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Does garlic for the flu?

Do you need garlic for the flu? Many people who become ill with flu, begin to heal themselves at home and not go to the hospital. In fact, if a person is sick with influenza and is at risk of complications, you should immediately consult a doctor. These home remedies like garlic for the flu, are complementary in the fight against the virus.

problema grippa

What is the flu?

Influenza is a respiratory illness caused by flu viruses. Viruses spread through the air and enter the human body through the nose or mouth. They can lead to mild to severe illness. Serious consequences of influenza infection can lead to hospitalization or death. Seniors, young children and people with certain medical conditions are more susceptible to serious complications from influenza. Annual flu vaccination is the best way to protect oneself from infection.

virusy grippaMost people infected with flu from vectors, for example, when someone sneezes, coughs, or simply talking in a small room next to them. You can become infected after touching something with the virus, for example, cloth, phone, computer, and then touch your mouth, nose or eyes. Many people confuse colds with the flu. This is a different diseases that may have similar symptoms. To catch a cold several times a year, but get sick with the flu only once every few years. Sometimes, infected with a virus that causes vomiting or diarrhea, people call it the stomach flu. Actually this virus has nothing to do with influenza, mainly influenza virus affects the nose, throat and lungs.

People with the virus in the body can infect other people the day before the onset of symptoms and for 5-10 days after the onset of symptoms of the disease. People with weakened immune systems can get sick for a longer period and, consequently, to infect other people.

Flu viruses are constantly changing, and new kinds appear regularly. If the person already had the flu last year, his body developed antibodies to fight this virus. The next time a similar infection flu, these antibodies can prevent infection or lessen the severity of the disease. However, the antibodies have helped in the past will not be able to protect the body from new subtypes of influenza, as they are very different immunologically from those that were there before.

Subtypes of influenza virus emerged after the global epidemic of 1918, which killed tens of millions of people.

Flu symptoms

Initially, the flu can be mistaken for a cold with a runny nose, sneezing and sore throat. But howrule, the common cold develops gradually, whereas the flu strikes the person suddenly. And although a cold may cause discomfort and malaise, influenza the human condition much worse. Common symptoms of flu include:
povyshennaya temperatura pri grippe

  • fever, temperature above 38° C;
  • muscle pain, especially in back, arms and legs;
  • chills and sweating high;
  • headache;
  • dry cough;
  • fatigue and weakness;
  • nasal congestion.

Some people may feel sick, get diarrhea, but it is much more common in children than in adults.

It should be noted that not all people infected with flu may be fever.

Flu is unpredictable, its character can change from one season to another depending on many factors such as type of virus, the number of available vaccines, the vaccine, the number of vaccinated people.

Treatment of influenza and its symptoms

At home, you can take acetaminophen and ibuprofen to lower the fever. You can take naproxen. Sometimes you can use both medication to achieve the best result. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are safe and effective against various types of pain. Aspirin has long been the main drug of each kit, and many people are still getting better from taking it. It can be considered a good remedy against heat and painkillers. However, it cannot be given to children under the age of 18 because it can increase the risk of disease is a rare but dangerous disease Reye's syndrome (acute hepatic encephalopathy).

preparaty dlya lecheniya grippaNo matter what analgesic was taken, you should carefully follow the dosing on the package. Taking a larger number of acetaminophen than recommended can give complication on the liver, while ibuprofen overdose associated with bleeding in the stomach. You can take no more than 1 medication with the same active substance.

To breathe easier, prescribed decongestant (decongestant) means for drying the mucus. Nasal decongestants (anti cold) are faster, but they have their drawbacks. They can be taken only for 3 days, because in the future it is possible to obtain the opposite effect when the rhinitis comes back and the condition worsens.

High blood pressure or heart disease should consult a doctor before using a decongestant.

Cough is one of the most commonsymptoms of the flu, but to treat him at home with medicines available without a prescription, it impossible. You can only calm the cough for a while. OTC cough medicine with dextromethorphan and/or guaifenesin can relieve cough. If the cough persists, you should consult a doctor and take a prescription for something stronger. During prolonged coughing, difficulty breathing and a high temperature of more than 5 days you need to ask the doctor the cause of the cough.

When the throat is raw and itchy, medicated lollipops, for example, with the taste of honey and lemon will help to soothe the throat. The honey coats the back wall of the throat, which in turn relieves irritation and reduces cough. Do not give lozenges to children under 3 years due to risk of suffocation, honey is contraindicated for children under 1 year. Any delayed or too painful sore throat requires a doctor on call. It could be strep throat or another bacterial infection.

The use of garlic for the flu

polza chesnoka pri grippeIf you eat 1-2 cloves of garlic a day, it is possible to avoid the disease for a long time. It has immunostimulant, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects.

Along with products such as onions, green onions, leeks, garlic is one of the oldest cultivated plants. Garlic was placed in the tomb of the pharaohs. It was given to the slaves building the Egyptian pyramids, as a means to improve strength and stamina. For this reason, garlic was valuable in Greek and Roman civilization, where it was presented to athletes and soldiers before sporting events or war.

It is no secret that garlic for the flu is a great way to fight against viruses (due to its component allicin). When crushed, garlic alliin becomes allicin, which helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and also that he is struggling with colds and flu. Seven ways to use garlic to fight the flu:

  1. Eat a tablespoon of honey with 2-3 grated cloves of garlic.
  2. A piece of bread with butter, put on top or grate 2 garlic cloves.
  3. Just eat a head of garlic a day.
  4. RUB the garlic into your favorite salad dressing.
  5. Make a tea with grated garlic, ginger and honey. To drink every day.
  6. To prepare garlic soup.
  7. Mix the grated garlic with warm water and drink a quick SIP.

You need to eat garlic as often as possible during the day to garlic against flu really helped.

Do it not only in cold season but throughout the year, then the body will always be protected from infection by various viruses.