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I wonder is contagious whether pneumonia or not

Pneumonia contagious or not? This question can be easily answered "Yes", but the chance of Contracting pneumonia depends on what caused the disease. Since it is the causative agent of pneumonia determines the nature of the flow, the severity of the disease and the degree of its danger to the surrounding people.

problema pnevmonii

Types of pneumonia

Conventional classification of pneumonia does not exist, but the doctors there are the following types of the disease depending on the nature of the pathogen:

  • bacterial pneumonia;
  • viral and bacterial;
  • fungal.

It should be noted that in recent medical practice, the term "pneumonia" or "pneumonia" is not chronic, namely acute inflammatory process in the lung tissue.

Thus, the disease is purely acute.

A few words about the causative agents of pneumonia

stafilokokk - prichina pnevmoniiMost often pneumonia caused by infection with bacteria of various kinds (gram-negative and gram-positive anaerobic bacteria), namely:

  • the pneumococcus (or Streptococcus pneumonia);
  • staphylococci;
  • Haemophilus influenzae;
  • by Klebsiella;
  • Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • Proteus;
  • the Legionella;
  • anaerobic microbes (Bacteroides, Clostridium, etc.);
  • chlamydia;
  • the mycoplasmas.

These bacteria-pathogens are transmitted as airborne droplets, and in other ways, for example through dust, household items, mucous membranes, gastrointestinal tract, placenta, etc.

It must be said that the disease pneumonia can be caused by fungi and protozoa microorganisms, for example pnevmotsitami. The path of transmission of pathogens of pneumonia mainly by airborne droplets.

In addition to bacteria, fungi and protozoa, an important role in the disease pneumonia also play a variety of viruses. These are viruses causing infectious diseases such as influenza, parainfluenza and SARS, as well as adenoviruses, reovirus, and herpes viruses. As a rule, they are transmitted from an infected person to others by airborne droplets (pathogens SARS), alimentary (digestive tract through the mucosa - adenovirus and reovirus). Data infectious agents are contagious and cause a disease with pneumonia of viral etiology. Pneumonia viral nature usually lasts 1-3 days, then to viral infection associated bacterial, and pneumonia becomes viral and bacterial in nature.

analiz krovi dlya diagnostiki pnevmoniiInthe first 1-3 days of viral pneumonia is the most contagious because the infectious agent that caused it, is very aggressive, has a high infectivity and, accordingly, is actively transmitted by airborne droplets from a sick to a healthy susceptible person.

In addition to these bacteria, viruses and fungi cause pneumonia can serve as agents of such serious infectious diseases as salmonellosis, glanders, plague, leptospirosis, chickenpox, scarlet fever, measles, etc. As a rule, these diseases are caused by different bacteria. Infectious agents of this kind are transmitted, in addition to the alimentary and respiratory routes, more and transplacental (through the placenta from mother to fetus). In addition, in pneumonia infection of the patient by several infectious agents for example influenza virus and Streptococcus pneumonia. Frequent other combinations of pathogens.

Diagnosis of pneumonia

The most reliable method of diagnosis of the disease is x-ray. Also, be sure is a blood test and various bacterial crops.

It must be said that for the diagnosis of pneumonia is not enough for one only of the bacterial sputum culture because it was necessary to identify the pathogen based on bekbosunov of blood, pulmonary tissue and pleural fluid. The data of these studies determine the choice of drugs and treatment of the disease. As for the bacterial sputum culture, its basis can be allocated a number of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, which under certain conditions may cause an inflammatory process in the lung tissue. As for fungal pneumonias, the diagnostics of such diseases is the most difficult and complex character.

The danger of pneumonia of different etiology

slabyj immunitet - prichina pnevmoniiSo, is it possible to get pneumonia? Unfortunately, Yes, but the probability of infection depends on the pathogen and severity of disease. As already noted, the most common and dangerous in terms of the intensity and speed of the infection is a viral pneumonia that occurs in the background and due to catarrhal diseases of viral etiology. And viral pneumonia are equally dangerous for anyone, regardless of age and condition of the human immune system. A good immune system only speeds up the recovery and helps to ensure that the disease was in the form of light.

After 1-3 days to a viral pneumonia associated bacterial infection which, like a virus, very dangerous to otherspeople, as infectious diseases of bacterial origin have a high infectivity.

I must say that both bacterial and fungal pneumonia is especially dangerous for infants and people with weakened immune systems, as well as for those who are in direct contact with a sick person for medical personnel, relatives, etc. in addition, bacterial pneumonia spreads easily in a narrow "closed" groups of military personnel, watch teams, etc. a Special risk group is smokers, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems are experiencing increased loadings related to the effects of nicotine.

As for the pneumonia, resulting from some epidemiological infectious disease, we can say that this kind of pneumonia is not dangerous in itself, but because of the high probability of infection surrounding a particular infectious disease, which caused inflammation of the lungs, for example, measles, plague, anthrax etc.

Contagious pneumonia of fungal etiology? Is there any pneumonia caused by fungal microorganisms? In the case of fungal pneumonia, as a rule, such diseases are most dangerous for people with lowered immunity or for those who, in their professional activities frequent contact with fungi of various kinds.

Such professions include workers in some sectors of the food industry, wood processing industry and agriculture, in particular, paper production, procurement, pen, brewing, meat industry etc. needless to say, fungal pneumonia, or pnevmatikos are difficult to treat. And the important role it plays in the complexity of diagnosis and specific symptoms, similar to symptoms of other diseases.

Overall, we can conclude that this disease is contagious, and pneumonia of any etiology is a dangerous infectious disease.

Therefore, to prevent infection by contact with another sick person it is necessary to observe good personal hygiene and follow medical instructions governing the treatment of infectious patients.