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Comprehensive treatment of intestinal flu in children

For the treatment of intestinal flu in children pediatricians use a variety of medications. Considering the disease is a viral infection. The causative agent of intestinal flu is the rotavirus.

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Symptoms and ways of infection

Rotavirus affects the intestinal track and the upper respiratory tract. It is transmitted in the following ways:

  • using unboiled water;
  • using toys and other dirty household items;
  • airborne droplets;
  • upon contact with a virus carrier or sick;
  • failure to observe rules of personal hygiene.

This disease in children severe because of the rapid dehydration. After the disease, the child develops immunity. In adults there is a good immune defense, so the stomach flu are asymptomatic or mild.

temperatura pri kishechnom grippeThe symptoms of the disease appear 5 days after infection in the organism of the child. These physicians include:

  • high body temperature;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the throat and belly;
  • cough;
  • runny nose.

If a child is ill, call the pediatrician. Treatment of illness at home or in the hospital. In the latter case, in a young patient manifest such signs of dehydration like lethargy, thirst, lethargy. To quickly bring the virus from the body, the doctor appoints chelators (“Activated carbon”) and preparations composed of beneficial bacteria (“Bifidumbacterin”). If the child's body temperature exceeds 38°C, to treat gastric flu antipyretic agents (“Ibuprofen”).

Any treatment of the disease is aimed at replacing lost fluid and minerals. Vomiting give the child 1 tsp. every 10 minutes of juice, water or “Regidron”, which includes glucose, potassium and sodium salts. To prepare a solution similar actions in the home, will need 1 liter of boiled water, 2 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp. of salt and juice from 1/2 lemon.


ibuprofen pri kishechnom grippeTreatment of rotavirus infection in children includes the following activities:

  • eliminating diarrhea;
  • temperature stabilization;
  • the normalization of the General condition.

Urgent hospitalization is needed children infancy. To combat diarrhea can fluids and fluids that restore the water-basebalance. Powder “Glyukosolan” dissolved in 1 liter of boiled water. The resulting tool drink 1 tsp. every 30 minutes. To stop the diarrhea and eliminate toxins, use antidiarrheal drugs (“Enteral”, “POLYSORB”). To prevent the development of bacteria using an antimicrobial agent (“Enteral”). If at the kid appeared severe pain in the stomach, then he prescribed antispasmodic drugs (no-Spa”, “Drotaverine”). It is impossible to apply the above remedies without a prescription.

For effective treatment of intestinal flu it is recommended that special attention be paid to child nutrition.

The baby can be given to drink porridge, tea without sugar, rice water. From the diet a little patient should also eliminate dairy products. Infants continue to breast-feed or dairy mixtures (in small portions). It is impossible to give such children additional food. If the child is older than one year, then from its diet eliminate juices, broths, fruits and vegetables, fatty and salty foods.

lineks pri kishechnom grippeInfected children can be given recobrado rice gruel or crackers of white bread. The baby needs to eat small portions. The next day the patient cooked vegetable soup, steamed vegetables, baked apples.

If acute symptoms of the disease subsided, the diet a little patient include boiled meat, bread and fruit puree. The food is steamed. After 7 days in the diet can include dairy products and diluted milk. To restore the body, a child is prescribed a vitamin. Pediatrist appoints to the patient the drug with probiotics (“Bifiform”, “Linex”). It must be taken for 7 days. Stomach flu is 7-10 days.

Traditional medicine

In case of intestinal flu young patients can be given the following tools prepared at home:

  1. A mixture of water, honey and lemon juice.
  2. A decoction of pine buds. 10 g of pine buds pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. In a water bath, the composition is cooked for 30 minutes. Means and insist filter. Medicine need to drink after eating 100 g a few times a day.
  3. Infusion of elderberry. 10 g of black elderberry pour 200 g of boiling water and kept in a water bath for 10 minutes. The tool is cooled and filtered. In the structure add 10 g of honey and mix. To drink a medicine need 50 grams several times a day after meals.
  4. A mixture of water and a jam of raspberries, currants, strawberries. You can give babies.

You should consult with your pediatrician. It is impossible to self-medicate. To reduce the likelihood of infection stomach flu you need to follow some preventive measures:

  1. Carefully wash fruits andvegetables.
  2. Drink only boiled water.
  3. Observe good personal and General hygiene.
  4. When swimming in bodies of water do not swallow the water.
  5. Isolate the patient from others.

If the disease is found in the children's team, then a kindergarten or school is closed on quarantine.

Throughout life a person brings the disease under consideration several times. Timely the correct treatment, and prevention of contribute to the rapid formation of the immune system.