What to do if my legs ache after flu
Sometimes the person who's had a cold, I would like to know why my legs ache after the flu and what to do with it. Symptoms of this unpleasant condition are the crunch and the cold joints in people of delicate Constitution. For people of a strong Constitution, these symptoms are swelling of the joints, they hot to the touch, there is pain even at rest.
The joints are damaging, many factors - influenza, acute viral infections, hereditary factor, frequent hypothermia. Such causes can provoke the development of rheumatoid arthritis, this leads to the pathological reaction in the joint, accompanied by inflammation. And he, in turn, operates destructively on the articular tissue, provokes the accumulation of salts. Sometimes the cause of such processes becomes improper diet and irregular sleep.
The behavior of flu
This disease is one of the most difficult, which are of viral origin. Its peculiarity is that epidemics are almost annual basis. The disease is spreading among the wider population, but the most severe manifestations it is dangerous for children and people with weakened immune systems. A complication of this disease in childhood can cause disabilities and even death of the child, therefore, should be timely to treat her.
Pathogens are influenza viruses types A, b, C. each year, about 30% of the population worldwide suffer from this disease. Among these patients, more than half are children. This disease has its own characteristics, among which are:
High level of transferred infection from person to person, even your brief, contact;
- increased risk of infection in childhood (five times higher than that of an adult);
- the virus may be infected by airborne droplets and through common household items;
- the virus can survive for long periods in the air and on different surfaces in the room.
As the virus is able to constant mutation, this leads to the appearance of first the flu and then complications. This explains the fact that every year requires new drugs, annual vaccination against the disease.
Doctors noted the relationship after infectious pathologies and factors such as:
- reducing the natural protective functions of the body;
- deficiencies in the diet, unbalanced and inadequate nutrition;
- lack of vitamins in the body;
- lowthe level of hemoglobin;
- the lack of sunlight;
- regular changes in temperature and humidity;
- visits to child institutions, which involve close contact with other children.
After flu the child needs additional treatment throughout the week or even more. This is due to the fact that there is a sad statistics of child mortality with late detection of abnormalities and complications after the child has been ill with the flu. This can happen up to three years of age when the child is most vulnerable to infections and complications from them. The most frequent complications after influenza, affected those children who suffer from asthma, diabetes, nervous system pathologies.
The symptoms of infectious diseases
This disease may easily be distinguished from other cold-related ailments because the symptoms are too pronounced and combined. The clinical picture of influenza is manifested by such signs:
- the sudden appearance;
- high fever (39-40C);
- aching joints, back pain, limb joints, neck;
- chills;
- a strong manifestation of intoxication;
- headaches;
- rarely, nausea and vomiting;
- pain in the throat.
These symptoms are soon joined by a stuffy nose, rhinitis, cough and other signs of complications of bacterial infection. The flu should call a doctor and not to neglect his assignments.
If not promptly treated, this disease, it can cause health problems in children these complications are manifested in the form of otitis, bronchitis, meningitis, pain in joints and feet and other more serious phenomenon.
After effects of illness on the part of legs
It often happens that a child with flu or after it begins to complain of soreness in one leg or in both. These symptoms may indicate inflammation of muscles or myositis. Complications such as infectious myositis may develop in the midst of disease and is characterized by severe pain during which the child or adult may provoke the inability to rely on the painful limb. Severe pain and swelling of the muscle affects the motor activity of man.
Such complications after infectious diseases in children can cause inability to walk, as pain in the lower limbs strong and growing. In the absence of necessary treatment, the muscle weakness increases, the most dangerousthe consequence of myositis is complete atrophy of the muscle. With regard to therapy of this dangerous phenomenon, it involves taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, treatment with physiotherapy, massage, treatment with antibacterial agents.
Another complication, because of which legs is rheumatoid arthritis. This disease provokes a lesion of the articular tissues. This disease is dangerous because it can completely destroy a joint and lead to disability due to limitation of physical activity because of deformation of the skeletal system.
The therapy of such pathological processes is lengthy and time-consuming. Very important is the timely detection of dangerous symptoms during flu and assumption of its distribution on the joints and muscles.
Another complication of the disease is rheumatoid arthritis that brings pain and suffering. Joints occur pathological processes, during which irreversible changes lead to limitation of joint mobility.
A warning of this threat process is a timely treatment of infectious diseases. If you do not treat the flu until the end, inflammatory processes in the joints will get worse and we have a serious problem with musculoskeletal system for life. Inflammatory processes are eliminated with antibiotic therapy, they must appoint a physician to control the duration of their admission, and the condition of the patient (especially children).
Why legs ache and how to deal with it
Due to coordinated work of the lymphatic system and the circulatory system, blood circulation occurs on a large and small circle. If this scheme is broken, in the lymph nodes there is a cluster of cells, the purpose of which is to fight infection.
During the sickness, especially the flu, disrupted the normal functioning of the circulatory system under the influence of the ingestion of chemicals, antibiotics.
The man is a fever, but the immune system cells act as a form of self-defense, while other bodies remain unprotected. These reactions of immune cells pass through the lymphatic vessels and stop the joints. The immune system is misguided and attacks and the sick and the healthy cells that are active.
Violation of self-regulation of the immune system - it causes the reverse reaction - autoimmune and frequent disease of viral originthe immune system destroys all active cells, including healthy.
This pathological process greatly affects the joints, people have aching joints, bad rotation, and pain with extension and flexion of the joints.
Prevention of the appearance of these complications is the correct diet.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, even exercise, avoidance of stress, healthy and restful sleep. If the feet hurt against the flu, appointed anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Nimesulide).
Good effect herbal treatments, massages, baths, compresses. Effective are medications and treatment with traditional medicine.