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Inhalations in the treatment of pneumonia

Pneumonia - an acute infectious disease. Inhalation pneumonia have a goal to improve the performance of lungs and bronchi. The inflammatory process will help to stop inhalation pneumonia. People often begin to fall ill with pneumonia after infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. This disease is caused by various fungi, bacteria, and various microorganisms. Pneumonia is transmitted by airborne droplets, as well as use utensils the sick person.

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The main signs of pneumonia include the emergence of:

  • shortness of breath during breathing and pain in the chest area;
  • chills, fever, nausea, loss of appetite, weakness, malaise, headaches;
  • heavy sweating at night;
  • initially dry cough, then discharge purulent, mucoid sputum.

Methods of inhalation

Hold the inhalation in adults in two ways:

odyshka - simptom pnevmonii

  1. Steam. In this method, use any capacity (this may be the kettle wearing on his nose funnel out of paper) and therapeutic hot solution.
  2. Using special appliances such as nebulizers, inhalers.

Pharmacies have a huge selection of inhalers - ultrasonic and compressor. They carry out this process is very convenient. Feature of their application is that some accept the use of only mineral water or purified pharmacy special drug solutions. The use of herbal and oil solutions are excluded.

The inflammatory process quickly will help to suspend the use of nebulizer. A nebulizer is a device. It of medicines is formed by the aerosol of the desired particle size. The nebulizer turns the medication into small particles. They have the ability to easily reach the tiny bronchi, swelling of mucous membrane.

The effect of such inhalation has significant advantages over ordinary inhalation:

  • quick obtaining a positive result;
  • a significant reduction in the doses of drugs.

Spend inhalations at children best use of nebulizer. They are safer than steam, and much more efficient.

The meaning of inhalation pneumonia

konsultaciya vracha pri pnevmoniiIn pneumonia there is a loss of respiratory lungs. You must know that the conduct in pneumonia pulmonary are allowed after the crisis of the disease.

An important objective of this approach to treatmentpneumonia is:

  • delivery of the drug directly into the bronchi, especially insignificant;
  • the decrease in the number of loss medications in the upper respiratory tract and mouth.

Often doctors recommend the use of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs-Bioparox. It is recommended to the patient during the inhalation of this remedy make four of inhalation every four hours.

This method of treatment of pneumonia contributes to a quicker disappearance of sputum and cough. Help the person suffering from the disease, will render the inhalation of essential oils of juniper and pine.

Inhalation therapy in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, including pneumonia, pursues the main goal, which is:

  • moistening of the mucosa of the respiratory system;
  • the dilution of the discharge from the nose, pharynx and larynx.

Drugs that are used have the following actions:

shema pnevmonii

  • expectorant;
  • bronchodilator;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory and decongestant;
  • improves blood supply and microcirculation of the mucosa.

It helps in the quick recovery of the tissues.

There are a number of common rules for conducting inhalation:

  1. This procedure should last no more and no less than 5-10 minutes.
  2. Carry out the inhalation you need only after 1-2 hours after a meal.
  3. During the procedure, and after half an hour not to talk.
  4. After inhalation it is forbidden to eat and drink.
  5. Breathing during the procedure should be shallow, loose and relaxed.

Contraindications to inhalation

princip raboty nebulajzeraInhalation can be carried out not in all cases. The exceptions are some conditions and diseases, these include the presence of:

  • sputum with pus and temperature above 37.5;
  • Arcania with blood, tendency to bleeding from the nose or the bleeding;
  • intolerance medicines;
  • serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels: hypertension grade 3, heart failure, atherosclerosis, stroke or heart attack that happened six months ago;
  • arrhythmia;
  • cavities in the lungs, respiratory failure;
  • emphysema.

Be sure when conducting inhalation to take into account all allergies or contraindications that may occur at the end of the treatment process.

The inhalation procedure should be performed only after consultation with your doctor.

The decision on its application should not be reliedself.