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Classification and forms of bronchial asthma

Almost every disease has a different classification; bronchial asthma also has its own classification, distinct from other diseases. Because the disease is expressed by a variety of signs, symptoms, and each case of asthma is different in several ways.

problema bronhialnoj astmy

Classification of bronchial asthma

Asthma is one of the most common diseases in the world, in both adults and children. Today it affects about three hundred million people, and every 10 years this figure rises to 50%. The reasons for such intense spread of asthma is still unknown, but a direct relationship with the development of civilization there.

Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory tract. Classification of asthma is done according to several criteria:

  • the causes of origin;
  • the severity;
  • forms of asthma.

Classification of reasons of origin

sherst domashnih zhivotnyh - prichina astmyIn accordance with the causes of seizures, the following types of asthma:

  1. Exogenous. In this case, seizures occur as a result of exposure to the bronchi of non-infectious allergens in the environment (stimuli can be a: house dust mites, pollen, animal dander, fungal mold, tobacco smoke).
  2. Endogenous. Seizures occur due to physical exertion, stress or cold air (endogenous asthma can also be caused by viral infections).
  3. Combined. The occurrence of seizures can be caused by any of the above reasons.

To determine what type of asthma the patient is easy enough. When exogenous asthma, the disease begins immediately in the acute form develops very quickly and runs for a short time, especially if avoid contact with the allergen.

This kind of asthma often occurs in people with a genetic predisposition to allergies. Endogenous asthma, in contrast, starts gradually, is severe and lasts a very long time.

Classification by severity

fizicheskie nagruzki - prichina astmyTo assess the severity of the disease, doctors are studying a number of nighttime and daytime seizures for a certain period of time, the degree of reduction of physical activity of the patient, the presence of sleep disorders. In the result there are the following degrees of asthma.

Intermittentstage - the easiest form in which daytime attacks happen less than once a week and night - no more than two times a month, and are very fast. Reduced physical activity was observed.

Easy persistent stage: daily exacerbations occur more than once a week, but not daily. Night attacks happen at least twice a month, disrupting the sleep of the patient and decreasing his physical activity.

The average duration of stage: daily exacerbations are observed almost every day and night - at least once a week. The quality of sleep is much worse, regularly observed weakness.

Severe persistent stage: night and day attacks happen almost daily. Physical activity of the patient is significantly limited.

Forms of bronchial asthma

stress kak prichina astmyThere is a reflux-induced asthma. This disease is manifested in combination with gastroesophageal reflux disease, which is characterized by involuntary ejection of gastric masses in the esophagus. Asthma attacks of this form can be caused by two reasons. One of them is getting a gastric mass in the region of the bronchial tree. The second irritation of the esophagus, resulting in reflex spasm of the bronchi.

Emissions occur most often at night and are accompanied by bouts of dry cough, gradually develops into a wet, shortness of breath, heartburn, increased salivation, heaviness in the epigastric region. To identify gastroesophageal refluxe quite difficult, as she cleverly "masked" symptoms of bronchial asthma.

Aspirin asthma - in this case, the name speaks for itself. Aspirinova exacerbation of asthma occurs because of intolerance to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which include aspirin. An allergic reaction to the drug occurs in a very acute form, at the time of attack often require immediate hospitalization. In addition to symptoms of asthma, intolerance of aspirin in patients is expressed in skin redness, increase in temperature, the occurrence of conjunctivitis, abdominal pain.

There is and asthma of physical effort. Seizures appear during or after physical exertion. This form of the disease causes the most discomfort, as it limits the ability of the patient. In children, the forced reduction of physical activity causes the most serious consequences.

narushenie sna pri astmeA child without physical activity, will not be able to develop normally and has all the chances to gain weight. Tofortunately, thanks to modern drugs, this can easily be avoided. Most importantly, the time to diagnosis and develop the most effective system of treatment.

Asthma develops in people who because of the peculiarities of his profession to keep in contact with allergens. Symptoms of occupational asthma are: shortness of breath, heaviness in the chest, wheezing, coughing, itchy eyes and a runny nose. However, wheezing that develops during sleep, no symptoms are observed. To identify the cause of the seizures is not always possible, as they often occur some time after contact with an irritant. Sometimes asthma symptoms appear only after some time once you start to narrow the airway. To prevent the development of occupational asthma at an early stage, people who are constantly working with allergens, it is necessary to monitor the quality of breathing. For this purpose there is a special device - peak flow meter, which measures the speed of exhalation.

If discovered that this figure is gradually reduced, it is urgent to consult a doctor.

Night asthma is the most dangerous form of asthma, as the largest number of deaths from this disease happens during the night. In addition, regular bouts of coughing and choking disrupt the normal sleep of the patient, with the result that it will pursue constant fatigue and sleepiness throughout the day.

There are several causes of asthma in the night-time:

  • horizontal position;
  • the narrowing of airway during sleep;
  • activation of allergens.
  • working air conditioner;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • the accumulation of mucus and phlegm.

Complete cure of nocturnal asthma is not yet possible, but regularly using drugs such as inhalatory topical steroids, you can get rid of the appearance of symptoms of asthma. Over the past fifteen years, medicine has made a huge breakthrough in the treatment of this disease. Today, the diagnosis "bronchial asthma" is not likened to a lifelong disability. Thanks to modern medicines, people with asthma can live in peace and to enjoy life, nor in denying themselves nothing. But in order to successfully treat this disease, it is necessary to accurately establish the diagnosis. But in our country doctors are afraid to tell patients that they have diagnosed asthma, and try to disguise it any less terrible name, for example, such as obstructive bronchitis. As a result, the patient does not receive a proper treatment and forced all my life to suffer from unbearable cough and attacks of breathlessness.

Besides peopleill with asthma, sometimes just too shy to use inhalers in public places, thereby only exacerbating their illness. In developed countries the diagnosis of "asthma" patients are very calm, knowing that thanks to modern drugs, they did not need to give up sports or to give the neighbors beloved cat. Perhaps soon our countrymen will understand that asthma is not a sentence, but just a way of life.