main symptoms of the disease, which is viral, bacterial, mechanical, or immune origin.

shema rinita

The appearance of rhinitis in the nose may feel a slight burning sensation, there is an allocation of the mucous secret. There may also be dryness in the nasal cavity, due to which the person partially or completely loses the sense of smell.

Rhinitis is divided into acute and chronic.

If the person does not cure acute rhinitis, the disease may become chronic, which will require long treatment time and high material costs. On the planet there are about 200 different types of viral infections, and almost all of them have as the primary symptom of a cold. Also it all depends on genetic predisposition, environmental conditions, frequency of hypothermia, immune and allergic pathogens themselves.

Often in medical practice may meet these are the types of rhinitis:

  • atopic rhinitis;
  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • vasomotor allergic rhinitis;
  • inflammation due to hyperplasia;
  • infectious rhinitis;
  • catarrhal rhinitis;
  • drug-induced rhinitis;
  • psychogenic rhinitis.

Symptoms of rhinitis

nedomoganie - simptom rinitaIt all depends on what type of rhinitis in humans and at what stage it is in. Symptoms can vary from a simple dry irritation to mucous membranes serious with the addition of pus and blood. Chronic rhinitis may experience headache, felt an unpleasant smell, there bleeding, itching, sneezing, drowsiness, and possible snoring. Unlike the acute rhinitis is that in the nasal cavity feels dry or burning, will appear mucous discharge, redness around the nose, partial loss of smell.

Knowing your body and symptoms, a person is able to diagnose the rhinitis. But important is not the presence of fever, and finding the source of the disease. After all, the runny nose may signal a very dangerous disease.The elimination of the symptom is not the destruction of all disease. Rhinitis is a very frequent visitor at children up to 10 years, because before that age the body learns to cope with various infectious diseases continues to shape the immune system, which in the future will be to fight viruses and bacteria.

Regardless of age, you need to see a good specialist to put the correct diagnosis and prescribed the necessary medicines.

kapli v nos pri riniteVery often, when no temperature is recommended to put mustard on the calf, to do foot bath with the addition of special essential oils. But if the doctor will make a diagnosis of bacterial or viral rhinitis, without the use of antibiotics is not enough. It is clear that in allergic rhinitis prescribe most other medications and suggest to stay as far away from the source of Allergy. Experts draw attention to the fact that not much vysmarkivatsya: it may happen that mucus gets into the middle ear and because of this, will develop inflammation (otitis media). This is one of the most dangerous complications of the common cold.

The main rules to exclude the most recent occurrence of rhinitis the following:

  • to strengthen the immune system (vitamins, sports, tempering);
  • do not run any type of cold;
  • to treat various pathologies of the nose, for example, the curvature of the nasal septum.

The main aim of the doctor: to make the patient properly and without any hindrance breathing.

General information about sinusitis

Rhinitis and sinusitis are very similar, as belong to the body that causes various inflammatory processes.

shema sinusitaBut there is a difference. Sinusitis is an inflammation, which is accompanied not only by the mucous secretions, but the pain on the face, fever, the sinuses located in the forehead, nose, eyes and cheeks filled with mucus.

In humans, there are four groups of paranasal sinuses:

  1. The frontal sinus located in frontal bone.
  2. The maxillary or maxillary sinus - the largest sinus, located in the upper jaw.
  3. The ethmoid labyrinth is formed with the help of the ethmoid cells.
  4. Sphenoid sinus, which is the main sinus and located in the body of the sphenoid bone.

The occurrence of sinusitis occurs when the sinuses become clogged with colds, colds, flu and other infectious diseases. In favourable conditions the bacteria quickly multiply, leading to inflammatory process.

A classification of sinusitis, which depends on the duration of the disease:

  1. Sharp. Itdevelops in less than 4 weeks. Caused by a viral infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract, namely SARS. In most cases resolves on its own.
  2. Subacute. Develops from 4 to 12 weeks. Considered undertreated acute sinusitis.
  3. Chronic. Its duration is from 3 months or more. Recurring acute sinusitis can cause chronic. In addition to this list, you can add asthma, allergies, immune disorders, abnormal structure of the nose.
  4. Recurrent. It is repeated within one year more than 3 times.

The symptoms of sinusitis will affect a person's life. Because of pain and fatigue disturbed mood, there is a need to reduce its presence at work, at school.

Treatment of sinusitis

konsultaciya vrachaThe main goal of treatment of sinusitis: a desire to reopen all the channels that connect the sinuses and nasal passages. In this situation, the outflow of mucus and breathing is restored. If the inflammation is viral, it is often the use of hard drugs is not required. Normally experts recommend taking the medicine, the drugs that relieve swelling and narrowing of the blood vessels.

If the inflammation is bacterial or fungal, the doctors prescribe antibiotics that specifically apply to a certain group of microorganisms and eliminate it. The medications that are often used in such cases, it is the aerosols, sprays, tablets and sometimes injections. But it happens that all funds have been exhausted and no medicine helps a person. This requires surgical intervention, the so-called puncture. It is performed using the endoscope.

The basic rule of each patient: if something's bothering you, then you need to go to the doctor. This rule applies to any, even the smallest suspicion of sinusitis. If one assumes a disease in itself and at the first symptoms to see a doctor, it will quickly recover. If to bring the disease to the advanced forms, it can lead to quite serious consequences.

You need to understand that all human sinuses are very close to the brain. If the infection will spread, it will trigger meningitis, and then the person might get an abscess.

Any disease is a weakened immune system, so the first thing to take care of him. People should be aware of what kind of food he eats, his diet was balanced. Vitamins contained in vegetables and fruits, will help to improve your health. You need to keep moving, preferably outdoors. The room in which man lives must be moistened andaired.

No matter, rhinitis, sinusitis, or any other similar disease in humans; importantly, the cold cannot be ignored. If this is a common seasonal respiratory catarrh, the treatment should not be delayed. You need to try as quickly as possible to get to the doctor. Because heavy loads on the work makes the immune system weak. Therefore, even after the easy running of colds can eventually destroy your health.