Features of the symptomatology and treatment of chronic pharyngitis
Chronic pharyngitis is one of the most common inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and its lymphoid tissue. It is widespread not only among adults but also among the younger generation.
The most frequent causes of its occurrence:
- Smoking;
- the use of boiling water or alcohol of different strength;
- various infectious and viral diseases. Pharyngitis may occur as a manifestation of allergic reactions to external stimuli, as well as in the event of damage to the throat body of a foreign origin (e.g., scheduled or unscheduled operation).
The main risk group gets the part of the population, the protective properties of the immune system which is not strong enough expressed, that is, having a weak immune system. In addition, at the moment there is a form of the disease, as pharyngitis smokers. Chronic pharyngitis is manifested in people suffering from various heart or kidney disease, have problems with the endocrine system, and metabolic disorders in the body.
There are several forms of this disease, which necessarily must be examined and cured only with the help and direct participation of the highly skilled doctor-otolaryngologist. Independent treatment of this disease is not only undesirable, but also extremely dangerous for the patient's life.
The symptoms of the disease
Strep throat has symptoms that bother the patient the entire period of the disease. The most basic and the most pronounced among them are:
- At the initial stage of occurrence or exacerbation of the disease there is discomfort when consuming foods or fluids. It is expressed by the emergence of a strong enough pain, sore throat, cough.
- A little later, the pain begins to be felt in the ears (in the form of backache or dull the impact when you cough or even eating). Has dry throat, normal cough gives way to dry.
- There is a clear increase of the mucous membrane, the tongue is also enlarged, and there is excessive congestion, blood vessels of the circulatory system blood.
- Due to the fact that the posterior pharynx of the patient of the formation of small areas of accumulation of lymphadenoid tissue, the superficial layer of the mucosa becomes velvety and rough, the person has a so-called neck rash.
The initial symptomsexacerbation of chronic forms of pharyngitis are the emergence of itching in the throat, unpleasant sensation of pain during eating. In children, pharyngitis is initially manifested by the following symptoms: pain when swallowing, dryness, sore, burning in the throat, the inability to free inhalation/exhalation nose, runny nose, reluctance to eat, excessive anxiety, tantrums for no apparent reason.
Forms of the disease
Chronic pharyngitis has a different shape. For the diagnosis and treatment of each of them requires an individual approach.
There are the following types of diseases:
- Form of chronic hypertrophic pharyngitis has the same symptoms as the classic form of the disease: throat rash, swelling, redness of the pharynx.
- Atrophic. This form of the disease most often occurs as a result of symptoms and exacerbation of various respiratory viral diseases such as colds or the flu. This subspecies pharyngitis is diagnosed more often in patients in the autumn.
If you experience the first symptoms you must seek qualified help in order to avoid the consequences of bearing a very serious nature.
- When subatrophic pharyngitis, the patient is constantly experiencing discomfort from the feeling of scratching, tickling, burning sensation in the walls of the larynx, dryness in the mouth. All these symptoms are much worse during eating or drinking. With a special strength they felt when eating spicy, salty, hot or cold.
In addition to these types, we distinguish pharyngitis side, which is called acute inflammation of the side bolsters of the throat. It very often occurs together with incipient angina. Usually the disease manifests unilaterally, or nearly unilaterally (in the case of secondary involvement of the lateral roller in the process).
During the illness side bolsters pharynx have increased in size and changed shape. In some cases they are covered with pseudoplanes that the doctor can easily remove with a cotton swab. The course and symptoms of the disease are very similar to the catarrhal form of angina.
Methods of treatment
Acute and chronic pharyngitis are treated by different methods. Tactics of treatment depends not only on disease but also on patient's age, General condition of the body.
Before you can assign the appropriate treatment, the doctor directs the patient on a survey to determine the exact pathogen. This allows you to choose the most effectivemedicine.
As therapeutic agents containing antibiotics cannot cure the disease, which was caused by a viral or fungal infection in his, but only to eliminate the inflammation, and also negatively affect the liver, patients of different ages, such tools are prescribed in strictly limited doses during the period of acute illness or chronic disease.
Pharyngitis chronic form is usually treated with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial drugs. Treatment of pharyngitis is a whole range of different procedures, which includes: the use of folk remedies (gargling with herbal decoctions, lavage of tonsils, lubrication, irrigation of the throat with special solutions and sprays), a visit to the physiotherapist's office to warm the throat.
This approach to treatment provides fairly rapid desired effect, helps to eliminate almost entirely the inflammatory process. Pregnant women during exacerbation of the disease usually recommend the use of herbal remedies, combined with the gargling chamomile infusion.
In the treatment of the child the first priority of a physician is the restoration of proper nasal breathing of the baby. For further treatment after a full examination, as a rule, prescribe a vasodilator and washing preparations. In addition, during this period the child is contraindicated spicy, spicy and salty foods.
The baby may appear granulosa pharyngitis. The reason for its appearance in children - a complication of diseases such as rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis or tooth decay. It is manifested by the appearance of small red nodules that formed on the walls of the mucous membrane. They can cause cough in children. If the disease fails to diagnose and cure, the problem can be addressed only surgical intervention. Finally win a running form of the disease will help additional treatments.