Home / The Heading "Bronchitis" / Badger fat: used for bronchitis and colds

Badger fat: used for bronchitis and colds

More often people use a tool such as badger fat, the use of bronchitis which fully justified. This drug is considered effective in the treatment of colds. Besides, in composition it is a completely natural, harmless to human.

problema bronhitaAbsolutely all colds should be treated as soon as they make themselves known. The fact that in this case the symptoms of the disease disappear almost the next day, and returns to its usual rhythm of life. And folk treatment methods play a role.

Properties fat

shema bronhita

In its properties when milk is not inferior to many modern medicines. That is why it can be often seen on the shelves of kiosks. It has many useful properties that are incomparable with other drugs. Let us consider these properties in more detail.

Badgers produce fat in the winter, like bears. That is why it contains a large number of valuable vitamins and minerals that are necessary for an animal to sustain all organs. Accordingly, for human health all of these components are also very important.

Fat is used for the treatment of many chronic diseases, not just colds or bronchitis. But the fact is that he is able to raise protective functions of an organism. This is especially useful to people who have from birth a weakened immune system. Badger fat in this case will be indispensable.

barsuchij zhirBadger fat copes with the treatment of ulcers in the stomach. This applies as soon as the developed disease, and chronic ulcers, and scars from them, which remained after the surgical intervention. This effect is achieved thanks to a strong wagamama and antiseptic effects.

This tool has a great impact on pulmonary function. Fat and perfectly removes all the inflammation in them, that is why badger fat doctors sometimes recommend not only eat, but to breathe them, to do all sorts of inhalation.

More fat is used in pulmonary tuberculosis, intestinal diseases, and inflammatory processes in the kidneys. This tool promotes better digestion, improves the excretory function of the body and detoxifies the internal organs.

Features of treatment

Before you start treatment with this means, you need to understand that the fat has a very specific smell and taste, and not all people can normally tolerate. This is especially true of people with diseases that provokethe worsening of taste and smell.Most often badger fat is used for bronchitis. Moreover, it is possible to use it in this disease of any severity. He will certainly have its curative effect, improve the General condition of the body, and even ease symptoms of bronchitis. But to disinfect the tool can be completely different ways.

Rubbing, capsules, and compresses

konsultaciya vracha po voprosu lecheniya bronhitaIn most cases, badger fat is used as a therapeutic massage. Especially good to do this to young children, who have not yet reached the age of 6 (because a very small badger fat to give contraindicated). Grinding should be conducted as on the chest and on the back. But only to exclude the region of the heart.

When rastertime need to be extremely careful. The fact is that it is not recommended to manipulate it at the stage when the person is still holding the temperature. Due to the strong warming effect it can rise even more. So you need to use this tool only at the stage of recovery.

A great effect is the use of fat in capsules. Them today can be found in any pharmacy. They are excellent as a normal cough and severe bronchitis. A feature of such gels is that they may make almost all people, because they are covered with a special gelatinous sheath. This suggests that the use does not feel any taste or smell of badger fat.

The capsules are convenient and easy to swallow, and they dissolve already in the stomach and intestines where the useful components and begin to act. But note that now the commercially available capsules with biologically active additives, which in some people can cause an allergic reaction. In this case it is better to take capsules pure.

Definitely need to read the label and instructions to avoid overdose. Usually a treatment is around 250-300 capsules (pack of about 100 pieces). But you should still discuss with the doctor exactly how and in what quantities to apply this remedy.

Doctors are advised to make compresses of badger fat, which can also help both adults and children up to 6 years. To prepare an effective poultice will need pure badger fat, vodka and honey. Mix 2 tablespoons of each component, apply the compress to the throat or back, wrap a warm woolen scarf, and then try to sleep. Improvement will be noticeable after a couple of days.

Other recipes treatment

But there are some other recipes receiving badger fat for the treatment of bronchitis, common cough or other diseases of the throat inhome.

slivochnoe maslo dlya prigotovleniya receptaConsider some of the most effective of these recipes in more detail so you can understand what makes the most sense.

To bronchitis several times to strengthen the body, strengthen protective processes and reduce the cough, should be used this drug: you must mix a tablespoon of honey and badger fat and add it all in a glass of warm milk. All you need to thoroughly dissolve, and then drink a healing potion. It should be required to drink before bedtime and in the morning. But the effect will be even better if some of that part of the day in between meals.

Another good remedy for bronchitis is the mixture of fat with chocolate and butter. Thanks chocolate the unpleasant taste of the drug will be virtually invisible. We need to take 100 g dark or milk chocolate and butter, all melted in a water bath, and then the resulting mixture add about 2 tbsp of the fat badger. All this still needs to hold on a water bath, then cool slightly. Now the medicine is ready to use.

To apply the above composition should be 4 times a day for 3 tablespoons for adults and 2 tablespoons for children up to 12 years. You have to do it either between meals or 20 minutes after a meal. Duration of such course of treatment until full recovery from bronchitis, which will certainly come quickly.

Remarkable effect gives a mixture of badger fat with aloe juice. You have to take all ingredients (aloe juice, honey and fat) in proportion 1:3:1, carefully mix everything. Make the tool you need at 1st.spoon before bed in the morning and afternoon, drinking a large amount of warm milk. Due to the fact that the composition of the drug is aloe juice, which in itself is a powerful antiseptic, effect fat badger will be much stronger.

You can still take badger fat with bronchitis in its purest form. Then you need to eat it one hour before meals for 1 St. spoon 3 times a day with milk or warm broth. If treated by this method bronchitis in a child one should give 1 teaspoon of medication. The course of treatment must be agreed with the doctor.

Some of the recommendations

molochnyj shokolad dlya prigotovleniya receptaAnd now for some individual characteristics the treatment of bronchitis the fat badger. Usually that the treatment was most effective and harmless to humans, must adhere to certain rules and also take into account the subtleties.

It is important to understand that badger fat hasits contraindications. So, you cannot use this tool in any form to children under 3 years. And from 3 to 6 years can be done only rubbing of this tool. You also need to adhere to the dosage if it capsules purchased at the pharmacy. Not recommended for use badger fat people who have problems with the liver and urogenital system. The ban on the use of fat applies to people with individual intolerance.

You should also know that this drug has high biological activity. Therefore, caution should apply to this kind of treatment for people with an accelerated metabolism in the body. In this case, you must first be sure to consult with your doctor.

Experts recommend the use of badger fat as a subsidiary, not a primary means for the treatment of bronchitis. With the exception of cases when the disease is only beginning to show themselves and it can immediately be eradicated.

It is very important to store this drug. If badger oil changed its color from white to yellow, was heterogeneous in its consistency, then apply it to treat more impossible, as it may harm the health. And stored fat have no more than 2 years from date of manufacture at temperatures of +5 to +20 ºC.

Thus, the treatment of bronchitis the fat badger, and some other properties of such treatment are fully considered. The main thing - it is right to make treatment and consider any peculiarities. Then badger fat will the body only benefits, will help to cure not only bronchitis, but also other comorbidities.