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What are the symptoms of influenza in children and its treatment

Influenza in children is an acute infectious disease that, as adults, affects the upper Airways and has symptoms of intoxication. It is transmitted by airborne droplets from an infected person during sneezing or coughing. In children, the disease quickly spread through dirty hands and through contact with various objects. Along with acute respiratory infections and flu in a child is considered to be the most common. Children are at risk probability of complications caused by this disease. Children under six months who are breastfed, get sick with flu less frequently, they are protected by maternal antibodies.

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If the child is sick with influenza, should immediately seek help from a doctor. Flu begins acutely, shows a sharp chills and bouts of fever. Little patient is constantly complaining of a headache in the forehead and eyeballs, the weakness of the whole body, accompanied by discomfort in the muscles and joints. Significantly, the body temperature rises, often to 40 º C, little annoying noise in the room and bright light. Can vomiting in a child, and he refuses to eat.

The incubation period lasts from several hours to 3 days. Inflammation of the Airways may first manifest as the common cold. The skin of the child becomes pale and moist, swelling and redness of the tonsils. In severe form of the disease, the patient's condition deteriorates. The doctor can detect abnormalities in the heart, lung or brain swelling.

vysokaya temperatura pri grippeThe duration of the acute period lasts about 5 days, after which body temperature decreases, remains nasal congestion, runny nose and slight sore throat. Approximately 2 weeks after recovery the child is weak and capricious, may be a headaches, sometimes disturbed sleep.

If the accession of secondary bacterial infection in children possible complications, the consequences of which can be varied. Possible inflammation of the middle ear, respiratory tract, or pneumonia. The recovery of the child depends completely on the state of his immune system and treatment.

Influenza in the newborn and baby's first year of life with some features. These kids, the disease develops gradually, the body temperature rises slightly. The baby is so spoiled, his skin becomes pale, he may refuse the breast. Baby's nose happens laid, perhaps a slight cough.Despite minor symptoms of the flu in an infant takes quite seriously. The probability of bacterial infection and purulent complications.

Treatment of influenza in children

At the first sign of the disease the child must be put to bed and the most isolated from other family members. To treat children should medicinal products based on paracetamol or ibuprofen. The question of the application of the special antiviral drugs the doctor decides in each specific case depending on the severity of the disease.

regulyarnaya vlazhnaya uborka pri grippeAt elevated body temperature, the doctor may prescribe the use of Arbidol or the skin. But if children tolerate the temperature, it can not reduce when it is not more than 38,5 ºC. This will help reduce the propagation of viruses. If the child is not sleeping well, he prescribed seduksen or diphenhydramine. When the baby is suffering from cough, is assigned tusupreks, cadilac or Bromhexine. To improve the health of the patient, can receive complex medicines, for example, tablets or Theraflu.

The room in which the patient is a child, should be regularly ventilated and carry it every day wet cleaning with disinfectants. When dealing with him and during courtship, parents should wear a gauze bandage, to reduce the chance of getting the flu other family members. The mask is necessary every 4 hours to change, and is used to wash and Ironing.

During treatment it is necessary to provide children with good nutrition. If the child refuses to eat, you can cook him some chicken soup and give small portions. You have a lot to drink, but the drink should be warm, it'll help wash out toxins from the body. This can be teas, fruit drinks, fruit drinks, jelly or milk, need to drink small amounts frequently did not come to dehydration. In a young patient should be a separate dishes, which should be washed thoroughly. In very severe cases and when complications treatment performed in a hospital. In this case, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics, such as erythromycin or ampicillin. Used physiotherapy, for example, electrophoresis of potassium or UHF.

Preventive measures

During the flu epidemic of children's institutions and schools are closed to reduce the level of disease. Effective method of prevention is vaccination of children, carried out with the use of live and inactivated vaccines. Vaccinations have a short-term effect, therefore should be held every year, but this is not a mandatory procedure.

Children shouldto obtain a full and varied diet, rich in micronutrients and vitamins. Be sure every day to walk in the fresh air at any time of the year and in different weather. To avoid the spring beriberi, it is possible to give children vitamin supplements, but the rate shall not exceed 1 month.

It is necessary to increase and strengthen the child's immune system. For babies it is compulsory extended breast-feeding, it protects children from acute viral infections. Parents should teach children to observe good personal hygiene.

Preferably, tempering procedures, physical exercises and massage.