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Anti-inflammatory drugs in the occurrence of bronchitis

Anti-inflammatory drugs for bronchitis is a common theme among the population. Yes, and the bronchitis for residents of any of the industrialized countries is the most important medical and social problem. Viral disease affects the bronchi and other respiratory organs, which leads to inflammation in the affected mucosa.

problema bronhita

Usually, bronchitis is divided into two types - acute and chronic. Each type of disease is considered to be an independent form, from which it follows that the methods used for the treatment of various drugs.

Chronic bronchitis: major

Its formation begins in the middle age category in the period from 25-30 to 40 years. According to statistics, over the past few decades, the rise of patients with chronic bronchitis. So, in the territory of the Russian Federation, patients with chronic bronchitis, there are about 16% - that equates to two million citizens and exceeds the total of patients with tuberculosis or tumors.

pereohlazhdenie - prichina bronhitaThe development of chronic bronchitis is gradual, it affects daily human encounter with various adverse environmental factors. Thus, the main role for tobacco smoke. Regardless of whether people are passive or active smoker, a dose required to obtain chronic bronchitis, it gets.

The main cause of chronic bronchitis - the impact of the prolonged nature of the mucous membrane of the bronchi of various impurities, excluding tobacco smoke, which has already been mentioned above and which has the highest degree. Such risk factors should include the exhaust gases of vehicles settlement, industrial pollution (various industrial plants and factories), and others. Some impact on the positive result of the acquisition of a chronic disease can have pathology of ENT organs and disorders of the conditioning function of nasal breathing. Also include chronic inflammatory and suppurative processes in the respiratory tract, persistent infectious foci in the upper respiratory ways system.

Despite the fact that chronic bronchitis is more frequent in the male half of the population of the globe, women have recently found quite often. Quietly the beginning of the disease gradually makes itself felt, which leads to concomitant diseases. A typical example of such diseases is pneumonia.

Acute bronchitis and its nuances

alcohol - causes of bronchitis" alt="Smoking and alcohol - causes of bronchitis">the Basis of acute bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, the perpetrators of which respiratory viruses. It may re-join the bacteria and viruses microbial flora (pneumococci, streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae and so on.). His appearance in influenza, measles or whooping cough is quite common, especially in older age (25-27 years old). Frequent illness lead to chronic bronchitis, from which escape forever is unlikely, and the method of treatment is entirely different, as in acute bronchial disease. It happens that acute bronchitis can come to the patient with tracheitis, laryngitis or even nasopharyngitis.

Statistics shows that there is mainly a product of the terminal divisions of the bronchial tree, where, in fact, born bronchiolitis. Symptoms of this disease boils down to the following factors:

  • hypothermia;
  • Smoking tobacco or frequent presence in the community of smokers;
  • the abuse of alcoholic products;
  • chronic infection with lesions in the nasopharyngeal region;
  • violation of nasal breathing;
  • deformity of the chest.

The occurrence of acute bronchitis can be treated by physical (cold or hot) or chemical (irritating gases) factors.

Practical advice for bronchitis

konsultaciya vrachaBefore you undertake surgical treatment, yet it is advisable to visit the doctor that will determine the extent of the disease and prescribe a certain recipe preparations.

First and foremost, you should pay attention to the means that stimulate expectoration. These include reflex acting drugs, including thermopsis, milkwort, Althea, licorice and mother-and-stepmother. When internal medication of this group on the receptors of the stomach is moderate the action of irritating character. Despite the strong effect exerted by anti-inflammatory drugs with the main components, it is quite short.

Therefore, in order to recover, you need every 3 hours, with an accuracy to the maximum 60 minutes, take another dose. However, to overdo it really should not be. Otherwise, getting rid of one of the sores, have to heal from another, which requires not only extra time but also financial resources. Expectorants can be used not only in the period of maximum activity of the disease, but in a period of remission.

In addition to the classical treatment of different kinds of gargles and infusions,do not forget the inhalation for bronchitis. The inhaler is the most secure means to introduce the drug inside, straight to the respiratory tract. Usually, it is not cause any side effects as the drug directly affects the bronchi.

The technique of using inhalerbuy funds

polza ingalyatorov pri bronhiteIt is important to know that:

  1. before use stir the contents of an inhaler (to obtain a uniform particle size aerosol);
  2. remove the protective cap (the majority of patients, as practice shows, forget to do this before using inhaler);
  3. to tilt back the head (this is necessary to straighten the upper airway and allow the free flow of medication to the bronchi);
  4. to turn the inhaler so that the bottom is at the top (the mouthpiece should be on the lower side), and inhale deeply.

To ingaliruemogo tool is not sprayed through the air, the mouthpiece should be tightly clenching lips.

Starting to inhale, you must press on the bottom of the inhaler and inhale deeply the drug (allowed only one press of the spray). Breath holding is not more than 5-10 seconds. Next, repeat the procedure specified in the recipe number of times.

Drug Ambroxol (Ambrobene). Typically, in a standard package of 20 to 30 mg of the drug. They should be consumed 2-3 times a day after meals. If the doctor prescribes a daily dose of two pills, they must drink morning and evening, so between doses of pills are about the same.

In addition to pills, there is also a solution which is prescribed by a doctor for the first few days of disease activity at a dose of 4 ml per one application, all such applications - 3 on the day, then the consumption of mortar is reduced to one time use. Not to mention the usual preparations, such as Arius and others like him, Bronchicum and so on.

At the moment, experts in the field of medicine has received new drug, which has not only anti-inflammatory but also bronhorasshiryayuschimi effect. And it is called - erespal.

The drug is issued strictly on prescription, as it has a strong effect on the body. With it removed the excess of mucus, irritating the bronchi and, as a consequence, causing bouts of cough. The package contains 3 plates for 10 tablets.

A day to drink not more than 3 times after meals. After reduction of disease activity the number of pills is reduced to 1. About the discontinuation of the drug should ask the attendingspecialist. Independence in this matter is not relevant.