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Appointment injections bronchitis adults

Injections bronchitis adults are assigned very rarely and in severe cases, or when there is no possibility to take the medicine through the mouth. Today, almost all drugs, there are in pill form. Therefore, the feasibility of this method of treatment can be determined only by the doctor.

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Drugs for the treatment of acute bronchitis

The disease occurs suddenly. Within a few hours or 1-2 days the patient has a dry or wet cough, mucous integument of the bronchi become inflamed. When inflammation of the bronchial tubes, the patient may appear short of breath.


Disease caused by viruses and bacteria, dusty and polluted atmosphere of enterprises, severe hypothermia, or, conversely, to overheat in the hot dry air. Viral and bacterial bronchitis is usually preceded by a cold.

Acute bronchitis without complications are treated on an outpatient basis. Hospitalization to be people who have cardiovascular disease, lung disease, the elderly with chronic illnesses. Weak people during treatment prescribed bed rest.

Treatment for acute bronchitis includes the use of means which reduce high temperature (if available), on the sternum, the patient put the mustard, of the drugs important drugs that thinning sputum and anti-inflammatory drugs (aminopyrine, pyralin, indomethacin, prodektina, acetylsalicylic acid). In the presence of purulent sputum in the complex preparations required antibiotics. Expectorants play a vital role in the treatment of bronchitis. Bronhikum, Mucosolvan, Ambroxol, Bromhexine helps to eliminate phlegm. There are drugs from dry and wet cough.

Drugs for the treatment of chronic bronchitis

If the inflammation of the bronchi with accompanying symptoms was observed every year, lasts a total of three months or more, doctors diagnosed patients with chronic bronchitis. It's infectious and noninfectious lesions of the bronchi, which is manifested by cough, secretion of thick mucus (phlegm) and shortness of breath. Chronic bronchitis is a disease of adults, which is rare in childhood.

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Chronic bronchitis is divided into primary and secondary. The primary form of bronchitis is not associated with previous lung damage. The secondary form is manifested as a complication of an existing lung disease (including pneumonia), larynx, trachea or bronchi.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis in adults is complex, itincludes the use of a large number of medicines and treatments. In this disease, impaired activity of the layer of the bronchial epithelium, marked reduction of its plasticity and viscosity of wet secret. As a result, increases total secretion of mucus, reduced drainage ability of the bronchi.

The cause of the disease can be bacterial and viral infection of the mucous membrane, the irritation of dust, mechanical particles and chemically active substances in the air of tobacco smoke.

When patients, doctors often note the irregular, focal lesion of the bronchi and lungs. The treatment improves the condition of patients, but the disease aggravated gradually and steadily progressing from year to year. Periods of remission, first, long, becoming shorter. If the patient is under constant supervision of a physician and does not accept treatment, then after a few years he may develop severe respiratory distress.

Treatment of the disease includes a wide range of measures. This medication, physiotherapy, pulmonary rehabilitation, the treatment of the patient to a healthy lifestyle and physiotherapy.

Drugs for the treatment of chronic bronchitis

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  1. antibacterial drugs;
  2. anti-inflammatory drugs;
  3. bronchodilators;
  4. expectorants;
  5. tonic medicines, vitamins, and supplements.

Antibacterial and antiviral drugs are prescribed during the exacerbation, septic phenomena in the bronchi, with increasing temperature. If prior treatment was not done to test the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics (antibiogram), then the patient is prescribed penicillin intramuscularly. This antibiotic is very effective against Haemophilus influenzae influenza and pneumococci. If antibiogram was done, then appoint one of the coming drugs: azithromycin, amazed, setrole, Sumamed, hemomitsin, azitroks, ampicillin, oxacillin, chloramphenicol, oletetrin, tetracycline, and other antibiotics (1.5-2 g per day). Also prescribe randomized (0.8 to 1.6 g per day). Antibiotics can be combined with the sulfonamides of prolonged action.

Drugs the patient takes in the form of tablets or injections, whose purpose is preferable as injections gives the best result. Injection for bronchitis adult patients do in hospital and in the treatment room. The duration of antibiotic treatment depends on the severity of the patient's condition and the degree of neglect of the disease. The average convalescence occurs at 8-12 days.


Obstructive chronic bronchitis occurs if the normal bronchitis is not treated (or ill treated). For this complication is characterized by shortness of breath and change in the tissues of the bronchi. In this case, the use of antibiotics brings a smaller effect, as in the bronchi, changing the mechanical properties of tissues, their structure, thereby increasing the amount of mucus and bronchospasm occurs. Obstructive chronic bronchitis may further be complicated by emphysema, hypertension and chronic pulmonary heart.

Launched chronic bronchitis is a disease dangerous to life. With the aim of increasing the body's resistance, the doctor may prescribe drugs methyluracil, potassium orotate and pentoxy.

Anti-inflammatory effect is given drugs such as sodium salicytate and presotsil. Stimulating and restorative effect of ascorbic acid, Halocarbon and ascorutinum.

Therapy has proven itself extract of aloe (as the resolving agent), the vitreous, the drug of fibs (hood, containing coumarins and cinnamic acid). Injection for bronchitis on the basis of these drugs are made subcutaneously, the rate in all cases consists of 30-35 injections.

A good therapeutic effect on the patient's condition render adaptogens: ginseng, tincture of schisandra, Pantocrinum.

As bronchodilator funds while having asthma is not curable bronhospazmolitikami, used drugs:

  1. atropine;
  2. belladonna;
  3. atrovent;
  4. ephedrine;
  5. beta-agonists;
  6. aminophylline.

Aminophylline stimulates the respiratory center.

When running obstructive bronchitis can be prescribed corticosteroids, it is especially important when you have asthma. Hydrocortisone is administered intravenously, starting with 125 mg per day. After the patient's condition improves, the dose of the drug reduced by 25 mg every two or three days, attaching the irrigation of the throat aerosols.

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Expectorants play a huge role in the treatment of diseases associated with the accumulation of thick mucus. The best sputum is obtained when exposed to three percent potassium iodide, infusions of marshmallow root, of terpin hydrate thermopsis, mukaltin. Bronholitin, bronhikum, Bromhexine, Mucosolvan, Ambroxol – new modern drugs with mucolytic and expectorant action.

Good therapeutic effect is given inhalations with proteolytic enzymes (substances which cleave proteins into amino acids and contribute to liquefaction of sputum). It's Tarpelites, trypsin, chymotrypsin, himopsin, which is dissolved in a small amount (about 5 ml) of saline or in solutionnovocaine (0.25 %), and then make inhalation.

In severe purulent bronchitis and severe shortness of breath the patient carries out the procedure of bronchoscopy, during which the lavage is performed bronchial tree, injected antibiotics and expectorants.

People who have had bronchitis, you should avoid hypothermia and stay in the polluted atmosphere of the space. Good prevention of the disease is therapeutic exercise and special massage of the chest.

Be healthy!