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Effective treatment vasomotor rhinitis at home

When vasomotor rhinitis treatment at home should be done only after consultation with your doctor. The disease is an inflammatory process affecting the nasal mucosa. This disease is a form of the common cold. If you are diagnosed with this disease, patients complain of symptoms such as shortness of nasal breathing (this is due to the narrowing of blood vessels), permanent allocation and swelling of the nasal mucosa.

problema vazomotornogo rinita

Vasomotor rhinitis may be acute or chronic. The chronic form characteristic General weakness, headaches (this is due to insufficient intake of air in the body), loss of appetite and dizziness. In the long course of this disease the patient loses the normal rest and health. That is why in any case should not be ignore the symptoms of rhinitis. At first appearances it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Currently there are many drugs for the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis. However. despite a variety of medications, many have this problem, I prefer to fight it with the help of recipes of traditional medicine. And this is not surprising, because home remedies can boast a number of advantages. First, they make use of only natural ingredients. Secondly, they are not habit forming unlike a lot of drugs. Thirdly, most home medication can be safely used for the treatment of both still very crumbs, and adults. Fourth, for the preparation of the funds is not required to cost a lot of time and effort.

Treatment plants

vazomotornyj i allergicheskij rinitFolk medicine offers a huge number of home remedies that can treat the vasomotor rhinitis. Particularly popular are the tools, which include rich beneficial trace elements medicinal plants:

  1. 3 tablespoons of dandelion root should be mixed with 2 spoons of horsetail, 1 tablespoon of corn stigmas, 4 spoons of St. John's wort, 2 tablespoons chopped rosehips and 5 spoons centaury.

1 tablespoon collection brew 300 ml of boiling water and infuse for at least 12 hours. Thereafter, the resulting liquid must be brought to a boil, cool and filter. This medicine should drink 1/3 Cup three times a day until complete disappearance of unpleasant symptoms. The medicinal infusion should be stored in the refrigerator.

  1. In case of strong swelling of the nose will help the infusion of 15 g of horsetail grass, 5 g of dry birch buds, 10 g of Bur marigold and 3 gleaves cranberries.

1 scoop of such collection need to dissolve in 1 Cup of boiling water and set aside in dark place for 10 hours. Ready means we need to ingest half a Cup at least 3 times a day.

polza aloe pri vazomotornom rinite

  1. Treat a rhinitis can aloe juice 3 drops of juice is necessary four times a day instilled into the nasal cavity.

This procedure is done easily enough. You just have to tilt your head back, drip a few drops of healing juice in the nose and massage it. The sense of relief will appear after a few minutes.

  1. At home you can prepare not only healthy, but very delicious tea from the above ailment.

20 g of chamomile colors should be mixed with 10 g of thyme 20 g of crushed nettle leaves, 15 g of leaves of raspberry and 20 g of yarrow. 4 tablespoons collection pour 1 liter of boiling water and cook on medium heat for about 10 minutes. Drinking this tea should be 150 ml half an hour before a meal. The course of treatment should last at least 30 days.

  1. 1 teaspoon of calendula flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water and set aside for 20 minutes. Ready the liquid to be filtered and used for rinsing the nose three times a day.

Home remedies with honey

polza meda pri vazomotornom riniteAt home you can prepare a very effective means, the main component of which is honey. We all know that, thanks to its rich composition, honey has been used for the treatment of many dangerous diseases. Vasomotor rhinitis is not an exception.

There are the following recipes:

  1. In 1 glass of warm water necessary to dilute 1 spoon of natural honey.

The resulting liquid should take turns to wash both nostrils. Med in a very short time is able to destroy harmful micro-flora in the nasal cavity. It is important to ensure that the healing liquid was not too hot. In this case, to avoid burns is unlikely to succeed.

  1. 2 tablespoons of honey mix with 1 spoon of peppermint oil.

The mixture should be 2 times a day to lubricate the nostrils. Positive results will not keep itself waiting long.

  1. Not less popular is a mixture of 50 ml honey and 50 ml of oil of Hypericum.

Such consistency is necessary to moisten a cotton pad and spread it over the nasal cavity twice a day.

  1. Well-proven infusion of mint and honey.

For cooking 1 teaspoon of mint, pour 1 Cup boiling water and infuse for 60 minutes. The resulting texture must be mixed with 2 spoons of honey and eat several times a day. Also, such liquid can be used for nasal lavage.

Other popularfolk remedies

polza svekolnogo soka pri vazomotornom riniteTreatment of the above disease can be carried out with the help of beet juice. A few drops of beet juice it is necessary to 3 times daily instilled into the nasal cavity. Immediately after this, in the nose it is necessary to put cotton pads soaked in the same juice.

Also in the nasal cavity can be instilled birch SAP. This tool will help you in the shortest possible time to get rid of the symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis. To get positive results, this juice should be used daily for 1 month.

Few people know, but dealing with rhinitis is at home with the help of carrot juice. 1 spoon of fresh carrot juice should be mixed with 50 ml pre-heated in a water bath sunflower oil and 3 drops of garlic juice. The resulting consistency should be instilled into the nose 2 times a day 3 drops.

When vasomotor rhinitis experts recommend to do hot baths for the feet. For their preparation in 7 liters of hot water required to dilute 1 tablespoon dry mustard. For best results in this liquid, add a little salt and baking soda. Take therapeutic baths should be for 15-20 minutes until the water has cooled.

½ Teaspoons sea salt should be diluted in 200 ml of warm water. The resulting liquid is necessary to wash the nose 2 times a day. Such procedures should be performed in a day for 1 month. Immediately after nasal lavage with saline in each nostril should drip 1 drop of eucalyptus oil.

To combat vasomotor rhinitis can you use a clay application.

hozyajstvennoe mylo pri vazomotornom rinite½ Cup natural red clay should be mixed with 100 ml of water, heated in a water bath to 60 °C and to smear the texture of a gauze bandage. Thereafter, the thus treated gauze bandage should be attached to the nose. To keep the application need to cool down the clay. For the following procedure, you can use the same clay applique. I just need to soften the clay in water and heat it in a water bath.

In house conditions it is possible to spend inhalations with potatoes. 3 medium size potatoes must be boiled together with the peel and mash until mushy state. While the potatoes are still hot, you should lean over it, cover your head with a towel and breathing vapors for 15 minutes. Just need to hold 10 of these procedures. They should do through the day.

Three times a day can lubricate the nasal passages soap. It takes a good to lubricate the finger with soap and fluff inside the nose. Thisthe procedure is difficult to call enjoyable, but the positive results after her very soon. So it's worth a try.

You cannot use a folk remedy vasomotor rhinitis without consulting a doctor. Self-treatment in this case may cause complications.