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What should I drink, cough with bronchitis?

Often the question arises: what to drink cough with bronchitis? Violent coughing is a characteristic symptom of bronchitis, destabilizie the whole body. For the treatment of bronchial cough apply national expectorants, as well as pharmaceutical drugs aimed at removing phlegm from the respiratory tract.

problema bronhita

As a manifestation of coughing is a protective reaction of the body to the secretion of fluid in the tissue inflammatory process, and treatment should be directed not to the relief of the symptom, and addressing the factors that cause the cough reflex.

Causes of cough

Bronchitis may occur independently or as a result of complications from SARS, have different severity and different symptoms.

Feature of the disease is the inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. The main symptom of bronchitis is a strong exhausting cough with phlegm complicated with fever.

silnyj kashel pri bronhiteAt the initial stage of the disease the mucous membrane of the bronchi becomes inflamed, dry and secretes mucus more active than usual. The result is a cough.

Character of cough changes at different stages of the disease. In the early days it really bothering the patient. Prolonged bouts of dry coughing lead to pain in the abdominal muscles and the rib cage, discomfort in the throat, headache. Some time later, the cough becomes loud, painful, shell, exhausting at night. With the progression of the disease in 2-3 days, it goes from dry to wet and is accompanied by a large amount of sputum. During an attack of coughing can increase intracranial pressure.

Treatment of cough in bronchitis depends on the severity of the disease and can be quite lengthy. Despite the fact that other symptoms have passed, the cough may remain for another few weeks and demand an integrated approach in treatment.

Treatment at home

Methods of treatment of bronchial cough must be comprehensive and varied. The treatment is based on compliance with several requirements: regular use of medications, the lack of significant physical activity, drink plenty of liquids. Warm drinks contribute to liquefaction of sputum and its early exit. Also plenty of fluids (2-3 liters per day) will help to get rid of harmful substances in the body that occur during intoxication, during the inflammatory process.

polza meda pri bronhiteAlong with traditional means will be useful to examine procedureswhich will greatly weaken the symptoms of cough and lead to a speedy recovery:

  1. Packs of honey. The application compresses the chest at night can get rid of a cough for 2-3 days.
  2. Mustard or banks. Mustard is warming to the body and reduces coughing.
  3. Mustard bath. On the feet there are many active points, acting on them, you can ease the symptoms. Foot baths are recommended to do before bedtime, then wear socks.
  4. Pepper patch. Quality the patch does not cause burns, it can be worn approximately 12 hours. During this time, he's able to do a wet cough.

When the cough will be softened, it is necessary to achieve complete release of sputum. This can be done with inhalation with essential oils and herbs. During the acute stage, when the cough is dry and sputum is not allocated, inhalations is not recommended. This will lead to irritation of the bronchi and cause more coughing.

The air in the room where the patient should be moist (not less than 60%), because dry air irritates the lungs and leads to increased cough. The temperature of the air in the room should not exceed 18° C. This temperature is optimal helps soften and release phlegm. At high temperature the sputum dries and displays more difficult.

At the time of illness, you should refrain from nicotine, because Smoking irritates the lungs and slows the healing process. Coffee drinking should be limited because caffeine does not mix well with drugs.

Traditional means

preparaty dlya lecheniya bronhitaIn the treatment of bronchial cough expectorants are used, designed to remove secretions from the bronchi and reduce its viscosity. Dry cough prescribers affecting the mucous membrane of the anesthetic action and reduces the cough reflex. These funds envelop the mucosa, forming a protective layer.

With a wet cough products are used to reduce sputum viscosity and stimulating cough reflex. A different herbal syrups, extracts based on essential oils to cleavage of peptide bonds and promotes the release of secretions from the respiratory tract.

Depending on the mechanism of action of antitussive drugs are divided into groups:

  1. Sekretomotornym funds. Are drugs of plant origin, causing the expectoration at the level of reflexes. Getting on the mucous membrane of the stomach, they get on her nerves, thereby causing cough and removing phlegm.
  2. Mucolytic agent. They are designed to dissolve and align components of mucus due to destruction of the compounds that give the viscosity of the allocatedmucus.
  3. Drugs of direct action. They act directly on the bronchial tubes and the secreted mucus, diluting it and leading to the exit. Some preparations of this group contain iodine, which helps break down proteins mucus.

Not to be confused provocative drugs (Pektusin, Libeksin) expectorant. The cough associated with bronchitis can not be suppressed, it is necessary to stimulate, in order to fully get rid of fluid in the respiratory tract.

Good results bring a combination of drugs. Usually it is a pill that combines an expectorant, bronchodilator and analgesic action at the same time. They are used to relieve symptoms first and most difficult days of illness.

During treatment should monitor the color of sputum: if the secret has a yellow or greenish color, this suggests that the cough is bacterial flora, and requires antibiotics. The question of the appointment of these drugs is decided only by the doctor. If fever lasts more than 3 days, chances of complications of the disease. The prescription of antibiotics is necessary.

Folk remedies

The process of treatment of folk remedies longer, but it kompensiruet the absence of side effects and the overall health of the body. Traditional medicine offers lots of recipes for cough in the diagnosis of bronchitis:

morkovnyj sok pri bronhite

  1. Lime tea. Lime was always considered the best remedy for removing phlegm and relieving cough with colds.
  2. Juice black radish with honey. Softens cough, promotes the release of phlegm, makes breathing easier.
  3. Broth mother and stepmother. Half Cup of decoction is recommended to drink 3-5 times a day before meals. It softens the cough.
  4. The juice of carrots. A wonderful antiseptic, together with honey it helps liquefy and release mucus.
  5. Syrup of licorice root or psyllium. Used as first aid in case of cough. It is recommended to take 3 times a day.
  6. Sage milk. A glass of milk you need to boil with 1 tablespoon of the sage. Strain and take 1 per day before bedtime.
  7. Milk with honey. Warm milk with honey will help soothe a dry night cough.

If a cough during sleep, it is recommended to change your position: stand and bend forward a little, it will help to stop the attack. A good helps from cough tea from regular chamomile.

It often happens that after the inflammation subsided, the cough remains for 1-2 weeks. Then it becomes softer and gradually fades away completely. This is normal, as the body gets rid of the accumulated sick phlegm.

If the cough does notlasts for a long time and are complicated by other symptoms of illness should immediately go to the doctor for examination. Timely treatment will prevent the complications that sometimes occur with bronchitis.

Using different cough remedies, it must be remembered that they have only a secondary action and is designed to facilitate the patient's condition, not to cure.