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How many days persistent fever in pneumonia?

It is very important to know more about the signs of pneumonia and how long does the temperature in pneumonia, in order to start proper treatment.

problema pnevmonii

Pneumonia occurs as a result of the development of pathogenic bacteria. This disease is often a complication of the common cold. Often pneumonia affects residents of areas with wet and cold climate.

The first signs of pneumonia are very similar to the symptoms of ARI, the greatest danger is pneumonia which was a complication transferred to the legs cold.

Fever, cough, weakness and lethargy can be symptoms of pneumonia. In early disease the body temperature is not above 38 degrees in the evening, she is restored to normal values. In people with fairly strong immune system, this stage can last up to 2 weeks, the cough remains dry, concerned about the sore throat. In order not to run the disease, you must consult a doctor if the body temperature rises within 5 days.

shema pnevmonii

Any sharp and disturbing manifestations may not be only tangible deterioration of health, weakness. Then the temperature rises to 39-40 degrees, shortness of breath when walking, and the cough becomes moist, some fine bloody sputum. Also may experience headaches and chest pain. All these unpleasant symptoms can be quickly removed if the time to consult a specialist and take prescribed treatment.

Doctors are not tired to remind that it is not necessary to bring down the temperature below 38 degrees. And there's a reasonable science explanation. As a result of development of pathogens in the respiratory tract are produced by the pyrogens. Their own manufactures and the human immune system. It pyrogens cause rise in temperature. If it is kept within 37-38 degrees, the metabolism is accelerated and the suppression of bacteria that caused the disease. But if the temperature rose above 39 degrees, it means that the body itself can not cope with the neutralization of the pathological process.

Too high a body temperature as low, aggravates the course of pneumonia. Therefore, specialists in the treatment of lung diseases suggest to bring it down to normal physiological values.

How long the temperature for pneumonia

temperatura pri vospalenii legkih

Usually a high body temperature to 39 degrees persisted until, until you begin to act the antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. Usually, even afterthe start of treatment it can last up to 3 days. If the inflammatory process has affected both lungs and he developed bilateral pneumonia, the thermometer can show 37-38 degrees for several weeks, which requires careful and detailed diagnosis: possibly infectious inflammation of the affected and other organs.

Sometimes pneumonia can occur without fever is dangerous. The patient can continue to lead a normal way of life, and infection, meanwhile, will gain momentum.

If a temperature increase occurred sharply to a level of 40-41 degrees, should immediately seek medical help. It is impossible to attempt to lower the fever and to self-medicate.

In General it is impossible to say exactly how many days persistent fever in pneumonia. It depends on the causative agent: virus, fungus, bacteria. Perhaps a combination of several pathogens simultaneously, and even then the treatment temperature will remain elevated. If the fever doesn't break in the home, you may need to go to the hospital to be kept under constant supervision of doctors.

What is the temperature in pneumonia

konsultaciya vracha

For pneumonia, the characteristic temperature of 37-38 degrees. If it is celebrated for 5 days or more, you need to consult a doctor.

High temperature 39-40 degrees is an indication that the inflammatory process is intensified, and the body is unable to neutralize infection. If the temperature rose to 41 degrees, you need to call an ambulance, especially if we are talking about the baby. This may indicate that the disease has taken up over the protective reactions of the organism.

How many days it lasts, depends on the individual characteristics of the person, of the pathogen and treatment efficiency. But in any case, it is necessary to monitor the temperature and tell your doctor.

Lobular pneumonia, when the infection has affected not the whole light, but only some of its share may be low grade fever that lasts up to 5 days. In the elderly and those with lowered immunity, increasing the temperature may not be.

If the thermometer shows 40-41 degrees, you should immediately seek emergency medical help. This condition is considered an emergency and requires immediate medical intervention. It is especially important to remember this when a child is ill.

When and how to bring the fever down

To reduce the temperature when the disease is possible only after consultation with a medical professional. He or she may recommend medicines that will be effective enough. But you can try to use traditional methods, but very important to do it very carefully, so as notharm.

It is possible to wipe the person a towel soaked in a solution of water and vinegar. The water should be warm but not hot. Good in the heat of berry fruit drinks, raspberry or cranberry. Linden tea or thyme will enhance the sweating. Drink honey and lemon, and the juice of currants, or the decoction of rose hips or citrus fruits contain large amounts of vitamin C, which helps to cope with pneumonia.

Fever after pneumonia

vidy vospaleniya legkogo

After recovery, the temperature should not be. If it continues to rise throughout the day, this means that treatment was discontinued too early or develop foci of chronic inflammation in lung tissue. If pathogens there are several, the treatment should be aimed at removing all the germs, viruses. Often patients don't want to take too much medication, especially if they are assigned to the child, for fear that the chemistry will cause harm. But this is fundamentally wrong: the disease may become chronic, and to win it will be very difficult.

If after some time after recovery again soared high temperature, this could be the resumption of the undertreated infection of the lungs. You need to go to the doctor and take all measures to eliminate the source of infection.

A slight rise of temperature, which may occur for a short time, is not dangerous. They will disappear as soon as the number of pyrogens in the body will return to normal.

Temperature inflammation of the lungs is a very important symptom, especially should closely monitor her pneumonia when a child is sick. What he's under, the more dangerous it can be complications. To recovery as soon as possible, the doctor will prescribe a comprehensive treatment that takes up to 2 weeks or more, depending on the severity of the condition and the causative agent. Fever will continue for some time after the start of treatment, you need to tell the doctor.

Pneumonia is a complex and unpredictable disease, so it is important to observe recommendations of doctors and not try to handle it by yourself or with the help only of traditional medicine.

Painful process can very quickly worsen the patient's condition to deteriorate.

Best prevention, there are vaccines against those agents of pneumonia that are most common.