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Effective treatment of emphysema folk remedies

Deficiency of the protein alpha-1 provokes the appearance of such diseases as emphysema, treatment of folk remedies (in combination with medication and physiotherapeutic methods), which is currently the most effective way of dealing with illness.

problema emfizemy legkihEmphysema is a dangerous disease. In the process of damage to lung tissue occurs swelling. This contributes to the expansion of the alveoli and disruption of the structure of their walls. The most common cause of the disease are Smoking and poor environmental conditions.

Features of treatment of the disease

shema razvitiya emfizemy legkihAlong with physical therapy, water procedures, training activities and fight against physical inactivity, the use of folk remedies gives you the opportunity to make the therapeutic process more effective.

Medicinal herbs - the main component of national treatment. As a rule, when using herbal preference is given to those who focus on the treatment of chronic bronchitis, as they are composed of herbs that can remove the inflammation and strengthen the protective properties of the organism.

Most herbalists prefer charges, including lemon balm, marshmallow, juniper. Helps with emphysema, the combination of marshmallow and lemon balm.

Used for the treatment of mallow extracts, prepared in different ways:

  1. 30 g of marshmallow root pour 300 ml of cold boiled water. To insist within hours, strain. Technique exercise 3 times a day for 0.5 cups. The treatment course was 8 weeks. Prevention means taking each year.
  2. 2 tablespoons marshmallow flowers with leaves pour 400 ml of boiling water. Infuse 1 hour, drain. Take 1/2 Cup three times a day.

polza altei pri lechenii emfizemy legkihThe use of marshmallow root is forbidden in such diseases as pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus. Effective in treating a Supplement provides an introduction to drug therapy lemon balm. To prepare you need to take 4 tablespoons of the herbs and pour 1 liter of dry white wine. To insist night. Drink this remedy 3 times a day for 1/3 Cup in combination with the infusion of marshmallow. If the attack occurs, you can only use a tincture of lemon balm.

It is contraindicated for people suffering from low blood pressure. For bradycardia with a very weak pulse it is impossible to take categorically.

Treatment of emphysema folk remediesinvolves the use of celery. It is taken as a means, improves overall body tone. The weakness and painful as it is considered an excellent stimulant of physical and mental activity. For making funds from the celery you need to cut along, dry, grind into powder and use it even as a salt.

3 tbsp. spoon grated on a fine grater celery pour 1 liter of boiling water and infused for 8 hours. Take 2 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. People with high acidity before use, medicinal infusions of celery, you should consult a herbalist.

Treatment of potatoes

polza kartofelya pri lechenii emfizemy legkihAbout beneficial properties of potatoes has long been known. It contained starch helps to regulate cholesterol levels in serum and liver. The high content of potassium helps to eliminate excess fluid from the body. Due to the significant rate of protein, carbohydrates, fiber, organic acids, macro - and microelements it is a valuable product to enhance the protective properties of the organism. As it removes fluid from the body, its use is mandatory in the treatment with antibiotics and sulfonamides, which are prescribed for the treatment of acute forms of emphysema.

Despite the rather extensive list of contraindications, it is recommended to use in combination with infusions of lemon balm and marshmallow. You can not abuse use to people with low acidity, diabetes. Especially dangerous to eat green potatoes because they contain large amounts of solanine - a poisonous substance. Boiled potatoes - a wonderful tool for inhalations during not only pneumonia, but also emphysema.

Very effective treatment of green potato tops. Its juice should be taken 1 teaspoon, gradually increasing the dosage to half glass. The improvement comes after several moves.

Flowers, potatoes help with this symptom of emphysema of the lungs, as shortness of breath. 2 tablespoons of flowers pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours. The infusion is filtered and drink in one go. The course is 30 days.

Traditional treatments

polza grechki pri lechenii emfizemy legkihGreat helper with emphysema and other lung diseases is a hot compress made from goat's fat. For its use the patient should be rubbed with fat chest, put the cut potatoes with the peel. Patient wrap and leave in this state fornight.

Buckwheat seed pour 500 ml of boiling water. Insist 2 hours. Drink 3 times a day half a Cup.

Good coating and anti-inflammatory action has a remedy made from the juice of one lemon mixed with 2 tablespoons of glycerin and honey. Lemon before using boil. Drink 3 times a day.

Rubbing pine oil on the chest at night helps to relieve the main symptoms.

It helps as disinfecting the air with aromatherapy.

polza shalfeya pri lechenii emfizemy legkihRosemary is a wonderful helper with emphysema. It is used as a means for inhalation and ingestion. For inhalation it is necessary to pour boiling water at the rate of 2 tbsp. tablespoons herb to 1 Cup of boiling water.

Effective medicine for internal use is lung fees: 1 table spoon of a mix of dandelion, birch leaves, juniper fruit is poured 200 ml of boiling water. The drug was infused for 1 hour. After straining drink it in three doses a day for 1/3 Cup.

A decoction of thyme, sage, mint and eucalyptus in equal proportions (one piece), pour boiling water. Strain, drink 2 times a day after meals (during bouts of shortness of breath).

The main symptoms of emphysema associated with impaired oxygen exchange and blood circulation, eliminate with the help of potent collection of: 2 parts horsetail, 1 part herb Adonis, caraway fruit, fennel (1 tablespoon) pour a glass of boiling water and insist filter. Drink half a Cup 3 times a day.

Funds from coniferous components

med s shishkami pri lechenii emfizemy legkihCones are a great cough, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. Since ancient times honey from pine cones was considered the most effective way to fight lung disease. Emphysema this recipe is very effective. The bumps fill with honey in the rate of 2 kg of cones per 1 kg of honey. Insist 3 months. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day.

Decoction of 30 g of cones and 1 liter of milk treated not only emphysema, but also bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis. The bumps fill with milk and boil until milk is reduced by half. Broth drink 3 times a day.

Pine cones or spruce pour vodka in a ratio of 1:1. Insist during the month. Drink infusion 4 times a day for half an hour before meals for 1 St. spoon. This tincture treat diseases of the lungs.

Way to eliminate many lung diseases is cedar. Cedar turpentine and cedar oil cleanse bodyacting as an effective antiseptic. Their properties aimed at the recovery and treatment of the respiratory system. Cedar oil in combination with turpentine strengthen properties each other. Cedar oil can be used not only as a medicinal substance in pure form, but also as a dressing to salads and cereals. A great addition to the treatment of these components is a badger or bear fat.

Treatment of emphysema folk remedies may give a positive result with the integrated use of all treatment methods: traditional medicine, hardening and strengthening activities, eliminating harmful habits.