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What the temperature is observed with inflammation of the lungs?

Many people are interested in inflammation of the lungs, what temperature they may be and whether the course of the disease without fever. To answer these questions, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of development of pneumonia and in the forms of disease.

problema pnevmonii

Under the pneumonia modern medicine understands an acute infectious disease characterized by inflammatory process in the lungs. His reason are most often the bacteria (pneumococcus, Staphylococcus, Klebsiella), less viruses (influenza, rhinovirus), fungi (Candida, Aspergillus).

As the prevalence of inflammation can distinguish the following types of pneumonia:

  1. Focal (or pneumonia): inflammation occurs as single or multiple lesions covering the smallest fragments of the lung (the lobules, their group).
  2. Segmental: the disease covers a greater area of lung tissue (segment).
  3. Equity (or lobar): the infectious process extends to the lobe, consisting of several segments, or on some share.
  4. Drain: many separate foci of inflammation, merging, affect a large area of lung tissue.
  5. Total: the inflammatory process covers the whole lung.

In addition, the disease can be unilateral (an inflammation of covers one lung) or bilateral (affected both lungs). All of these features determine the temperature in pneumonia.

High temperature (39 - 40°C)

vysokaya temperatura pri pnevmoniiThe temperature is at 39 - 40°C is observed in severe form of pneumonia, when the inflammatory process covers a significant part of the lung. Fever is characteristic of lobar, discharge, total pneumonia, and typical bilateral pneumonia.

So, lobar form, which is the causative agent, the pneumococcus, begins abruptly, with a sudden severe chill, lasting from a few minutes to 2 - 3 hours. The temperature rises rapidly to elevations of 39 to 40°C and is permanent, remaining for 7 - 10 days.

Daily fluctuations in body temperature does not exceed 0.5 - 1°C. Upon timely and adequate antibiotic treatment the fever period can be shortened to 3 to 4 days.

Under the influence of the temperature of intoxication the patient feels weakness, fatigue. With involvement of the pleural tissue in the inflammatory process appears disturbing pain from the affected lung, difficult breathing and quickens. A person complains of a dry, aching cough, which after some days becomes moist and is accompanied with sputum streaked with blood.

If during the day the temperature in pneumoniafluctuates by 1 - 2°C and is accompanied by a fever with every increase, we can suspect a septic purulent-destructive complications of pneumonia: sepsis, lung abscess, empyema, etc.

Febrile temperature (38 - 39°C)

konsultaciya vracha terapevtaSuch temperatures are often accompanied by focal and segmental pneumonia. Focal form sometimes occurs as an independent disease, but in most cases is a complication of migrated bronchitis, tracheitis, respiratory catarrh. Lowered immunity leads to the fact that the inflammatory process of bronchial tissue in the lung moves by grabbing one, or a few cloves.

At an early stage of the disease observed symptoms of SARS, the temperature may be either normal or subfebrile. However, at 5 - 7 day of illness on the background of treatment the temperature begins to rise and is kept at around 38 - 39°C. increased cough, breathing becomes rapid. The patient feels the effects of the temperature of intoxication: fatigue, weakness, headache. These symptoms indicate the accession of pneumonia as a complication of the disease. So if fever SARS and keeps falling more than 5-7 days, seek medical help.

Low-grade fever (37 - 38°C)

Low-grade fever in pneumonia is observed in focal form as well as depressed immunity, the elderly, people with weakened. May experience daily fluctuations in temperature, from normal to elevated. Patients complain of General weakness, sweating, chest pain, cough, lack of appetite.

Normal temperature

There are cases of latent pneumonia, when the inflammatory process takes place without temperature. This form of disease is extremely dangerous, as the lack of adequate treatment can lead to chronic pneumonia or even death.

otsutstvie appetita pri pnevmoniiAsymptomatic inflammation of the lungs occurs in the background of a weakened immune system when the body no strength to fight infection. May be missing other typical manifestations of the disease: cough, pain. This disease is often found in very young children, whose immune system is still very weak, and the elderly and handicapped people. Suspect pneumonia in this case by the following symptoms:

  • lethargy;
  • drowsiness;
  • General malaise;
  • sweating;
  • the lack of appetite.

If the severity of these signs for weeks or more should not delay visit to the doctor. Ignoring symptoms or self-medicationcan be very dangerous.

Diagnosis of the disease according to the temperature

We found out what the temperature in pneumonia is observed most often.

It often happens that pneumonia occurs with increasing temperature, however, there are cases of asymptomatic disease. Correct diagnosis in this case can only physician, after reviewing blood tests and x-rays.

When properly prescribed therapy temperature decreases 3 to 5 days of illness. If fever persists despite treatment, it may be the reason for changing medication or treatment regimen.

To facilitate temperature intoxication when the disease may drink plenty of liquids: water, teas, fruit drinks, juices. They contribute to the sweating and subsequent temperature decrease.
Antipyretic drugs for pneumonia can be used only after consultation with your doctor.