The symptoms and treatment of chronic pharyngitis
If you are concerned about pain in the throat and feeling of “lump”, you may have chronic pharyngitis, the symptoms can be different, depending on the nature of the disease. Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat. Inflammation of a chronic nature may be simple, atrophic, catarrhal or hypertrophic.
The disease develops as a result of penetration into the body of adenoviruses, influenza viruses and staphylococci. When viewed throat patient detected by the hyperemia of the mucous membrane and the presence of mucous plaque on the back of the throat. Treatment includes alkaline inhalations, nose drops based oils, the treatment of the throat with antiseptic solutions, the use of throat sprays and lozenges painkillers. At high temperatures prescribed antipyretics.
Pharyngitis is one of the most common diseases in adults, in children, it occurs much less frequently, mainly in the hypertrophic or simple form. In women pharyngitis often has atrophic form.
The causes of the disease
First and foremost these are serious violations of metabolism: diabetes and diathesis. Lead to inflammation and congestion that appear when the liver, digestive system, heart and blood vessels. Risk factors are and inflammation in the throat, hypertrophy of adenoids, the presence of carious teeth, sinusitis, Smoking (including passive), working with harmful chemicals. Chronic pharyngitis occurs with long-term poisoning of the body in interaction with adverse environmental conditions. Smoking reduces the protective function of the mucous membranes of the throat, and carcinogenic substances freely penetrate into the tissues, irritating them and causing persistent inflammation. Therefore, treatment of chronic pharyngitis should be started with the refusal of this bad habit. Pharyngitis may develop when injected into the throat of dust, infection, smoke and alcohol. It is proved that irritation of the mucous membranes of the throat contribute to inhaled substances, emitted during the combustion of petroleum products.
The chronic form often diagnosed in older people. This is due to the inhibition of the immune system and impaired blood supply to the tissues. According to new research, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat may develop in endocrine disorders.
In a special category secrete inflammatory processes,associated with entering the body of fungi, and syphilitic pharyngitis. Fungal infections often occur in patients with cancer after chemotherapy, as well as in asthmatics.
The internal factors contributing to the decline in immunity include severe forms of autoimmune diseases, e.g., leukemia or lupus. Thus, the development of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat contributes to reduced immunity, against which the quickly develop of poisoning and infection. Final diagnosis is made after examination of the pharynx and study of the stroke.
The main signs of the disease
The main symptoms of chronic pharyngitis manifested depending on its type. When simple or hypertrophic form, the patient feels irritation and sore throat, there is a dry cough and watery eyes. In some cases, the cough may be accompanied by mucus. These signs are more expressed in hypertrophic pharyngitis. All this can be accompanied by blocked ears, which eliminated a couple of swallowing movements.
In atrophic pharyngitis is caused dryness in the throat, pain when swallowing, bad breath. The patient has to drink plenty of water to ease their condition. Feelings of the patient do not always coincide with the results of the inspection. For example, it may not experience any symptoms when significant changes in the structure of the mucous membrane. At the same time another patient with mild disease noted a number of unpleasant symptoms.
In chronic catarrhal pharyngitis, thickening and edema of the mucous membranes, redness and the presence of clear or white mucous plaque. Granulosa pharyngitis has the same symptoms, but in this case they are pronounced. When examination revealed a clear vascular pattern. Mucous membranes develop small nodules of red.
At lateral pharyngitis is observed the growth of lymphoid tissue of the side bolsters of the throat. The rest of the mucous membrane of the throat has a moderately pronounced hypertrophy. In this form of the disease is marked inflammation of the tonsils that causes pharyngitis. In atrophic form the mucous membrane is dramatically thinner, appear dry and purulent plaque.
Methods of treatment of the disease
In the treatment of pharyngitis commonly used means of local action. Inhalations are the best way of introducing drugs into the inflammatory lesion. Widespread currently, aerosols and sprayssupplied in bottles with dispenser. If there is exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis, your doctor may prescribe corticosteroids, antibacterial and antihistamines in the form of tablets and injections.
Physiotherapy is aimed at strengthening blood supply of tissues, vasodilation and normalization of lymph flow. In chronic inflammation of the pharynx appoint kvartsevanie, UHF, diathermy, electrophoresis with hydrocortisone and iodine. The development of the disease in many patients contribute to the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract and oral cavity. Modern methods for the treatment of pharyngitis include the normalization of intestinal microflora and elimination of diseases such as stomatitis.
An important part of treatment is to eliminate inflammation and infection.
Local therapy involves the washing and processing of the mucous membrane of the throat, which helps to eliminate mucous debris and crusts. With this purpose the preparations in the form of inhalations, sprays and nasal drops.
When hypertrophic pharyngitis is recommended gargling with warm solution of baking soda or salt. Swelling removed using a 10% solution of tannin or of protargol, processing them affected areas. Good effect gives gargling with decoction of medicinal plants. Large nodules are removed with a laser or low temperature impact.
When hypertrophic pharyngitis is often observed hyperkeratosis of the tonsils, in which the mucous membrane appear sharp-pointed outgrowths of epithelial cells. They have a light yellow color and are located on the tongue, pharyngeal tonsils, back of the pharynx. These growths contain a large number of bacteria, aggravating further the disease.
Some doctors believe keratosis natural process, as the growths do not bring the patient discomfort. Do not change and the surrounding tissue. Hyperkeratosis treatment there are no signs of an inflammatory process, this condition does not require treatment. In atrophic pharyngitis is recommended to clean the mucous membranes of debris and crusts with saline solution or solution of table salt. Regular washing of these funds relieves the symptoms of irritation of the mucous membranes of the throat and makes the disease. You can lubricate the throat Lugol.
Inside it is necessary to take a 30% solution of potassium iodide 10 drops 3 times a day. You must ensure no allergic reactions to the iodine. A solution of sodium bicarbonate is not suitable for long term use, since it inhibits the activity of glands producing mucus. Should not be abused and some essential oils are capable to dry up mucous membranes and cause allergicresponse.
To remove dryness and sore throat, you can use novocaine blockade. The drug is administered in conjunction with the aloe in the side of the throat. As prevention of disease, it is recommended to strengthen the immune system, normalize blood circulation and to stop Smoking. When a persistent inhibition of the immune system immunomodulators are assigned.