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Is it possible to put the banks in the treatment of pneumonia?

If diagnosed with pneumonia, sometimes the question arises, is it possible to put banks in pneumonia? It is necessary to consider the mechanism of action of cupping-glasses, and also features of this disease.

lechenie pnevmonii medicinskimi bankami

Medical banks is a vessel, glass or plastic, which have a round bottom and thick edges. Capacitive volume is 30-70 ml. medical Treatment by banks still remains a contentious issue for people, and even the medical environment is unable to give a definite answer about the benefits of their application. Nevertheless, they actively used both in medical and cosmetic purposes.

A method of treating banks

The first mention of banks was five centuries ago. In some countries they are strictly prohibited, but many people still use them successfully. Nevertheless, this treatment is rather related to alternative than traditional medicine.

postanovka banok s primeneniem ognyaThe principle of cupping glasses is quite simple. Thanks to the vacuum that is created in it with the aid of warm gas, the Bank sticks to the skin of a patient. Leather, being drawn into the jar turns red or brown, which indicates the intensity of blood and lymph circulation, not only in the skin but also deeper tissues. This increases their power and resistance, resulting in inflammation begin to dissolve faster.

Banks usually put on areas of the body that have enough muscle and subcutaneous fat layer covering the protrusions of bones. Installing the jars is as follows: the patient lying on the stomach area of the skin smeared with vaseline or other neutral oil composition. To bring the Bank burning wick of gauze or cotton wool, some dry alcohol for 1-2 seconds, and then sharp movement of the vessel is applied to the skin. Thus, the warm gas is reduced to room temperature, a vacuum is created and the skin is drawn into the cavity of the jar. Off banks through the violation of the vacuum, tilting the jar and helping thumb. After that you need to be warm for another 15-30 minutes.

Such procedures can cause burns and damage the skin. Technological progress does not stand still: now there are medical banks vacuum cylinder. This balloon is made of PVC helps to control injection vacuum and reduces pain.

Indications for cupping

Of course, the established guidelines do not exist. The necessity of setting the cans should be determined by a medical professional. But there are basicdiseases which are most often used by banks. Is intercostal neuralgia, radiculitis, inflammation of the respiratory organs, myositis.

vysokaya temperatura - protivopokazanie k postanovke banokTreatment cupping is contraindicated:

  • children up to 3 years;
  • at high temperature;
  • in sclerosis and thrombosis of blood vessels;
  • in diseases of the heart and blood vessels (hypertension, myocardial infarction, heart failure, valvular heart disease);
  • in diseases of the blood;
  • with cancer;
  • in the mental institution;
  • with exhaustion of the body;
  • in some diseases of the skin (ulcers, injuries);
  • during pregnancy.

Pneumonia and its treatment

First we need to define pneumonia. Pneumonia or pneumonia is an inflammation of the lung tissue, usually of an infectious nature and with a predominance of lesions of the alveoli and the connective tissue of the lung.

Typical pneumonia is manifested by a temperature rise. A cough, with the development of the disease the cough becomes stronger, with copious expectoration, and sometimes with a manifestation of pulmonary (pleural) pain, hard breathing and wheezing.

shema pnevmonii

Pneumonia is of different etiology. Pneumonia may be primary (to act as an independent disease) or secondary (as a result of complications of other diseases, such as SARS, bronchitis).

In addition, pneumonia can be focal, segmental and lobar depending on the localization of the inflammatory focus. Pneumonia can be unilateral (focus is only in one lung) and bilateral (foci located in both lungs). Isolated pneumonia, triggered by different pathogens: staph, strep, Candida, etc.

Hospital pneumonia (in-hospital) in patients in the hospital, most often associated with artificial lung ventilation (ALV), as well as with the operation in the abdomen or chest. Aspiratory pneumonia occurs after entering into the lungs of foreign masses (for newborns it can be swallowing amniotic fluid).

All kinds can be mild or severe and sometimes protracted. However, with appropriate treatment: as a rule, favorable.

rentgen - osnovnoj sposob diagnostiki pnevmoniiThe main method of diagnosis of this disease is an x-ray, and the main methodtherapy - medication and antibiotic therapy must be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication in this case is dangerous as pneumonia is a serious disease that can lead to death.

Due to the fact that the medical banks are not considered to be medical treatment, their use should be only auxiliary. Possible production of cans in each case can be determined only by the doctor. But as a rule, to put the banks in pneumonia ban. The use of cupping-glasses is that the result is not only a hematoma, but it is also possible and bleeding and tears in the lung tissues. In addition, pneumonia, in most cases accompanied by an increase in temperature, which in turn, is a contraindication for the application of medical cans.

Without proper procedures and treatment of pneumonia may lead to very serious complications: abscess (gangrene) of the lung, the formation of single or multiple purulent cavities pleurisy, purulent pleurisy, acute respiratory failure, endocarditis, pericardial disease, cardiopulmonary failure, inflammatory process in the membranes of the heart, pulmonary edema, meningitis. Therefore it is very important not to delay and time to go to the doctor for successful treatment.

Insights on cupping for pneumonia

Pneumonia is a serious illness that makes many people jittery. And rightly so. If the treatment somehow was delayed and the patient did not receive it in the right measure, the outcome can be quite sad. Based on all the above data, it can be concluded that the use of cupping-glasses may in some cases: if the cupping was approved by the doctor, at the stage of recovery and as an auxiliary method only in the case if the disease is protracted, the patient has no temperature, and other contraindications to this method of treatment.