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The symptoms and treatment of destructive pneumonia

Necrotizing pneumonia is a severe form of pneumonia, which provokes a large variety of microorganisms. The disease is characterized by the appearance of destructive changes in the underlying tissue of the lungs. In the process of developing this disease in the lung tissue, the formation of abscesses and bull that burst into the pleural area which causes the occurrence of complications.

problema destruktivnoj pnevmonii

The occurrence of this disease is caused by the penetration in the human body of microorganisms belonging to Staphylococcus. Previously, this type of illness was called staphylococcal destruction, but recently, this infection was combined with viral and other pathogenic flora. Staphylococcus aureus remains a major pathogen, which plays a leading role in the development of destructive pneumonia.

Characteristics of destructive pneumonia

In the process of causing disease is an infection of the lungs through the bronchi or due to the transport of the pathogen from the bloodstream. Infection of lung tissue accompanied by the formation of abscesses and bull, which with further progression of the disease break in the pleural area. Depending on the nature of the pathogenesis of this type of disease can be primary and secondary. The first species is most frequently observed the development of pneumonia is unilateral, with a single individual inflammatory lesions. In the case of the secondary form of the disease there is bilateral involvement of the respiratory system with the formation of numerous small foci of inflammation.

temperatura pri destruktivnoj pnevmoniiThe clinical picture of the development of destructive pneumonia depends entirely on the etiology, pathogenesis and forms of the disease. The primary form of destructive pneumonia characterize emerging unilateral changes inside the lungs. The latter occurs most often in one lobe of the lung. Those that arise in several parts of the body, occur very rarely. If destructive processes represented by the appearance of purulent foci, the condition of the patient during the progress of the disease deteriorates considerably. In the formation of dry lesions bull, deterioration of health of the person is expressed poorly. Progress is purulent processes in the case of destructive pneumonia accompany the following symptoms:

  • temperature rise;
  • the increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood of the patient.

The progression of destructive pneumonia in children leads to the development of paresis of the intestine. Inthe case of the body bilateral secondary septic decomposition, the patient has the appearance of cardiovascular disease. Illness in the body often begins acutely. The progress of the disease leads to the development of in human patients serious consequences. This type of disease is often fixed in childhood. The frequency of occurrence of pneumonia in children is approximately 8-12% of all recorded pneumonia.

The occurrence of this type of pathology requires emergency hospitalization, a quick and correct diagnosis. After that you should immediately start treatment, as failure to carry out therapeutic activities could face severe consequences for the organism, including death.

Etiology of children's destructive pneumonia

stafilokokk - vozbuditel destruktivnoj pnevmoniiAs risk factors in the development of destructive forms of pneumonia in children are:

  • the factor of prematurity;
  • the occurrence of the acute forms of respiratory diseases of viral nature;
  • the development of congenital or acquired immunodeficiencies;
  • the use of corticosteroids;
  • damage sustained by child during birth;
  • the occurrence of asphyxia placental fluid;

In addition to these factors, the probability of the development of the disease the child is raised in case of use in the treatment of diseases of inadequate antibiotic therapy, and when children in poor living conditions. In addition to the Staphylococcus of particular importance in the development of this type of pneumonia are the following pathogens:

  • Boulevard Proteus;
  • Pseudomonas;
  • Enterobacteriaceae infection;
  • the flu virus;
  • viruses that cause the appearance of parainfluenza;
  • adenoviral infection.

These microorganisms, using the decrease in the protective properties of the body, penetrates it, and in the course of their life aggravate the condition of the body.

Characteristics and classification of disease

respiratornyj put zarazheniya destruktivnoj pnevmoniejIn contact with the pathogen in the tissue of the lungs it begins to rapidly multiply.

In the process of reproduction of pathogenic organisms is the formation of small cavities filled with air, or encapsulating ulcers.

When the last location in the vicinity of the visceral pleura may occur as the strength of the formations with the appearance of pleural empyema, pleurisy dry or pneumothorax.

There are several forms of destructive pneumonia:

  1. Bronchialis characterized by respiratory infection. This form is in four of the five detections of the disease in humans. Variety is a primary, independent disease. The detection of the disease is observed in local tissue damage of the lung.
  2. Hematogenous form is characterized by the fact that the infection occurs through the circulation of infected blood. In children cause secondary type of the disease may be the development of phlegmon of the newborn. When conducting a diagnosis of the child revealed a generalized defeat of the main tissue of the lungs.

Signs with the progression of the primary forms of the disease are the following:

  • a sharp rise in body temperature;
  • the drop in the level of health of the person;
  • headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • the appearance of pain in the joints;
  • dry cough, which quickly turns into mucous or purulent-mucous;
  • hemoptysis appearing in rare cases.

With the progression of the secondary form of destruction of the person is revealed respiratory and cardiovascular failure. In addition to high body temperature, weakness and the feeling of nausea and vomiting, the patient revealed acrocyanosis, there is pallor of the skin, possible loss of consciousness and shortness of breath.

Treatment of destructive pneumonia

golovnye boli pri destruktivnoj pnevmoniiNecrotizing pneumonia in children carried much heavier than in adults, for this reason, the first popping side effects the result of the progression of the disease.

If the human body necrotizing pneumonia develops in its primary form, it is first subjected to treatment aimed at ridding the body from intoxication. For this purpose, use potassium-sparing diuretics and reopoligljukin. With the purpose of introduction into the body these medications used parenteral route. In addition, we introduce into the body of the patient the glucose solution 20% and Contrical”. Additionally, it is recommended taking multivitamin complexes, and antihistamines, such as Diphenhydramine” and “Diazepam”.

For getting rid of pathogens used drugs with antibacterial action. When you use antibiotics, you should choose the most effective drug against the causative agent that triggered the development of the disease. Before the use of antibiotics should conduct a bacterial analysis to identify the specific pathogen against which you should pick up an effective remedy. The course of treatment with antibacterial action is about 2weeks.

However, if after a destructive pneumonia observed cavities with purulent contents, the course of antibiotic treatment should continue until complete recovery.

The secondary form of the disease at the initial stage require medical therapy aimed at healing the source of an infectious process that triggered the development of the disease, and only after this the treatment of pneumonia. The method of healing disease with the identification of secondary forms of the disease depend on the source of the infection process and the individual characteristics of the human body.