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Will show if chest x-ray pneumonia in the picture?

Every year you need to pass fluorographic research, but will show if chest x-ray pneumonia? This question is raised by many. For a person a longer time to remain healthy, you need to play sports, to exclude from the diet of harmful products, to undergo the scheduled inspection and preventive maintenance of diseases. Caring for the health of citizens, the government introduces obligatory passage of photoroentgenography. Since the age of 18, all citizens recommended the passage of this procedure once a year.

flurograficheskoe issledovanie dlya profilaktiki zabolevanij

Pneumonia quite often. Pneumonia is a disease that is characterized by different signs of the disease, clinical picture, causes of pathology. When pneumonia occurs, the inflammatory process in the pulmonary tissue.

What is pneumonia?

Pneumonia may exist as an independent disease and as a complication of some other diseases. Therefore, it is important for any unusual ailments, inflammatory processes and the occurrence of other diseases in time to see your doctor. Only a specialist will provide you with expert assistance. On the basis of the recommendations should be treated to later illness did not give complications. Pneumonia provoke complications from previous illnesses.

The lungs are in the thoracic part, occupying almost its whole extent. They are the breathing organ providing the blood with oxygen. In addition to performing respiratory function, the lungs are involved in other important processes in the body. As every body, they are susceptible to various diseases:

kashel pri pnevmonii

  • tuberculosis (an infectious disease transmitted through sneezing and coughing of the patient);
  • cough;
  • bronchitis (inflammation of the tops of the lungs);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hypoxia (oxygen starvation);
  • pleural effusion (more common as a complication of other pulmonary diseases);
  • tracheitis (infectious disease);
  • pneumonia.

A number of lung diseases does not end there. There are many pulmonary diseases.

For the detection of pathological changes exist fluoroscopy, and radiology. It's the same x-ray, only with a low share exposure. An x-ray and fluorography are widely used in modern medicine. For the prevention and detection of inflammatory processes in the lung using data from fluoroscopy. X-rays are necessary for diagnosis, i.e. identifying a more accurate clinical picture. Both of these methodsbased on the use of radiations that are quite harmful for the human body. Therefore, we must be wary of these procedures, but at the same time and responsibly. No other examination will not be able to identify pneumonia.

Preventive measures and the use of fluoroscopy

Pneumonia seriously threatens human health. Early detection and timely treatment will bring the best result. Onset of the disease can occur without symptoms, without causing any inconvenience and without causing complaints from the patient. In order to detect the disease, doctors recommend once a year chest x-ray examination. Fluoroscopy is performed to prevent.

Despite the small dose of radiation (compared to x-rays), fluoroscopy allows to identify the presence (or absence) of pathological processes in the lung tissue.

diagnosticheskij rentgen legkihUpon detection of a pathology it is necessary to conduct additional studies (including x-rays), tests and other measures. X-ray shows a more accurate image.

Chest x-rays is prescribed quite often, although its results can not accurately describe clinical character. But the makes it possible for pneumonia to see changes in the structure of the lung tissue. Based on this testimony, the doctor will suggest further measures, if required.

On the images are differently displayed. For example, the bronchi and heart appear as light spots. The lung tissue a healthy body on the x-ray image will look uniform and even. If there are pathological changes in the lungs, the picture image will appear as darker areas or lighter compared to the original. Darker spots indicate the presence of inflammation and increased density of lung tissue in this place. More bright spots represent the “amorphous”, the lower density of the tissue in the area.

Modern methods of x-rays

In the early XX century, the main method of examination of internal organs was x-rayed. It was used for mass surveillance of the health of a person. Fluoroscopy was considered less accurate, though less secure, is rarely used. Gradually its role in medicine has become more significant. Doctors have recognized many of its benefits and the opportunity to participate in mass surveys. It was used for routine inspections. The purpose of fluoroscopy is the detection of pathological processes.

In modern medicine there are two types of x-rays: traditional and digital. Happen with traditional x-ray reflection,passed through the human body, and converts them into a pattern on x-ray. The advantages of the traditional method:

vyezdnaya (mobilnaya) fluorografiya

  • small financial expenses.
  • small (compared to x-ray) dose received exposure;
  • the possibility of mass use;
  • an examination of a huge number of patients;
  • the chance of formation of archive x-ray images due to their small size.

With the advent of digital technology in different industries have the opportunity to create a digital method of fluorography. There is no need to create snapshots. After passing through internal organs rays are projected into the image on the monitor screen. This happens with the help of special sensors which detect radiation and their intensity is transferred to the screen. Further processing occurs, using the latest computer technology. Image quality with digital approach is greatly improved, became clearer. The radiation dose received by an individual, thus significantly decreased. Safety and precision offered by this method of fluorography significant advantages over the traditional method. But it cost almost negates its use in medicine.

Fluoroscopy and x-rays in detecting pneumonia

In order to avoid complications of diseases, and prevention of diseases of internal organs doctors recommended the passage of fluorographic inspections once a year. In addition to a recommendation, this procedure is mandatory for certain categories of individuals:

  • military personnel;
  • recruits in the ranks of the army;
  • HIV-infected;
  • persons having regular contact with newborn;
  • persons having regular contact with pregnant;
  • patients referred to a healthcare facility with complaints of obvious signs of respiratory diseases.

The man passed this procedure in the past year, is released from radiology because of the availability of data. All studies are compared with the previous, if any.

People with a doctor's undergo x-ray examination without thinking about how it is harmful. The fact that x-rays harm the body. Trusting the actions and skills of the specialist, that people implicitly go on this procedure. Psychologically people believe that x-ray can determine the correct treatment.

Prevention does not always give an exhaustive answer to the question of, can show if chest x-ray pneumonia. But if the person does not have pneumonia, you should not unnecessarily take the risk. To detect the occurrence ofpathological processes in lung tissues is possible using fluoroscopy. If the abnormal lung tissue is detected, the evaluation is inevitable.

In modern medicine, there are opportunities for examination of the lungs for signs of disease, including pneumonia. Fluorographs currently installed in the form of stationary devices in clinics, hospitals, and mobile tools.