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Why after pneumonia kept a temperature of 37 degrees?

If after pneumonia kept at 37° C, then it is like a slight discomfort. But after such a serious illness it can be quite dangerous. Such temperatures after pneumonia can be the result of not fully cured of the inflammatory process.

problema temperatury posle vospaleniya legkih

It should also be remembered that there is a chronic inflammation of the lungs. It depends on what microorganisms caused the disease. Intensive therapy, it does not matter, in clinical or outpatient conditions, always cure the symptoms, but the pathogen may remain.

The temperature of the after treatment how times and serves as a signal that the remaining organisms continue to multiply. If drugs are not thoroughly selected, the microorganisms will adapt to the treatment. Fungus or bacteria are mostly able to avoid pharmaceutical drugs being the cause of the aforementioned chronic diseases.

You need to pay attention to the fact that such temperature may not cause anxiety, but can cause many problems. If the temperature rise is due to lesion of the internal organs, which in turn is connected with the decay products of light entering in other organs, the result can be unpredictable, heart disease, pulmonary edema, sepsis, purulent abscesses and even meningitis.

Of course, this happens infrequently, but neglecting security is not worth it. This may be another disease that is simply "superimposed" on an already weakened immune system.

Fever after pneumonia: symptoms

problema vospaleniya legkih

Pneumonia is transmitted by airborne droplets, but you can purchase it in the form of complications of colds. In some patients the disease is largely without symptoms, which greatly complicates the diagnosis.

After treatment the appearance of temperature as the symptoms, advocates sweating, loss of strength, General fatigue, and sometimes it can be a fever. Of course, low-grade fever is only the first signal. Already last pathology symptoms may be a cough and a fever, partial or complete loss of appetite, General weakness of the body, difficulty breathing, a marked decrease in activity, General lethargy, tachycardia.

Why the temperature 37,2-38° C is kept after pneumonia?

There are several types of high temperature in this disease: the clinical (up to 38° C), the threshold curve (38-39° C), and fever (when the temperature rises above 39° C and continuously increases).

After already migratedpneumonia is most common low-grade fever as a result of not quite adequate therapy. Inflammatory processes become chronic. At this point in the body continues the struggle between the immune system and the microorganisms that cause infection.

vidy vospaleniya legkih

Bacteria multiply and the immune system reacts to the outbreak of the infection. The L-shaped, and the inflammation subsides, but only for a certain time. The similar situation is characteristic for children who often catch cold and suffer longer.

Adults can also harm themselves by Smoking and to air pollution, when they are most vulnerable to chronic pneumonia.

In this case, the treatment requires not just a course of antibiotics, but the rejection of bad habits. You must stay as clean air.

Features of the state

Pneumonia is treated for a few months, so it is not surprising a low temperature, when all seems to be over.

osmotr vrachom pri vospalenii legkih

If the pneumonia bilateral, the situation is complicated: the treatment should last at least a month, but the discharge usually occurs after 2-3 weeks when fade the marks in radiographs and other symptoms. The frequent case is the improved condition within 2-3 weeks, after which again there is an increase in temperature. It is the result of antibiotic therapy combined with immune response, i.e. production of antibodies. If the infection is chronic, then they last only for a few weeks, and then the pathological lesions of the disease in the lungs become stronger protective factors. Such a temperature increase can act as a check on the likelihood of recurrence of pneumonia.

Based on all that has been said, you can understand why doctors recommend a month to pass a new radiological control: this will allow to identify new foci of the disease, if such appear.

For children temperature rise after suffering pneumonia is a very rare phenomenon, it is more typical for adults.

But you should consider something else if such temperature in an adult therapist responds calmly, encouraging more drinking, healthy nutrition and sleep, with a child you can't do that. The body of the adult person and itself can cope with a small inflammation, which when chronic disease will from time to time to appear. Temperature as such the child reveals the weakness of his immune system, or even a shortage in some components of the respiratory tract. In the future, if you do not payattention, more frequent colds and contamination with pneumonia.

Why not treat temperature after cured of pneumonia?

polza obilnogo pitya pri temperature

To reduce such a temperature (low grade, i.e. 37-38° C) not recommended after such diseases as pneumonia: it will only speed up the metabolism, which in turn will increase the efficiency of the struggle of the body with the infection. Despite this, some rules must be carefully performed:

  • drink plenty of fluids;
  • the diet should consist of natural foods, much of it should be vegetables and fruits;
  • more walk in the fresh air;
  • follow the recommendations of the attending physician;
  • to normalize the weight (with proper nutrition it will happen by itself).

Diagnosis of the disease after pneumonia

A visit to the doctor, especially with such suspicion, delay is not worth it. In this case, you need to visit an otolaryngologist. The diagnostic procedure includes:

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  • medical history and patient complaints;
  • analysis of the current state of the nasopharynx;
  • chest x-rays;
  • x-ray study;
  • different tests (e.g., sputum microflora, it gives the opportunity to understand the nature of the lesion);
  • regular checks of the temperature indicators.

Based on all of the above the doctor can figure out the pattern of the disease and prescribe therapy that will be most effective.

Do not expect that such a low temperature is harmless and go away on its own. Low-grade fever may be caused by chronic infection. In fact, it is better to visit a pulmonologist, even if you have only a suspicion of this inflammation in the area of the chest.

If the district pulmonologist not, then to consult suitable physician or pediatrician. Do not try to self-treat such a serious illness as pneumonia, require competent care. Especially since even light antibiotics can harm a person, because they form the basis of treatment of chronic manifestations of pneumonia.