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How is breathing exercises for pneumonia?

Breathing exercises for pneumonia - one of the stages of treatment and recovery of the lungs. Used in the treatment of physical exercise (physical therapy) as an effective addition to drug treatment, the immune system, massage. Pneumonia is a serious disease, for effective and complete cure which requires consistent application of a number of remedial measures.

problema pnevmonii

For the patient it is important to properly and timely to perform the exercises in pneumonia. It can be provided only by a specialist physician. To use without medical supervision is unacceptable, you can harm weakened body.

Contraindications: heart failure, high fever, exhaustion.

The main characteristics of the disease

Pneumonia is an acute inflammation of the respiratory parts of the lungs, accompanied by accumulation of fluid (exudate) due to the increase in vascular permeability. The most common cause of infection.

shema pnevmoniiThe affected areas become thickened and lose the ability to gas exchange, the total surface of the respiratory tissue is reduced, for a full breath it is not enough. Some of the blood passing through the alveoli of the compacted remains of the venous and "dilutes" the blood, exacerbating the lack of supply of oxygen to the body.

The pathological process leads to the physical weakening of the sick. The amplitude of the movements of the chest during breathing is reduced, the force for effective clearing is also not enough. The result of the inevitable stagnation in the lungs, the bronchi become clogged with mucus, inflammation multiply and can merge up to collapse (loss of lightness), which is very dangerous.

The correct application of physical therapy in acute pneumonia is the most important factor in reducing the risk of serious complications.

Why effective physiotherapy with breathing exercises

Methodical execution leads to increased circulation and drainage of lymphatic fluid. As a result, the exudate is resorbed rapidly, the sputum increases.

Classes help to establish a good breathing rhythm of the patient and increase the amplitude of movement of the chest and diaphragm. Capacity and tidal volume of the lungs are restored, the gas exchange in the alveoli normal.

The combination of therapeutic massage will accelerate the improvement of health.

How to start breathing exercises

rentgen legkih pri pnevmonii To begin exercise it is necessary cautiously, with the minimum of effort. To add the load gradually. Overexertion can lead to the deterioration ofinstead of relief.

Breathing exercises is preceded by physical therapy. Proceed to the exercises, if the body temperature approached normal, the heart rate is sufficiently decreased, decreased toxicity. Start with treatments to cleanse the bronchial tubes, up to 3 minutes every hour, in the supine position. Extended inhalation performed by the patient, combined with a slight vibration.

If pneumonia is unilateral, perform the exercises better lying on the affected side. This will reduce the load on the affected lung, and pain during exercise will increase the effectiveness for healthy.

All exercises must be temporarily discontinued if there is deterioration in condition, increase in body temperature.

The initial set of exercises

protivopokazaniya dyhatelnoj gimnastiki pri vysokoj temperatureThe supine position, arms extended along the body.

  1. Relax and breathe calmly. Make 40-60 breaths.
  2. To put palms on an edge, your thumbs should be facing up, and the rest forward. Rotate the brush around its axis so that the palms looked down (pronation), then the reverse motion to position palms up (supination). Perform 6-8 times.
  3. Smoothly raise both arms - inhale, lower - exhale. To do 3-4 times.
  4. 8-10 times gently bend and straighten the foot.
  5. The movement of the arms extended parallel to the floor - breath. Hands come back out. To run slowly, 3-4 times.
  6. Put hands on hips, slowly pull one leg bent at the knee, heel not to interrupt. Then as the second leg. To breath as not to bind, to do 3-4 times.
  7. Bend your arms, lean on the elbows. Inhale - slowly bend the thoracic spine, not lifting your head. Exhale, down. Perform 3-4 times.
  8. For the rest repeat the first exercise.
  9. To lock arms. Raise the arms up and, without opening, turn your palms out - breath. Back - exhale. Perform 3-4 times.
  10. Alternately move the legs parallel to the floor. To run slowly, 3-4 times.
  11. Rest. Repeat the first exercise. 30-40 breaths.
  12. Every hand turns to reach the object outside of the bed. Slowly, 3-4 times.
  13. The right hand take the right shoulder, left - left. Breed in hand - breath, to come back out. Slowly, 3-4 times.
  14. Rest. Repeat the exercise 11.
  15. Slow alternating climbs straight legs. You are not tied to the inhalation and exhalation. Perform 2-3 times.
  16. Slowly lift your outstretched arms, setting the stage for a head, inhale back - exhale.
  17. In conclusion, to repeat the first exercise.

How to increase the load

gymnastics at disease pneumonia" alt="Breathing exercises when the disease pneumonia">When the recovery process the load gradually increases due to repetitions. Added exercise in the position of first sitting, then standing, the muscles of the shoulder girdle, torso, legs. Exercises alternated with breathing exercises for the gradual adaptation of organism to physical loads. Breathing exercises should be two times more restorative. Duration of one set of exercises brought to 10-15 minutes.

In the next stage, classes are conducted in the departments of rehabilitation, added exercises with weights, on the Swedish side and with a bench, walk away.

In the presence of atelectasis are special exercises in a lying position on the healthy side. If the patient uncomfortable, you can use the roller. Necessary assistance of a practitioner.

The 1st exercise. In a lying position on the healthy side arms extended along the body. Lifting of the upper hand - a breath, a hand descends and presses with the Methodists on the surface of the chest above the sick light - exhale. The breathing should be deep as much as you can the patient.

2nd exercise. The same position on the shaft. A very deep breath, exhale, leg is bent and maximally pressed against the abdomen, and the patient with the Methodists tap on the chest over the sick easy.

To perform a repeats 5-6 times. The day before 9 approaches within 3-4 days.

Breathing exercises to relieve cough

Cough is an important mechanism of the body to cleanse the bronchial tubes. Pneumonia in the bronchi accumulated a lot of mucus and cleansing the cough is very weak or missing altogether. If there's even the weak cough of the movement, they need to strengthen and use with the help of special exercises.

Before execution, the patient needs to cough, if you can, and inhale as deeply as possible. I get breathless for a few seconds, at this time produce a vibrating massage of the chest, on the exhale, press on the lower part.

The value of physiotherapy

Physiotherapy and breathing exercises should be an integral part of the treatment. The correct application allows to avoid complications, leads to a significant acceleration of the healing process and shortens the period of rehabilitation.

After pneumonia, it is recommended to repeat courses of exercise for promoting good lung health.

The overall use of breathing exercises for health

Even healthy people often tend to be shallow and superficial breath. This is due to hypotension and stress. As a result, in the lower parts of the lungs worsens blood circulation and can occur stagnant processes.

Breathing exercises allow you to avoid the health problems of the lungs, veryuseful for the runny nose and frequent colds.

They can be used to strengthen the immune system and in children and adults. Improve metabolism, heart and blood vessels, relieve fatigue, ease depression. Dieting for weight loss is the perfect addition to improve the result.

Before applying gymnastics every person should consult a doctor. There are contraindications.